Topic: People downvoting my post without a single reason.

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

Ozelot said:
If it's so meaningless, why is it even there in the first place?

To sort "probably good" from "probably bad".

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
To sort "probably good" from "probably bad".

Well, if people -vote for no reason than they're messing that up for everyone else.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Well, if people -vote for no reason than they're messing that up for everyone else.

And there's not a single thing we can do about it either. :3

Fortunately they seem to do it consistently enough that the bell curve is still fairly indicative of what you would expect when searching order:score and order:score_asc (with -5 to 5 being the least "reliable", if you could call it that).

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Well, if people -vote for no reason than they're messing that up for everyone else.

If the majority of people were voting just randomly then yes, it would. However majority people votes on what they like/dislike. Score is not a perfect stat, but the higher it is the higher is the chance that someone else would like it.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Well, if people -vote for no reason than they're messing that up for everyone else.

Hence "probably." It usually evens out in the long run.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
And there's not a single thing we can do about it either. :3

I JUST suggested something. Sometimes I feel like the users here don't read.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
I JUST suggested something. Sometimes I feel like the users here don't read.

The problem with your idea is that it requires someone to have a reason to downvote.
If that's the argument you want to make, that's fine, but understand that you're talking about a change to the current rules, not just adding a step to downvoting.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
I JUST suggested something. Sometimes I feel like the users here don't read.

I thought you meant "people should leave a comment or something as a form of courtesy" not make it required.

I don't think that would help much tbh. It would probably just end up being a graveyard of gibberish, "I didn't" like it", "no", "ew", "k", and so on. There's also no reason to expect that people would be honest with it anyways. Unless the comments are actually being used for something even making it optional will just be mostly pointless busywork. It also overlaps in function with the comments section, but that's another story.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
I JUST suggested something. Sometimes I feel like the users here don't read.

You are suggesting that we remove peoples' rights to vote how they want. Who wants to be a part of a site where their opinions don't matter?

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
You are suggesting that we remove peoples' rights to vote how they want. Who wants to be a part of a site where their opinions don't matter?

People who comment on Yahoo news.

Updated by anonymous

Actinium-89 said:
This thread makes my face hurt.

Face palming repeatedly will have that effect

Updated by anonymous

Tokaido said:
Face palming repeatedly will have that effect

He's a wasp, the only way he can read is by slamming his face into the monitor.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
He's a wasp, the only way he can read is by slamming his face into the monitor.

Omfg that made my night! XD

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
You are suggesting that we remove peoples' rights to vote how they want. Who wants to be a part of a site where their opinions don't matter?

Eh, nobody listens to opinions here.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Eh, nobody listens to opinions here.

It's not that I don't listen, I just don't care

Updated by anonymous

You know what would be a good feature? Being able to hide votes. Like, instantly set the comment threshhold to -9001 just so it's that difficult to get a comment you cannot see, and don't show the vote options for anything.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
set the comment threshhold to -9001

Who told you my secret

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
set the comment threshhold to -9001

Done! ^.^

Durandal said:
Who told you my secret

Your secret is out!

Updated by anonymous

Don't feed the trolls, guys.

Also, on that note, enough of the drama. I'll lock the thread if I see any more of the stuff I just read through on the first few pages.

Some of you do this already, but if you ever need to get a hold of me and you're not sure if I'm on e621 at the moment, you can always e-mail me directly at [email protected], or the general management distro at [email protected].

Updated by anonymous

Tapok said:
Please tell me the reason why are you downvoting my post.

Ultimately, I feel that it just depends on the preferences of certain people.

For example, with an image like this: post #597226, people generally hate feces, most likely because it's dirty.

Personally, I don't find it dirty. Then again, I don't find ANYTHING dirty. Blood, urine, gore, death...trypophobia. I have a strong stomach, and a high tolerance for such sensitive subjects.

Which is why I can stare at e621's crowning achievement post #6268 and just say "meh".

Updated by anonymous

never understood why we have a negative indicator on things anyway. if people can see, hear, taste, or feel a person or thing (basically any noun) then they are most likely gonna dislike it. so why have an indicator just to signal they have a negative view of any and everything? it can be assumed.

Updated by anonymous

bellypokeball said:
look at almost any video on youtube. scapegoatism at it's finest.

bro. the timestamps. this thread has been dead over year.

Updated by anonymous

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