Topic: Confusion Regarding One of Trunchbull/Fuzzamorus' Collabs, Apparently Taken Down?

Posted under General

I'm not really complaining over the post being gone, as I am supportive of reasonable/fair artist rights...but it was a really great animation, and I'd at least like to know if anyone knows why it has been pulled.

It was the collab between Fuzzamorous and Trunchbull, featuring Alesia and Pazhi. I did do a bit of looking around and noticed that Trunchbull is Conditional DNP, and their artist page doesn't specify details, nor did I personally ever know if this is new or not.

So, I'm confused as to if it was the artist(s) deciding to take it down/change their status to partial DNP, or if there was some kind of feud between the character owners. Both still have posts on e621, as do both artists, so I know it wasn't a total pull....just that one. A friend of mine who still uses FA states that the animation is still up on Alesia's profile, at least.


It seemed to have been other artists decision to not have explicit art on the site: takedown #5002
You can still find their other collab here: post #825424

Video taken down was most likely post #863099

It can be still found as flash version in both another artists gallery and commissioners gallery:
However it does seem like source files give 404 and webm version was directly uploaded by character owner, so those might be lost in cyberspace now.

Updated by anonymous

Mario69 said:
It seemed to have been other artists decision to not have explicit art on the site: takedown #5002
You can still find their other collab here: post #825424

Video taken down was most likely post #863099

It can be still found as flash version in both another artists gallery and commissioners gallery:
However it does seem like source files give 404 and webm version was directly uploaded by character owner, so those might be lost in cyberspace now.

Ah, that's a shame. Least I know now, all good from me I guess.


Updated by anonymous

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