Topic: Partners remorse e1

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just an idea story I came up with last night... enjoy. contact me if you want to use this in a comic! there is one more bit as the ending!

Partners remorse

A woman, Katie, in a police uniform in a firing range unloading six rapid shots into a target. She then unloads the spent rounds from her revolver and loads up new ones as the target comes toward her. There were two holes in the head; one for each eye socket, one in the heart and three in the groin. She looks at it pleased as she hustlers her gun and takes off her hearing protection. “ All right I guess you are done for the day. How about a bite to eat partner!”

A the next day was her partner, Tyler, day off and she sat at her desk bored doing paperwork. She did not mind doing it but it helped pass the time with her partner there so they could chat. She pauses thinking of him. He was bigger than her in height and muscle tone. Yet he was quiet and timid around her. He was nice. Nicer than any other man she has ever known. She then stops thinking of him and gets back to work. When the ten o'clock coffee man came there was a note attached to her cup from her partner. “ Come by my place after your shift for a wild time. Door will be open.” She had no idea what he meant but sounded like he needed her for something.

When Katie got to Tyler's apartment she knocks on the door and finds it not even latched so she grabs her gun and proceeds cautiously. The lights did not work and the room was dark when she entered and suddenly someone took her gun from her and overpowered her easily. She wondered if someone broke in and killed her partner and set this trap for her as the man forced her into a gallows and proceeded to start touching her. She did not scream as she knew that only arouses rapists. She did not believe this was happening again.

When Katie was turning into a young woman many years ago she moved with her father when her parents divorced. She was put in a new school and around new people. This led her to be desperate to fit in. After several weeks one of her classmates opened up to her. She decided to introduce her to some of her other friends. Katie was so happy till she found out it was the sports team. They gang raped her as the girl recorded it.

Katie remained still as her top came off and he starts rubbing her nipples before rubbing her panties before taking them off as well and licking her. He was trying to make her excited. Unlike the second time. After the first time Katie went to live back with her mother, who moved to a new town, and she spent two of her last years in school quiet and alone. She did not warm up to the students but the teachers. They were suppose to be the protectors. She learned different during the prom of her senior year. She went without a date and sat gloomy and disappointed when her favorite teacher asked her to help him with something. She nods agreeing and led her to the janitor closet and shoved her in. He forced a rag in her throat as he forced himself on her and just left her after he was done. Katie felt broken yet again, but saw the tool box open. On top was a hammer, as if begging to be used Katie grabs it and hits her teacher in the back of the head with it as he was pulling up his pants. Killing him instantly.

As she was remembering Katie felt herself get wet. Especially when he starts fingering her a little. She wonder if he scratched himself on her piercings yet. She smirked as his fingers came out and he starts to prod her before giving a large push on his huge cock to get it in her. Katie was surprised it felt so good. Not as good as it did in the academy. In the police academy she was top of her class. It had always been her dream to be a cop like her childhood neighbor best friends dad. She did not even remember his name by that point in her life but he was a nice boy. A little shy but never mean to her. Shortly after she moved, she later learned, her dad was shot and killed stopping an armed robbery and sent to cadet school an orphan. How she longed to see him again to be with her friend she did not even remember but as a small timid child. She did not even care she was top in her class in the academy. She was just happy to have high scores. There is where she met her partner right after the third time. The student under her was furious being counted second for all the years in the academy. It was near mid year of the last year of training and she had just started to doze off as the door opened. She was facing the wall to help drum out light and noise of the all woman dorm. She thought her roommate came back for once instead of spending an all night 'study' session in the mens dorm. She did not think anything of it till something jabbed into her neck. She was turned over to face her attacker. The powerful drug had an instant effect to paralyze her but kept her both aware and cognitive and even enhanced her senses. Which made it worse.

Tyler found her the next day when she did not come to class and knew instantly she was drugged. Instead of making it worse by making it public he called in the schools nurse for her. Her grades dropped as she recovered but her previous marks enabled her to keep a passing grade when final exams came. Tyler had helped her that entire time after helping one of the other dorm girls was asking his help lift some boxes. She had seen him around before in the dorm. He was the one all the girls called to help then with big heavy things. Odd that he never had sex with any of them despite all the openings given to him. During final exams her sparing partner to asses her skill was not him but the one that raped her. His confidence was high as hers was low as he won the first two bouts easily out of five. On the third rage and hatred consumed her and she took his neck and slammed him against the mat with such strength it snapped his vertebra. After an inspection of his room and three other women coming forward of being raped by him it was easier for her to do the same.

Katie felt her attacker now moving slow and steady. His cock burned like a fire in her body and she was unsure how much more she could take before she came or him. It was not much more she found out as her entire body tensed up and he paused. “ It really does excite you.” Katie became shocked and tried to turn to see her partner. “ Tyler let me go!” The lights came on before Tyler opened the gallows by hitting a safety switch by her hand she could have pushed herself. He backed away with all his glory showing how wet she was on him. He was still rock hard obvious he had not came yet. “ What the fuck is this?” Tyler looked at her confused. “ You did get my note? I thought you knew what a 'wild time' meant.” Katie pauses. Before she could respond Tyler grabs his own chest. “ Oh, no.” She quickly looks around for her belt and gets a shot from it and struggles to move his hand. “ You got to let go so I can inject you with this. I poisoned you with a powerful nerve agent.” Tyler looked at her confused and scared as his grip lessened just enough for her to remove it from his chest and she injected the needle into his heart. She was now regretting having her pussy pierced with a pair of needle like piercings. Laced with poison in case someone did rape her again.

Katie looked at Tyler with tears in her eyes as she saw a piece of paper in his free hand. She pulls it out and reads it. “ Katie, it pains me so much to see you so alone. I do not know what happened to you after you moved before my dad died but at the academy you did not recognize me but I did you instantly. That is when I thought you forgot about me but I never forgot about you. You were my childhood crush. I wrote this in case I hurt your feelings and you report me. Just know I am sorry but you cast away all my attempts at getting closer to you. I know the road you were going down. I had to help you. Even if it cost me everything.” Katie hits his chest angry.

made a small edit and added the ending because I could!

Several years later Katie was leaning up against Tyler in the park. The hugest smiles on their faces as Katie takes her left hand, with a gold ring on it, and reaches for a kiss. As Tyler was about to accept it they hear a child nearby calling to them. “ Hey mom dad. Is it lunch time yet?”


I have a dream that one day there will be a "stories" section for e621

Updated by anonymous

okmaster said:
just an idea story I came up with last night... enjoy. contact me if you want to use this in a comic! there is one more bit as the ending!

Partners remorse

A woman, Katie, in a police uniform in a firing range unloading six rapid shots into a target. She then unloads the spent rounds from her revolver and loads up new ones as the target comes toward her. There were two holes in the head; one for each eye socket, one in the heart and three in the groin. She looks at it pleased as she hustlers her gun and takes off her hearing protection. “ All right I guess you are done for the day. How about a bite to eat partner!”

A the next day was her partner, Tyler, day off and she sat at her desk bored doing paperwork. She did not mind doing it but it helped pass the time with her partner there so they could chat. She pauses thinking of him. He was bigger than her in height and muscle tone. Yet he was quiet and timid around her. He was nice. Nicer than any other man she has ever known. She then stops thinking of him and gets back to work. When the ten o'clock coffee man came there was a note attached to her cup from her partner. “ Come by my place after your shift for a wild time. Door will be open.” She had no idea what he meant but sounded like he needed her for something.

When Katie got to Tyler's apartment she knocks on the door and finds it not even latched so she grabs her gun and proceeds cautiously. The lights did not work and the room was dark when she entered and suddenly someone took her gun from her and overpowered her easily. She wondered if someone broke in and killed her partner and set this trap for her as the man forced her into a gallows and proceeded to start touching her. She did not scream as she knew that only arouses rapists. She did not believe this was happening again.

When Katie was turning into a young woman many years ago she moved with her father when her parents divorced. She was put in a new school and around new people. This led her to be desperate to fit in. After several weeks one of her classmates opened up to her. She decided to introduce her to some of her other friends. Katie was so happy till she found out it was the sports team. They gang raped her as the girl recorded it.

Katie remained still as her top came off and he starts rubbing her nipples before rubbing her panties before taking them off as well and licking her. He was trying to make her excited. Unlike the second time. After the first time Katie went to live back with her mother, who moved to a new town, and she spent two of her last years in school quiet and alone. She did not warm up to the students but the teachers. They were suppose to be the protectors. She learned different during the prom of her senior year. She went without a date and sat gloomy and disappointed when her favorite teacher asked her to help him with something. She nods agreeing and led her to the janitor closet and shoved her in. He forced a rag in her throat as he forced himself on her and just left her after he was done. Katie felt broken yet again, but saw the tool box open. On top was a hammer, as if begging to be used Katie grabs it and hits her teacher in the back of the head with it as he was pulling up his pants. Killing him instantly.

As she was remembering Katie felt herself get wet. Especially when he starts fingering her a little. She wonder if he scratched himself on her piercings yet. She smirked as his fingers came out and he starts to prod her before giving a large push on his huge cock to get it in her. Katie was surprised it felt so good. Not as good as it did in the academy. In the police academy she was top of her class. It had always been her dream to be a cop like her childhood neighbor best friends dad. She did not even remember his name by that point in her life but he was a nice boy. A little shy but never mean to her. Shortly after she moved, she later learned, her dad was shot and killed stopping an armed robbery and sent to cadet school an orphan. How she longed to see him again to be with her friend she did not even remember but as a small timid child. She did not even care she was top in her class in the academy. She was just happy to have high scores. There is where she met her partner right after the third time. The student under her was furious being counted second for all the years in the academy. It was near mid year of the last year of training and she had just started to doze off as the door opened. She was facing the wall to help drum out light and noise of the all woman dorm. She thought her roommate came back for once instead of spending an all night 'study' session in the mens dorm. She did not think anything of it till something jabbed into her neck. She was turned over to face her attacker. The powerful drug had an instant effect to paralyze her but kept her both aware and cognitive and even enhanced her senses. Which made it worse.

Tyler found her the next day when she did not come to class and knew instantly she was drugged. Instead of making it worse by making it public he called in the schools nurse for her. Her grades dropped as she recovered but her previous marks enabled her to keep a passing grade when final exams came. Tyler had helped her that entire time after helping one of the other dorm girls was asking his help lift some boxes. She had seen him around before in the dorm. He was the one all the girls called to help then with big heavy things. Odd that he never had sex with any of them despite all the openings given to him. During final exams her sparing partner to asses her skill was not him but the one that raped her. His confidence was high as hers was low as he won the first two bouts easily out of five. On the third rage and hatred consumed her and she took his neck and slammed him against the mat with such strength it snapped his vertebra. After an inspection of his room and three other women coming forward of being raped by him it was easier for her to do the same.

Katie felt her attacker now moving slow and steady. His cock burned like a fire in her body and she was unsure how much more she could take before she came or him. It was not much more she found out as her entire body tensed up and he paused. “ It really does excite you.” Katie tried to turn to see her partner and the lights came on before Tyler opened the gallows by hitting a safety switch by her hand she could have pushed herself. He backed away with all his glory showing how wet she was on him. He was still rock hard obvious he had not came yet. “ What the fuck is this?” Tyler looked at her confused. “ You did get my note? I thought you knew what a 'wild time' meant.” Katie pauses. Before she could respond Tyler grabs his own chest. “ Oh, no.” She quickly looks around for her belt and gets a shot from it and struggles to move his hand. “ You got to let go so I can inject you with this. I poisoned you with a powerful nerve agent.” Tyler looked at her confused and scared as his grip lessened just enough for her to remove it from his chest and she injected the needle into his heart. She was now regretting having her pussy pierced with a pair of needle like piercings. Laced with poison in case someone did rape her again.

Katie looked at Tyler with tears in her eyes as she saw a piece of paper in his free hand. She pulls it out and reads it. “ Katie, it pains me so much to see you so alone. I do not know what happened to you after you moved before my dad died but at the academy you did not recognize me but I did you instantly. That is when I thought you forgot about me but I never forgot about you. You were my childhood crush. I wrote this in case I hurt your feelings and you report me. Just know I am sorry but you cast away all my attempts at getting closer to you. I know the road you were going down. I had to help you. Even if it cost me everything.” Katie hits his chest angry.

*skims page on cellphone*

From rapid revolver fire to tearshed.


Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
*skims page on cellphone*

From rapid revolver fire to tearshed.


so you skimmed over the 4 rapes scenes?

and because I am a nice guy edited main post with ending

(spends 10 minutes looking for the damn ending because I saved in wrong location. Then figures out I can open it by recent documents!)

also I wrote up an issue 2 last night... could not get it out of my head

Updated by anonymous

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