Topic: Tried browsing e621 in Windows 98, and it works surprisingly ok!

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While doing some coding work on my Windows 98 workstation (which is equipped with a PlayStation debugger system that only works in 98), I decided to try and load this website on it with IE6 to see how bad this site would look on such an old and outdated web browser.

To my surprise, it actually works fairly well even with the expected aesthetic issues:

Main page appears blank because the mascot picture isn't loading for some reason but still, pretty much everything on the site works (except flash animations and webm videos obviously) despite the aesthetic issues. So, if you're somehow stuck with nothing but an old Win98 PC that is somehow connected to the internet, you can still enjoy browsing e6.

Now this is the kind of web design I appreciate the most, its simple enough that very old web browsers can still tolerate it but not too simple that it ends up looking like a website from the early-mid 2000s (such as FA) unlike most websites these days that are so complicated that having a pretty shoddy internet connection is enough to break the site entirely.

...I don't know, I thought this would be pretty funny to share here...


Looks like the background patterns don't load, but if you set the theme to Hexagon Clean with no subtheme it should work fine.

Updated by anonymous

MT_r34 said:
...pretty much everything on the site works (except flash animations and webm videos obviously)...

Oh, so that's the reason why people still demand gifs from everything. They are using Windows 98 :p [/joke]
I'm guessing that installing latest working firefox would've been too boring to test as well.

I'm pretty sure front page does not load because of more modern javascript and CSS being in use for mascot changing. I remember when I was doing my first website project way back that I actually had to consider that IE6 didn't support PNG transparency and that's exactly what the theme is using. It was all about tables and frames back then.

Updated by anonymous

That's one of the best things about this site. It's clean, runs light, and is very functional, but still looks good. Heck, it'll run fine on a stupid Wii or 2009 DROIDX. On the Wii, virtually no new site will load because it has so little memory. Your options are basically E6, Twitter (surprisingly), and Wikipedia (if you have the time). FA will load eventually, but it has some weird formatting issues that prevent one from signing in. Also, on E6 when you hit the "Edit" button it takes you to the top of the page and doesn't open the post editor. Haven't been able to divine why :/

Updated by anonymous

Aeruginis said:
That's one of the best things about this site. It's clean, runs light, and is very functional, but still looks good. Heck, it'll run fine on a stupid Wii or 2009 DROIDX. On the Wii, virtually no new site will load because it has so little memory. Your options are basically E6, Twitter (surprisingly), and Wikipedia (if you have the time). FA will load eventually, but it has some weird formatting issues that prevent one from signing in. Also, on E6 when you hit the "Edit" button it takes you to the top of the page and doesn't open the post editor. Haven't been able to divine why :/

JavaScript is heavily castrated on all Nintendo Browsers, which is likely why it doesn't work, it can't handle the function to hide the comments and show the edit fields.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Reminds me of installing Win7 on something and the only spare monitor I had to use was to my HP Pavilion 4535. Win7 in 640x480 is hilarious.

Updated by anonymous

For the heck of it, I tried loading this site under Windows 3.11 with IE4. As expected, it failed to load at all because of the SSL implementation on this site is too new for the browser to handle:

I tried loading this site with Netscape on a 80386 running Win311 one time and it failed to load entirely because it didn't support SSL at all. I haven't tried Arachne which is a DOS based web browser but I don't think I'll be trying that for awhile since it is a pain to set up 3com LAN drivers under DOS the last time I used it on my 386.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
JavaScript is heavily castrated on all Nintendo Browsers, which is likely why it doesn't work, it can't handle the function to hide the comments and show the edit fields.

Ah :)

Ratte said:
Reminds me of installing Win7 on something and the only spare monitor I had to use was to my HP Pavilion 4535. Win7 in 640x480 is hilarious.

I'd like to see that! Sounds funny.

Updated by anonymous

Qmannn said:
What made you want to try this out, by the way?

I did this mostly for shits and giggles and that I have a bunch of vintage computers at my disposal... Much easier to use than a VM IF the old hardware doesn't screw you over that is (like that one computer I have that refuses to accept a soundcard including the on-board chip).

Updated by anonymous

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