Topic: 'Fixed' Comments

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

Topic is being restickied due to an increasing number of these comments.

Updated by anonymous

Freedom of expression allows you to say, without fear of reprisal, "this government is shit". Being a cunt and adding "fixed" after vandalizing a post in a pathetic attempt to embarass the user (all for the sake of mistakenly appearing to be TEH FUNNEH) is just dickery.

Then again I've come to expect nothing good of the Internet people. I still hear moar cowbell, do a barrel roll, U MAD bullshit and the like.

Updated by anonymous

Blackwingdragon said:
Then again I've come to expect nothing good of the Internet people. I still hear moar cowbell, do a barrel roll, U MAD bullshit and the like.

I'm sorry that you feel this way.

Updated by anonymous

deadjackal said:
I am becoming a bit annoyed with people modifying quotes from others and adding the line 'fixed' to it. It may have been funny at first, but the gag has far outlived it's 'teehee' status. Not only are words being minced, but you really don't add anything of value to a conversation by doing it. If you don't agree with a comment, say so. Do not modify what others have said to suit your opinion.


idk i kinda have to aggre, i never got the joke in the first place any way and for all you trolls he is giveing an opinion not laying down a rule.

Updated by anonymous

Harrs5 said:
idk i kinda have to aggre, i never got the joke in the first place any way and for all you trolls he is giveing an opinion not laying down a rule.

Considering fix'd comments result in bans, I think it's safe to call it a rule.

Updated by anonymous

Harrs5 said:
idk i kinda have to aggre, i never got the joke in the first place any way and for all you trolls he is giveing an opinion not laying down a rule.

I'ma ban you if you fix something.

Updated by anonymous

Harrs5 said:
I don't know. I kind of have to agree, I never got the joke in the first place anyway. And for all you trolls, he is giving an opinion not laying down a rule.

There you go. Fix'd!

Updated by anonymous

Ja people stop moding the quotes and get on with all of our lives. pissing me off with the Failbooru

Updated by anonymous

Torture_Killer said:
Yes, people stop modifying the quotes and get on with all of your lives. pissing me off with the Failbooru


I think it's silly what some people get banned for.

George_Lopez said:
I can't do NOTHING on this site!

Updated by anonymous

hg3300 said:

I should fucking ban you for misspelling modifying in your fix'd error correct post.. I really should..

Updated by anonymous

It's pretty pathetic that some people can't find something actually worth complaining about. Like the fact that I got a negative on my account for flagging a racist image that some douchebag uploaded then a moron with mod status approved it like a thoughtless idiot. Thankfully it was deleted by a mod who actually has a brain before it caused any drama.

What I want to know is why isn't something being racist and offensive to like everyone apparently not a reason for deletion on this site and how did that retard get mod status in the first place.

Updated by anonymous

AdonTox said:
It's pretty pathetic that some people can't find something actually worth complaining about. Like the fact that I got a negative on my account for flagging a racist image that some douchebag uploaded then a moron with mod status approved it like a thoughtless idiot. Thankfully it was deleted by a mod who actually has a brain before it caused any drama.

What I want to know is why isn't something being racist and offensive to like everyone apparently not a reason for deletion on this site and how did that retard get mod status in the first place.

User was hammed for this toast.

Updated by anonymous

deadjackal said:
I am becoming a bit annoyed with people modifying quotes from others and adding the line 'fixed' to it. It may have been funny at first, but the gag has far outlived it's 'teehee' status. Not only are words being minced, but you really don't add anything of value to a conversation by doing it. If you don't agree with a comment, say so. Do not modify what others have said to suit your opinion.



Updated by anonymous

i'm getting annoyed with seeing ponies every single time i visit the site without being logged in. can we ban them too? why don't we ban porn as well? maybe we should just ban all images and make e621 text only.

Updated by anonymous

Sovoy said:
i'm getting annoyed with seeing ponies every single time i visit the site without being logged in. can we ban them too? why don't we ban porn as well? maybe we should just ban all images and make e621 text only.

Can't do that I'm afraid. We can, however, ban people for necroing old topics for no reason other than to incite drama.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
Excellent idea!

We should wait to get Mr. Sovoy's permission first. He seems like an individual whose input should be held in the highest regard.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
We should wait to get Mr. Sovoy's permission first. He seems like an individual whose input should be held in the highest regard.

Yeah... Seems like his opinions are essential for furthering advancements in a positive direction here, heaven forbid we dont serve his wishes up to par.


Just out of morbid curiosity, has anyone suggested the far simpler idea of making it so he is always logged in therefore keeping his blacklist active and saving the butthurt?

Updated by anonymous

Sovoy said:
i'm getting annoyed with seeing ponies every single time i visit the site without being logged in. can we ban them too? why don't we ban porn as well? maybe we should just ban all images and make e621 text only.

Very easy solution, stay logged in. Done

Updated by anonymous

Wasn't there an editable blacklist even when you're logged out? It's been a while, but I swear I remember something about that. (I'd check, but then I'd have to look up what my password was in order to log back on.)

Updated by anonymous

Shatari said:
Wasn't there an editable blacklist even when you're logged out? It's been a while, but I swear I remember something about that. (I'd check, but then I'd have to look up what my password was in order to log back on.)

Good question, ive yet to find a reason for blacklist, I find that if I dont like a thumbnail I dont click the pic... But you may be correct.

Updated by anonymous

Only time I ever actually blacklist something is if I don't like it and A LOT of it is getting posted. Just saves time, really.

Updated by anonymous

Shatari said:
Wasn't there an editable blacklist even when you're logged out? It's been a while, but I swear I remember something about that. (I'd check, but then I'd have to look up what my password was in order to log back on.)

There is, as mentioned in forum #15619 under the July 22, 2011 entry

Updated by anonymous

There's already a text-only version of e621. It's called IRC.

Updated by anonymous

hg3300 said:
I'm a tad confused to why there's an "Expire Date" on a user's page when said user is banned...(see[/quote]
So we know how long it's been sitting in the back of the refrigerator when we discover it grazing serenely upon an overgrown field of cheese.

Updated by anonymous

Ah, but this cheese died about two months ago.

Why hasn't anyone thrown it out yet?

Updated by anonymous

Maybe he means why is the user still banned. It says

Expires: Mar 29, 2012
Member (Blocked)

Updated by anonymous

It's because bans are only removed from the system when the user tries to log in. So if he were to log in today, it would see that the ban is expired and will unban him, set him back to Member, and let him log in.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
They were never funny though. Just obnoxious. So yeah, good rule.

Freedom of speech is a good rule. This is just being too agro and butthurt ignore it.

Updated by anonymous

H3xx said:
Freedom of speech is a good rule. This is just being too agro and butthurt ignore it.

So what you've done here is necro a 5 month dead topic just to mouth off to an admin. That really sounded like a good idea to you?

Updated by anonymous

H3xx said:
Freedom of speech is a good rule. This is just being too agro and butthurt ignore it.

Yeah and banning you isn't violating your freedom of speech, it's only keeping you off "private property"

Updated by anonymous

deadjackal said:
I am becoming a bit annoyed with people modifying quotes from others and adding the line 'fixed' to it. It may have been funny at first, but the gag has far outlived it's 'teehee' status. Not only are words being minced, but you really don't add anything of value to a conversation by doing it. If you don't agree with a comment, say so. Do not modify what others have said to suit your opinion.


what if someone made a spelling error and someone fixed the spelling erroe? then would it be ok?

Updated by anonymous

LightningBlaze said:
what if someone made a spelling error and someone fixed the spelling erroe? then would it be ok?

As long as you don't say fixed, it should be fine. Revival ho. :3

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
A one year necro. Damn.

Not that old, someone bumped a 4 year old topic I think. =O.o=

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Not that old, someone bumped a 4 year old topic I think. =O.o=

This one's 3 years.

Updated by anonymous

One year ago, 123easy said:
A one year necro. Damn.

Updated by anonymous

banana_milkshake said:
I do believe the intent of banning fixed comments was because they were being asshats by changing the whole message to something like "I suck cocks"

I would hope that people don't get banned for fixing other people's comments when it is a legitimate fix

BTW, I found and fixed four bloody capitalization and spelling errors. Unbelievable.

Updated by anonymous

Shylok, you generally want to avoid posting in threads that haven't been active in a while, unless you have a really good reason...

How'd you even find this?

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:

[Original paragraph redacted for reasons]

This page:

I also don't tend to check the dates, so it's kind of a nasty fail on my part.

Hey, if this forum would let me sage (pronounced sah-gay), I would definitely do it.

Updated by anonymous

ShylokVakarian said:
[Original paragraph redacted for reasons]

This page:

I also don't tend to check the dates, so it's kind of a nasty fail on my part.

Hey, if this forum would let me sage (pronounced sah-gay), I would definitely do it.

What would the purpose of sah-gaying a forum thread even be?

ShylokVakarian said:
I would hope that people don't get banned for fixing other people's comments when it is a legitimate fix

BTW, I found and fixed four bloody capitalization and spelling errors. Unbelievable.

If it's for clarity, like a fixed link or correcting the meaning, I would hope not. If someone is just doing it to correct people's minor spelling errors I'd think it is probably in the same line of thought as comment spamming; it adds nothing to the conversation.

By the way, you missed a period. :P

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
What would the purpose of sah-gaying a forum thread even be?

If it's for clarity, like a fixed link or correcting the meaning, I would hope not. If someone is just doing it to correct people's minor spelling errors I'd think it is probably in the same line of thought as comment spamming; it adds nothing to the conversation.

By the way, you missed a period. :P

I don't think you know much about 4chan culture. If one types sage into the email field, one avoids bumping the thread when they post. And those of us who can't resist necroposting could just sage and reply as they please without pissing anyone off.

And yes, I see the missed period. Well spotted. That rarely happens to me. :P

What I'm wondering is why adding nothing to the conversation would be much of a problem. It happens all the time on the internet, it's not like it's going anywhere. The beauty of the internet is that everyone has a voice, even if that voice does nothing but whine and start pissing matches over X-Box Live.

Updated by anonymous

ShylokVakarian said:
I don't think you know much about 4chan culture. If one types sage into the email field, one avoids bumping the thread when they post. And those of us who can't resist necroposting could just sage and reply as they please without pissing anyone off.

I do actually, that's why I was making fun of it. I rarely go there anymore though. IIRC They removed the email field a few months ago actually.

What I'm wondering is why adding nothing to the conversation would be much of a problem. It happens all the time on the internet, it's not like it's going anywhere. The beauty of the internet is that everyone has a voice, even if that voice does nothing but whine and start pissing matches over X-Box Live.

The mods here prefer to discourage pointless comments because they feel it makes the website less enjoyable for people (a lot of people find it annoying for one). I personally prefer it because I don't like having to scroll through dozens of "nice", "LAWL", and "id fuk that now if i cud", but that's just me. There's other websites that allow this kind of conversation among other things (excessively off-topic memes, playful abusive language, roleplaying, etc.), and there's nothing wrong with that. e6 is a fairly small community and that's just the way they do things.

The true beauty of the internet is being able to find just about any type of community that suits your needs.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I do actually, that's why I was making fun of it. I rarely go there anymore though. IIRC They removed the email field a few months ago actually.

The mods here prefer to discourage pointless comments because they feel it makes the website less enjoyable for people (a lot of people find it annoying for one). I personally prefer it because I don't like having to scroll through dozens of "nice", "LAWL", and "id fuk that now if i cud", but that's just me. There's other websites that allow this kind of conversation among other things (excessively off-topic memes, playful abusive language, roleplaying, etc.), and there's nothing wrong with that. e6 is a fairly small community and that's just the way they do things.

The true beauty of the internet is being able to find just about any type of community that suits your needs.

>Everyone has a voice
>Pretty much every type of community

NOT mutually exclusive.

Now allow me to fling this exploding gun at you. (I just started playing Borderlands 2, and this Tediore gun is awesome)

Updated by anonymous

ShylokVakarian said:
I don't think you know much about 4chan culture. If one types sage into the email field, one avoids bumping the thread when they post. And those of us who can't resist necroposting could just sage and reply as they please without pissing anyone off.

And yes, I see the missed period. Well spotted. That rarely happens to me. :P

What I'm wondering is why adding nothing to the conversation would be much of a problem. It happens all the time on the internet, it's not like it's going anywhere. The beauty of the internet is that everyone has a voice, even if that voice does nothing but whine and start pissing matches over X-Box Live.

4chan's shit posting is flushed as a thread gets deleted, on our site it stays forever visible to everyone, which is why we are more strict on this.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
4chan's shit posting is flushed as a thread gets deleted, on our site it stays forever visible to everyone, which is why we are more strict on this.

Not like anyone will ever see it anymore. The further back it gets pushed, the more everyone forgets about it.

See, it's like your average stealth character. It's there, but no one ever see it.

Wait, when did this turn into shit-posting? I thought we were talking about necroposting.

Ah, screw it. I'm out of here. No sense in this. This is the reason why I get banned from forums. I just like to debate, and everyone hates my opinions and me in general.

Updated by anonymous

ShylokVakarian said:
Not like anyone will ever see it anymore. The further back it gets pushed, the more everyone forgets about it.

See, it's like your average stealth character. It's there, but no one ever see it.

Wait, when did this turn into shit-posting? I thought we were talking about necroposting.

Ah, screw it. I'm out of here. No sense in this. This is the reason why I get banned from forums. I just like to debate, and everyone hates my opinions and me in general.

Shit posting as in fixing comments for absolutely no gain. Your posting in the forum is fine.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Shit posting as in fixing comments for absolutely no gain. Your posting in the forum is fine.

Was this thread originally about people fixing typos and saying fixed, or people changing the content of a comment to make it look like the original commenter has a different view of what they actually do?

I find the latter extremely frustrating and I'd say it shouldn't be allowed but I reckon the typo or grammar fixing should be allowed - it seems to me like the same sort of deal with post descriptions, where anyone can change it, but will it be a useful change?

For example, I was on a post a couple of months back and saw that there was a story in the description that was nearly illegible because of the punctuation and grammar errors, so I tried to fix it up without changing the story too much.

Just my opinion.

Updated by anonymous

EmoCat said:
Was this thread originally about people fixing typos and saying fixed, or people changing the content of a comment to make it look like the original commenter has a different view of what they actually do?

I find the latter extremely frustrating and I'd say it shouldn't be allowed but I reckon the typo or grammar fixing should be allowed - it seems to me like the same sort of deal with post descriptions, where anyone can change it, but will it be a useful change?

For example, I was on a post a couple of months back and saw that there was a story in the description that was nearly illegible because of the punctuation and grammar errors, so I tried to fix it up without changing the story too much.

Just my opinion.

There was a commenting game that used to happen on the site years ago, where people would respond to someone else's comment, but change the quoted text. They'd do it for laughs, for arguments, to say the opposite viewpoint, to make fun of the person they were quoting, etc etc. And after awhile, it was becoming a very widespread form of trolling and getting out of control. So this thread was formed and the rule created against doing that.

Basically, if you're quoting someone because you're legitimately responding to them and adding to the conversation, then it's fine if you also quietly fix a typo or two in the quoted section before posting your comment. No one's going to get in trouble for that.

But if you're doing it just to harass another user over a mistake, making a really big deal out of the goof they made, or changing the content of the quoted text to something they never said...that's when it becomes borderline behavior and could possibly get someone in trouble depending on the details.

So it's mostly common sense.

Also, fixing the grammar mistakes or misspellings in a description is fine, so long as the content and meaning is pretty much kept intact. Those get seen by a lot of people, and we encourage people to try and keep English mistakes to a minimum in descriptions. And sometimes it takes more than one person to get the errors fixed. But again, inventing information or changing the description to mean something that's personal opinion/agenda or defamatory would be against the rules and could get someone in trouble. It's just common sense. We're not out to get anyone, but there's a line that it's good to not cross too. If that makes sense.

Updated by anonymous

deadjackal said:
I am becoming a bit annoyed with people modifying quotes from others and adding the line 'fixed' to it. It may have been funny at first, but the gag has far outlived it's 'teehee' status. Not only are words being minced, but you really don't add anything of value to a conversation by doing it. If you don't agree with a comment, say so. Do not modify what others have said to suit your opinion.


You could ask people nicely and not be rude? It may get you pleasant results

Updated by anonymous

paper1 said:
You could ask people nicely and not be rude? It may get you pleasant results

That comment was SIX YEARS AGO

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Mutisija said:
what that even means

I think he mistook my comment being a necro (of a 15 minutes old post), while the post of paper1 was the real necro post.
Or he was trolling.

Updated by anonymous

Goddamn how many times is this thread going to be necro'd?

I think it's about time we let this poor thread rest in peace.

(I still wonder how people find these old threads, how far can someone go while exploring the forums?)

Updated by anonymous

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