Topic: 'Fixed' Comments

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

I am becoming a bit annoyed with people modifying quotes from others and adding the line 'fixed' to it. It may have been funny at first, but the gag has far outlived it's 'teehee' status. Not only are words being minced, but you really don't add anything of value to a conversation by doing it. If you don't agree with a comment, say so. Do not modify what others have said to suit your opinion.


Updated by TonyCoon

They were never funny though. Just obnoxious. So yeah, good rule.

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
Rules, rules and even more rules :<

It's not a rule. I'm simply asking people to refrain from doing something that is obnoxious. I suppose I can make it one if you'd like?

Updated by anonymous

deadjackal said:
It's not a rule. I'm simply asking people to refrain from doing something that is obnoxious. I suppose I can make it one if you'd like?

Don't make it a strict rule, i mean, its funny some times.

Updated by anonymous

deadjackal does have SHARK WEEK powers, so people should be careful :D

Updated by anonymous

Arcturus said:
deadjackal does have SHARK WEEK powers, so people should be careful :D

So those goggles on mellises shark, are they some kind of an troll scanner googles or what? xD

There should be a Rules sticky.

Updated by anonymous

I can't remember if I did any fixes...

Updated by anonymous

ah before i forget, deadjackal can you make your pool "a scroll in the hay" non-public people keep adding random images to it -.-

Updated by anonymous

luvdaporn said:
ah before i forget, deadjackal can you make your pool "a scroll in the hay" non-public people keep adding random images to it -.-

Heheh, yeah, I noticed that came up first in the Add to Pool section, and figured that such a thing would happen...

Updated by anonymous

I don't think I've ever gotten it but what's the big deal its just something stupid somebody puts at the end of their comment. <Fixed> don't kill me I'm being a jackass.


Updated by anonymous

Either you didn't notice the quoted comments have been modified or your just being stupid.

Updated by anonymous

oh you mean

mightyboosh said:
I don't think I've ever gotten it but what's the big deal its just something stupid somebody puts at the end of their comment. <Fixed> don't kill me I'm being a jackass.

sory , this guy is a retard and shouldn't be here

like that.

Updated by anonymous

Does this topic extend to fixing other user's grammatical errors and/or spelling mistakes? Because I would encourage fixing those comments.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
Does this topic extend to fixing other user's grammatical errors and/or spelling mistakes? Because I would encourage fixing those comments.

Inform the user of the mistake and provide the correct version. I do not want to see 'fixed'.

But then again... is it really necessary to point out every little typo on a site with a user base that contains people from a dozen countries that do not utilize English as a primary language?

Updated by anonymous

deadjackal said:
Inform the user of the mistake and provide the correct version. I do not want to see 'fixed'.

But then again... is it really necessary to point out every little typo on a site with a user base that contains people from a dozen countries that do not utilize English as a primary language?

Not every little thing, the comments that could be solved with a little logic would be okay.

Updated by anonymous

Probably "c-c-c-combo breaker" comments bear the same amount of sence

Updated by anonymous

Huh.....I admit, this one is a good rule, and I have to thank the one who reported me....Why, I do not know, but thanks to him, I now have read this.

Updated by anonymous

deadjackal said:
I am becoming a bit annoyed with people modifying quotes from others and adding the line 'fixed' to it. It may have been funny at first, but the gag has far outlived it's 'teehee' status. Not only are words being minced, but you really don't add anything of value to a conversation by doing it. If you don't agree with a comment, say so. Do not modify what others have said to suit your opinion.



Oh wait... Ffffffffffffuuu- I didn't do anything :(

Updated by anonymous

deadjackal said:
It's not a rule. I'm simply asking people to refrain from doing something that is obnoxious. I suppose I can make it one if you'd like?

So we're all gonna be victims of your conformity because you 'find it annoying'? I didn't know you guys had the power to change lifestyles and tell people what to do and what not to do on the internet. :/

All srs bsnss aside, you guys are taking this way too seriously, and if you think the 'fixed' gag is getting out of hand, you should first take a look at yourselves before you go out of hand as well.

I understand you're trying to moderate things around, but I don't think anyone has complained about this issue, at all. So if you just find it annoying, you should just inquire if anyone finds it bothersome, take a vote on it, and let the majority agree. WE ARE A COMMUNITY AFTER ALL!

That is all.

Updated by anonymous

Arcanine09 said:
So we're all gonna be victims of your conformity because you 'find it annoying'? I didn't know you guys had the power to change lifestyles and tell people what to do and what not to do on the internet. :/

All srs bsnss aside, you guys are taking this way too seriously, and if you think the 'fixed' gag is getting out of hand, you should first take a look at yourselves before you go out of hand as well.

I understand you're trying to moderate things around, but I don't think anyone has complained about this issue, at all. So if you just find it annoying, you should just inquire if anyone finds it bothersome, take a vote on it, and let the majority agree. WE ARE A COMMUNITY AFTER ALL!

That is all.

You know, since I posted this thread it really hasn't been a problem. Why are you stirring the pot?

Updated by anonymous

I approve of this new rule. I also propose an additional rule that all Chuck Norris joke/gags be banned as well.

Updated by anonymous

deadjackal said:
You know, since I posted this thread it really hasn't been a problem. Why are you stirring the pot?

Because I have a right to my opinion, and if you have a problem with that, then I might as well say you have issues.

Other than that, I'm just expressing my opinion about it. Is all.

Updated by anonymous

Hahaha "take a vote on it, and let the majority agree". Thanks, I needed that laugh.

Updated by anonymous

Arcanine09 said:
Because I have a right to my opinion, and if you have a problem with that, then I might as well say you have issues.

Other than that, I'm just expressing my opinion about it. Is all.

I have a right to have a problem with your opinion just as much as you have a right to have one... or did you not consider that this so called 'freedom of expression' works both ways?

Updated by anonymous

Arcanine09 said:
Because I have a right to my opinion, and if you have a problem with that, then I might as well say you have issues.

Other than that, I'm just expressing my opinion about it. Is all.

rights and opinions are invalid in a privately owned website.he can say <em><b><i>everyone has to talk like this or they will get banned and it would become law.</i><b><em>
internet lifestyle? did you really just use that in an argument? you sir have already lost.

Updated by anonymous

I dunno why, I got reported about this thread for some reason when I've never posted in it besides now. Who is Tony311?

Updated by anonymous

NovaFoxx said:
I dunno why, I got reported about this thread for some reason when I've never posted in it besides now. Who is Tony311?

You were reported because at some point or another you made a comment on one of the images on the site saying "fix'd" or something similar. Saying that is against the law now, so, the moderators (tony311 being one of them) called you on that, and he <em>referred</em> you to this thread, so you will read it and not make that mistake again.

Updated by anonymous

deadjackal said:
I am becoming a bit annoyed with people modifying quotes from others and adding the line 'fixed' to it. It may have been funny at first, but the gag has far outlived it's 'teehee' status. Not only are words being minced, but you really don't add anything of value to a conversation by doing it. If you don't agree with a comment, say so. Do not modify what others have said to suit your opinion.


Well somebody had their bad-dragon product up the wrong hole.

Updated by anonymous

Flare said:
Well somebody had their bad-dragon product up the wrong hole.

Umm... dude.. this happened.. months ago. :(
It was bad. mkay?

Updated by anonymous

deadjackal said:
I am angry at a simple comment, whah whah whah.


Updated by anonymous

Yeneeko said:

Also, stupid law is stupid.

(Lul, law. On the internet? That's some extra bullshit)

Updated by anonymous

Yeneeko said:
Also, stupid law is stupid.

(Lul, law. On the internet? That's some extra bullshit)

Ho ho ho, merry bansmas.

Updated by anonymous

Arcturus said:
Ho ho ho, merry bansmas.

hahaha, i bet today is comedy day.

(Check out v2.2 thread every one)

Updated by anonymous

Arcturus said:
Ho ho ho, merry bansmas.

I lol'd so hard. Nailed within three minutes of posting.

Updated by anonymous

Pedobear said:

Just wait until you get fix'd haha xD

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
Just wait until I get fix'd haha xD


(I will be)

Updated by anonymous

It's like "your mom" or "that's what she said"; timeless, never annoying, and always appropriate. I would prefer people fix'd my posts whenever possible rather than doing a standard reply.

Updated by anonymous

GreasyI said:
It's like "your mom" or "that's what she said"; timeless, never annoying, and always appropriate. I would prefer people fix'd my posts whenever possible rather than doing a standard reply.

you're 12 right? please tell me there's no adults around here that actually think that's funny.

Updated by anonymous

banana_milkshake said:
you're 12 right? please tell me there's no adults around here that actually think that's funny.

I believe it was sarcasm.

Updated by anonymous

Is this thread being unstickied implying that this is no longer a rule? :|

Updated by anonymous

null0100 said:
Is this thread being unstickied implying that this is no longer a rule? :|

It was unstickied a long time ago because it stopped being a problem for the most part.

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
It was unstickied a long time ago because it stopped being a problem for the most part.

Oh. Cool.

Updated by anonymous

Dude, he added one fucking word. Zer0 wasn't modifying Ryukurai's opinion to suit their own, they were fixing their grammar.

Updated by anonymous

i do beleive the intent of banning fixed commments was because they were being asshats by changing the whole message to something like "i suck cocks"

Updated by anonymous

banana_milkshake said:
i do beleive the intent of banning fixed commments was because they were being asshats by changing the whole message to something like "i suck cocks"

This is true, for the most part. I do hope this isn't becoming a problem again...

Updated by anonymous

deadjackal said:
This is true, for the most part. I do hope this isn't becoming a problem again...

Well shit, maybe specify exactly what you mean before you go decreeing that you're banning something in general.... :P

Updated by anonymous

Eh. Once upon a time, Mellis probably would have banned the person. Our new administrative overlords don't seem quite so absolute in their use of the ban-hammer. I'm still waiting to see whether that proves to be a good policy or not.

Updated by anonymous

ikdind said:
Eh. Once upon a time, Mellis probably would have banned the person. Our new administrative overlords don't seem quite so absolute in their use of the ban-hammer. I'm still waiting to see whether that proves to be a good policy or not.

eh tony311 and other mods did most the black marks for this, mostly tony311 though .-. except if it happened in the forums then the admins might of handled it. anyway usually they were nice and posted a link to the forum and no ban.

Updated by anonymous

deadjackal said:
This is true, for the most part. I do hope this isn't becoming a problem again...

havn't seen much of that lately in my review of images lately

Updated by anonymous

unfortunately, I've been seeing this quite a bit as of late myself, and fear this may be a problem again...

Updated by anonymous

personally, I think cookie's making mountains out of molehills, myself. Perhaps due to being 'fixed' in one of the images... admitedly, that one was kinda bad, but... I don't really think this is any big deal. Anyone can look and see what the original text was and know that cookie is not, in fact, turned on by prostitute-hello-kitty. and it's still a ways from 'I eat my own feces lol' - fixed!

my humble 2 cents

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
personally, I think cookie's making mountains out of molehills, myself. Perhaps due to being 'fixed' in one of the images... admitedly, that one was kinda bad, but... I don't really think this is any big deal. Anyone can look and see what the original text was and know that cookie is not, in fact, turned on by prostitute-hello-kitty. and it's still a ways from 'I eat my own feces lol' - fixed!

my humble 2 cents

you're probably right, and I might be making something out of nothing. and for that I'm sorry, 2 isolated incidents don't make a problem, just a nuisance. :|

Updated by anonymous

That I'll agree with. :) No offense meant to you of course.. :D ((I tend to do that myself, sometimes. But man, that was a really MEAN looking mole hill! the mole was at least the size of a t-rex, I swear!))

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
This thread is now about t-rex sized moles.

I've got a mole on my ass that is the size of a T-Rex...

Updated by anonymous

deadjackal said:
I've got a mole on my ass that is the size of a T-Rex...


Updated by anonymous

well, that went off in an unexpected direction....

Updated by anonymous

banana_milkshake said:
i do beleive the intent of banning fixed commments was because they were being asshats by changing the whole message to something like "i suck cocks"

deadjackal said:
This is true, for the most part. I do hope this isn't becoming a problem again...

Fi--er.. oh, I mean, look here.

Admitedly this may or may not count, since the correction attempt was an attempt at irony that fell several feet short of the mark.... but...

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:

deadjackal said:
This is true, for the most part. I do hope this isn't becoming a problem again...

Fi--er.. oh, I mean, look here.

Admitedly this may or may not count, since the correction attempt was an attempt at irony that fell several feet short of the mark.... but...

Yes. That was an attempt at irony^_^ I would never degrade bad enough to fix the messages to the "disregard that, i suck cocks" variety.

Updated by anonymous

Erk said:

banana_milkshake said:

Son, i am disappoint...

Updated by anonymous

1 hour ago

Wolfnacht said:
*squints captiously at the screen*

1 minute? Why not waste a minute more of your undoubtedly precious time and do a lot more of this awesome shit


Updated by anonymous

1 day ago

If the dragon were a female, this would be hot.
Otherwise, not so much.


24 hours ago

Ghosti said:
Since the dragon is a male, this is hot.

We appreciate you reminding us that you're not female or gay.

Updated by anonymous

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