Topic: Tag Alias: 兹塔 -> moexuan

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

That is definitely not transliteration, I believe.
"moe" is japanese for "萌え".
"xuan" is a part of artist's chinese name, I don't know the original word, but I can say it is not either "兹" or "塔".

Updated by anonymous

ZaSigma4 said:
That is definitely not transliteration, I believe.
"moe" is japanese for "萌え".
"xuan" is a part of artist's chinese name, I don't know the original word, but I can say it is not either "兹" or "塔".

Oops. I misassumed. In any case, I saw another asian artist refer to them as "their friend moexuan", so I assume the "shota" in the middle is not part of the artist's name as they see it.

Updated by anonymous

Circeus said:
Oops. I misassumed. In any case, I saw another asian artist refer to them as "their friend moexuan", so I assume the "shota" in the middle is not part of the artist's name as they see it.

Friends often refer to each other informally, which would mean the inclusion of shota would be proper.

Updated by anonymous

Can we get a decision on this? I'm still uploading art from IB/hiccears under the moexuan tag b/c it's just WAY more convenient.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I know next to nothing about translating Chinese, but the Inkbunny nick should work fine.

Machine translation for 兹塔 seems to be zita, though. Which has been used a few times.

Updated by anonymous

Delian said:
兹塔 is his name on pixiv

Nothing else matters.

Yeah, but if we can use a name that can be typed with a normal keyboard, everyone wins. And he DOES use moexuan in several places.

Updated by anonymous

Circeus said:
Yeah, but if we can use a name that can be typed with a normal keyboard, everyone wins. And he DOES use moexuan in several places.

if we are absolutely sure 兹塔 is zita, I have no problem with this. I can't really investigate it since I don't have a pixiv account.

Updated by anonymous

I wasn't objecting to the alias. I was only mentioning it because there was discussion about transliteration, which doesn't matter :o

Updated by anonymous

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