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  • Comments
  • Let me simply repeat... All of my YES! :D
    This is awesome! I'd love to see more straight art from you mate!

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  • Fuzzamorus and Trunchbull working together on an animation. I don't think this week could have started any better.

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  • MelanieSummers said:
    If not I vote for said tag to be called "round_two"

    That would be pretty perfect, but that isn't in use yet. Though I'm certain I have seen MANY times it happening, at least on comics, so I guess adding that one in wouldn't be harmful.

    Rixoli said:
    Welp, guess he got his wish..

    This is second one, but I guess some didn't notice it as it wasn't porn :p
    post #825424

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  • Esme_Belles said:
    OMFG yes.... @\\\\\@ this is HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!

    OK, alright, just take a deep breath, grab a glass of water. We all know this is hot. Use your inside voice.

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  • That's an extremely well animated cumshot! I like how he just goes right on humping afterward, and then it loops. That gets my imagination going.

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  • While excellently made, I really can't stand nagas with that anatomical structure as it means they have 20+ feet of "tail" with nothing in it.

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