Topic: Is this image gone or am I blind?

Posted under General

It was an image of Shining Armor mounting Queen Chrysalis, and he had a talk bubble saying "You're much better than my wife."

For the life of me, I can't find it. Am I blind? Did it get deleted?

Updated by Snowy

Poopy. I'd at least like to be able to look up the deletion reason and the original artist, if that's the case.

Updated by anonymous

It'd be nice if, when images that you've favorited are deleted, the thumbnail on your favorites page didn't just disappear, and instead linked to where the image was so you could see why it was deleted.

Updated by anonymous

Digital_Kindness said:
It'd be nice if, when images that you've favorited are deleted, the thumbnail on your favorites page didn't just disappear, and instead linked to where the image was so you could see why it was deleted.

Yes, this would be so helpful.

Updated by anonymous

Digital_Kindness said:
It'd be nice if, when images that you've favorited are deleted, the thumbnail on your favorites page didn't just disappear, and instead linked to where the image was so you could see why it was deleted.

You could try fav:Digital_Kindness status:deleted. Not exactly what you're looking for, but along the lines of it.

Updated by anonymous

That would help if I'd favourited it. The only thing I have now (if I were to go dig through my porn folder to find it) is the original filename which is it a hash code? Or MD5? Well anyway, its machine-idenfitier. But there's no way to search by that code to get a post number, assuming the post hasn't been purged from the database.

Not to mention that if I hadn't remembered I got it from here, I might well have just gone "damn, it's not here yet? *upload*" and then gotten banned for trying to circumvent a takedown.

Updated by anonymous

Foobaria said:
That would help if I'd favourited it. The only thing I have now (if I were to go dig through my porn folder to find it) is the original filename which is it a hash code? Or MD5? Well anyway, its machine-idenfitier. But there's no way to search by that code to get a post number, assuming the post hasn't been purged from the database.

Not to mention that if I hadn't remembered I got it from here, I might well have just gone "damn, it's not here yet? *upload*" and then gotten banned for trying to circumvent a takedown.

Nope, but let us begin at the top, the filename is its md5 hash, you can search for that by typing in md5:<insert hash here> without the file ending. However, since the picture is deleted it won't return anything, you will need to add status:deleted to the search.
That still won't give you the postnumber but atleast it will now return an useless thumbnail. (if the post was deleted, if that still returns nothing a post with that md5 hash never existed)

With that to the last point, if you would try to reupload an deleted picture the server tells you that this post already exists and nothing happens to you.

Updated by anonymous

Foobaria said:
But there's no way to search by that code to get a post number, assuming the post hasn't been purged from the database.
Search for the post with the given MD5 hash. MD5 hashes are unique and will never be shared by more than one image (except in extremely rare circumstances).

Foobaria said:
Not to mention that if I hadn't remembered I got it from here, I might well have just gone "damn, it's not here yet? *upload*" and then gotten banned for trying to circumvent a takedown.

No, e621 would just have refused to upload the image.

Updated by anonymous

Hmm, good answers and good info. Thanks!

Now it brings me a new question: Where in the crap did I get this image if not here? Maybe some random Google image search. I don't use Derpibooru because it's too frickin' annoying. e621's ease-of-use has spoiled me to pretty much every other image site on the Internet.

Oh well. Since we're here, may as well upload it!

Updated by anonymous

720p said:
You could try fav:Digital_Kindness status:deleted. Not exactly what you're looking for, but along the lines of it.

That really just shows you how many of your favorited posts were deleted (unless you've got an account that's Janitor or above, if I had to guess). You can't click on the Deleted thumbs, and you can't get the tags by hovering on them. You can't even get any info from viewing the source. Undeleted posts have a wealth of info in the page source, but deleted posts offer absolutely nothing unique to the post (<span class="thumb"><img src="/deleted-preview.png"/></span> is the entirety of it). Kinda useless. If they were clickable at least you could see the tags and the source.

NotMeNotYou said:
With that to the last point, if you would try to reupload an deleted picture the server tells you that this post already exists and nothing happens to you.

It's worth noting that this only happens if it is an exact duplicate. If you think you've seen an image here before, but can't find it anymore and want to upload it, it may be worthwhile to do some manual checking (although the only manual checking I can think of is searching the takedowns for the artist, and you should have asked the artist in the first place). Then again, the worst thing that will happen for reuploading a deleted post is that the post gets deleted and your upload limit gets dinged by 1/4th of a post. If the image breaks site rules you might get slapped for that, but that's not because a similar image was already deleted.

Updated by anonymous