Topic: Tag Alias: cum_on_hooves -> cum_on_hoof

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Or maybe it should be directly cum_on_hoof -implicates-> cum_on_feet ?
Because there are literally only 10 posts with cum_on_hoof, whilst there are 1510 posts with cum_on_feet.
I kinda made the tag up myself, but I was going with the "tag what you see" philosophy, so I thought it would be better to ask if it was okay before proceeding with ulterior tagging.

Updated by anonymous

the_average_fapper said:
Or maybe it should be directly cum_on_hoof -implicates-> cum_on_feet ?
Because there are literally only 10 posts with cum_on_hoof, whilst there are 1510 posts with cum_on_feet.
I kinda made the tag up myself, but I was going with the "tag what you see" philosophy, so I thought it would be better to ask if it was okay before proceeding with ulterior tagging.

hoof hands.

Updated by anonymous

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