example: https://e621.net/post/index/1/%E3%81%AC%E3%81%93%E3%81%A1%E3%83%BC
named: ぬこちー
romanized as: nukochi
so shouldn't it be tagged as nukochi?
Updated by Genjar
Posted under General
example: https://e621.net/post/index/1/%E3%81%AC%E3%81%93%E3%81%A1%E3%83%BC
named: ぬこちー
romanized as: nukochi
so shouldn't it be tagged as nukochi?
Updated by Genjar
Qmannn said:
Preferably, if you can't find a name using roman characters anywhere. Most users are going to be using a keyboard with roman characters, so a japanese name is going to be difficult to search for.Most people tend to suggest tag aliases so that the japanese name gets replaced with the romanized one.
how do i suggest those?
Updated by anonymous
Pendraggon said:
how do i suggest those?
Updated by anonymous
Yep, those should always be aliased instead of just renamed. Otherwise the users can't find the artist by searching for their original name, which is no good either..
Updated by anonymous