Topic: Your Opinion On TheFurry Fandom

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What do you think of the actual fandom itself? Not any particular communities, or even individuals, because I know we're all different. But, just saying... do you think most furries are cancerous shit, or do you really care more about it than the porn?

I'm asking because I've really, really gone south with the fandom over time. I'm not even sure if I'll even be able to fap anymore, because most artwork that's not mine is immediately shit.

Most furry strangers and RPers are shit as well. Just look at God damn F-List.Just talk to one anywere, and you'll realize how much they shit-stain everything they touch or speak at.

This is what I'm talking about. Some furfags are really overly selfish, inconsiderate bastards, and they usually have retarded personalities, and are so fixated on art and furshit that they neglect other great aspects of a fulfilling life. They are TOO MUCH of a fan of furry, and they don't just want to have a wank at the porn, they make it their lives. They fursuit, do conventions, and can actually socialize with these brats. How and why is that a good thing?

It's actually kinda pitiful... to me anyways.

So tell me, why would you consider yourself a "furry" still?

Updated by Garrett

no. I never considered myself a furry, I always considered myself a story-lover, and furry artists can make some REALLY good stories; springtime desperation is one of my favorites, despite it being kinda fast paced. I personally like furry art because I enjoy cuddly and "soft" over real life porn and shoddy quality in hentai.

Now, my question, and this has been brought up to an admin: what does constitute as roleplaying? Making up scenarios, talking as characters, or the full-on fursuiting? I can see and agree with your other points, but where do you draw the line of real life and imagination, and roleplaying?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I draw anthro animals and their stories. I don't care about the porn and try to avoid it as much as I can.

I'm a worldbuilder, not a furry.

Updated by anonymous

I too never really considered myself a "furry". I like the concept of talking animals that can walk upright/on all 4's, The fact that animals are leagues more flexible in terms of style and easier to draw than humans, it adds a nice spin/some diversity to the onslaught of cartoon/anime human porn, and the cute factor some animals bring to some artist's styles, that's about it. I don't have, or care for a sona, don't have any deep desires of living in a world of anthropomorphic animals (while that'd be kinda cool, there are MUCH better avenue's of fiction to want to live in), etc.

I don't interact with, or partake in any real furry community going's on, save for this forum and the comment sections of sites I post too.

My thoughts of the community overall? It sucks~ :/ On one hand you have the creeps who you'd swear have never left their house/had an actual conversation with a real person, and the rainbow of various pompous folks with their heads so far up their individual asses they'll likely never see daylight again. But hey, all large internet communities suck. Are there good people in the community? Of course, but they're few, and definitely far between.

Updated by anonymous

I haven't been here for a long time, I think I started to call myself furry only like a year ago, but so far it seems to be a lot better than most communities.

Updated by anonymous

I just like the porn. The e621 regulars (that don't get banned) are pretty 'normal.' There's a lot of weird-ass (in the wrong way) furs out there though, but also a lot of somewhat irrational furry hate.

Updated by anonymous

o.O deja vu? i feel as if some questions such as this get asked over and over occasionally as time moves on. pretty sure i've answered this or a similar question here before, actually.

as for the community...not much different from others i've encountered over the years. the furry fandom is just more animal focused in it's content mainly. it has it's good and bad people (oh my gosh, the trolls i've seen here! O_O *facepalm* youtube trolls don't even compare. lol) like any community but overall, drama aside (looking at you for that, FA), this is probably one of the nicer communities i've encountered. and it's definitely FAR from the *insert mean words here* worst i've encountered.

as for my participation in this community...i'm not an artist or writer or anything that...practical :/ but i do sometimes help with tagging and other issues here at e621. :)

...i will tame post #78330 eventually...someday...maybe... :/ you wouldn't believe how many copyright tags a single post can have. (speaking of...away i go to clear like 20-30+ 1 post tags...again)

Updated by anonymous

I really don't have much of an opinion on the Furry Fandom as a whole. Though that could be because I don't really consider myself a part of it.

Most furries I've known well have been pretty nice people. I've also met a lot of furries who are jerks. I try to deal with (and understand) people at smaller scales, when possible.

Updated by anonymous

RubisDrake said:
What do you think of the actual fandom itself?


So tell me, why would you consider yourself a "furry" still?

My Thoughts:

I feel from experience that one should not judge the nature or intents of all furries on the sex-related stuff you tend to see linked to furries most often. sure, some aspects of furries revolve around porn and fur suit fetishes, but even then the people partaking in said things themselves are usually very smart, well-mannered, and usually all around better people than non-furries.

Why do I say this? Well because this is what I have come to know from my own experiences, especially here on eSix. And as to why this tends to be the case with furries rather than non-furries: Perhaps it is because of the adversities they must overcome simply by being a furry.

Now sure, I have had some rough encounters before and sure there are some real pervs out there, but those encounters have been few and far between so far for me and also that kind of behavior speaks more about those individual people than it does the fandom. In fact, I have actually talked with numerous people on-site who just like SFW art and others who only come her to enjoy the NSFW art, and often I find that either way these people are usually very smart, talented, and nice people, and having a chat with them can be very entertaining as well as insightful too. And it usually does not matter whether they are in my own country/culture or another, these characteristics still apply.

And yet somehow, the controversy and hatred over the community as a whole still remains, with the world calling people who count themselves part of the furry fanbase derogatory names such as "furfag" and the like. And that is not only wrong, but just not fair to them, especially the ones like the one named 'Theta' who is better known as 'Ratte' on here who don't even like porn or really sex at all.

Not only this, but when I have pain in my life and hurt in my heart, they are always there for me. Sometimes even overwhelmingly so. If i am having a bad day or bad week, my inbox is filled with messages from those who care about me here and want to help. And to be quite frank, my own mom and dad didn't try to be there for me when that would happen during my youth.

So despite what is said about furries, and despite some petty arguments or disagreements they may have amongst themselves, (like whether Bronies are the same thing as furries, or whether scalies are considered the same thing as furries, even without the added appreciation of on-body fur) I must say that from my own experiences, the furry fandom as a whole is still really awesome.

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:

oh, if only forum posts here could be up voted. heres a +1 anyway. :)

oh and "section" fail. noticed it when i hit respond.

Updated by anonymous

Personally... never really had much of a issue with the >Furry< community, I mean, outside of the scope of genuinely upsetting stuff... like certain individuals who knowingly spread STDs and give zero fucks about their victims. And of course, there is some really fucked up artwork out there based around pretty disturbing fetishes. But other than that, I don't find furries to be all that irritating... except the super cringey shit, like that irritating Beyonce cover of Single Ladies done by the people in fursuits and all the lyrics changed to be full of fur-cringe. Furries who are "just in it for the porn" are fine by me, at least they are realistic and don't try to turn their fap material and their feelz into some kind of religion, like Otherkin or some shit.

But pretty much >any< fandom, or community you bump into is bound to have people like that in it, people who take it way way way too far, people who will bite your head off for X-Y-Z reason... elitism and special snowflake syndrome lurks in any group... you will eventually run into a spastic sperglord who makes Furries, or J-Rock bands, or being a Social Justice Warrior into their whole fucking existence... and not just "their existence" but their own personal version of Sharia Law which they will club everyone else over the head with.

The only way you can ever escape the stupidity of the "fandom extremist" is to just not like or enjoy anything, ever. That way, you can't accidentally offend someone by liking something they like "the wrong way" and also, you won't have something to be turned against by the people whose behaviors completely ruin it for you and make you hate the fact you ever liked it in the first place. Hate everything - problem solved.

"This is what I'm talking about. Some furfags are really overly selfish, inconsiderate bastards, and they usually have retarded personalities, and are so fixated on art and furshit that they neglect other great aspects of a fulfilling life. They are TOO MUCH of a fan of furry, and they don't just want to have a wank at the porn, they make it their lives."

This is also kinda why I never want to play World of Warcraft, because I am scared to death it will turn me into some bedpan shitting fuck who never stops playing.... I mean, at least Mario and junk has a fucking pause button.

Updated by anonymous

RubisDrake said:
What do you think of the actual fandom itself? Not any particular communities, or even individuals, because I know we're all different. But, just saying... do you think most furries are cancerous shit, or do you really care more about it than the porn?

I've been here for the porn from the outset. In the beginning, I played fast and loose with a porn search, was drawn to suggestive Bad Dragon ads (so mostly Narse's works) and then the explicit full pictures and their short accompanying stories, and somewhere along the way learned that this new but obvious frontier of drawn animal porn was called "furry". I found the abundance and diversity of furry porn a major boon compared to conceivable alternatives.

At first, I was much more concerned with the porn than the community's side of things (e.g., I needed to find out what I liked first of all, and then where I could find active sources of such content), but if there are comments on pictures or posts in a forum I inevitably peruse some of those too. In FurAffinty, I observed a trend for unquestioning positive comments on art uploads, which suggested a delusional lack of objectivity to me, and that is a big red flag and grounds for distancing myself from such individuals. What's more, I found nauseating the tendency in FurAffinity for praise to be expressed as casual roleplaying or cloying, overly familiar remarks directed at the drawn character(s).

In my limited experience, that environment and mentality seem tolerated or even enforced in furry communities everywhere but here, but I don't really stray far from e621. I believe the moderation here against roleplaying and creepy comments as well as the disempowerment of artists (i.e., artists can't moderate comments on their works here) keep e621's community sufficiently disillusioned. However, on that note, good grief has there been over the years a ton of users and artists here who couldn't abide by those rules or what? One wonders whether the need for a self-reinforcing hugbox is especially endemic to the furry psyche or if furries aren't much different from other groups in that regard.

To answer your question point-blank, I believe that for any number of reasons the furry fandom does attract a lot of "cancerous shit". I couldn't say whether the fandom contains more "cancerous shit" than other communities known for their "cancerous shit" though. I unfairly and without evidence believe that the furry fandom is more likely to attract people who have disharmonious personality defects than other hobbies attract. That's a very, very broad statement. I also believe that many furries are young, immature, or impressionable given how they express themselves, and that such individuals interacting with the existing stock of "cancerous shit" invariably dooms some of them to become "cancerous shit" themselves or poses the real risk of stunting their mental and emotional growth. I'm confident the furry fandom isn't unique in that regard.

This is what I'm talking about. Some furfags are really overly selfish, inconsiderate bastards, and they usually have retarded personalities, and are so fixated on art and furshit that they neglect other great aspects of a fulfilling life. They are TOO MUCH of a fan of furry, and they don't just want to have a wank at the porn, they make it their lives. They fursuit, do conventions, and can actually socialize with these brats. How and why is that a good thing?

It's actually kinda pitiful... to me anyways.

Sounds like you're newly at the bitter low point of disenchantment. You just need to ask yourself if any of that ultimately matters. Like I said, porn has been my primary concern from the outset. What were you here for? Are you able to still appreciate or enjoy any of the attractions the furry fandom held for you, or do you now find yourself completely unable to see the good parts for the bad?

For what it's worth, I view the ability to swallow one's vitriol and anger in these situations and still find enjoyment or value in the offending content in spite of the anger an admirable sign of maturity. Arriving at peace from turmoil literally demonstrates an evolved sense of self and, by extension, the capacity to live and let live. Likewise, I respect the conscious decision to draw a hard line and say, "no, not anymore."

So tell me, why would you consider yourself a "furry" still?

I consider myself a furry by association. I think it's rather disingenuous to believe or say otherwise when I have saved and used over 1500 files of furry porn (plus a few thousand more from before The Purge) on my computer and continue to do so.

Updated by anonymous

"with the world calling people who count themselves part of the furry fanbase derogatory names such as "furfag" and the like. And that is not only wrong, but just not fair to them..."

It's called self-deprecating humor, and also reclaiming a term. It feels good, try it sometime. I'd be willing to wager that some of even the most harshest 4chan trolls are just disillusioned furries who enjoy ripping shit on the things they actually like. ~~ Also, have you been to places like Vivisector? That actually >is< a forum of furries who just rip apart the worst aspects of the fandom, or just document funny drama for lulz.

Ooooooh, SJWs in furry fandom, now that's an interesting subject, I am already beginning to like this Vivisector forum. -- -- Who the fuck is "Fliffums."
Anyway... It's okay to poke fun at the stuff you like. It's even totally okay (and healthy) to poke fun at your past self, and people who mirror your past self...

Like, for instance... I enjoy Japanese Rock, but I'm not above "taking the piss" out of the fandom... and some of the people in it and some of the ideas that circulate in it are genuinely worthy of scorn and ridicule (mainly, the rampant elitism and catty cliques of cunty livejournal wanksters who piss out a bucket worth of rage every time some new person discovers their favorite band).

Even I was once a cringey ass "taking it too far" weeaboo, just as I once also was a cringey ass "taking it too far" furfag. I realized my behavior was stupid and I grew out of it (mostly... I am still growing, cut me some slack). You can be a fan of something without making it super srs bizniss. I had to learn that over a long period of time.
"So tell me, why would you consider yourself a "furry" still?"

To answer your ending question, Rubis, I like the stuff because I just like cute things and I am a faggot.

Allllllsoooooo, don't take offense to this, but thinking that all other art that is not yours = shit is somewhat narcissistic.

"I'm not even sure if I'll even be able to fap anymore, because most artwork that's not mine is immediately shit."

Yeah, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to go on Xtube to jerk it, unless they give me the option to superimpose my own face over the faces of everyone in every video...

((that was a joke)).

I dunno, mayne... mebbie we all just need to learn moderation or something. Understand our own desires, understand what makes us feel good, but also understand that sometimes you can take wanting to feel good too far, or whatever the fuck.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
oh, if only forum posts here could be up voted. heres a +1 anyway. :)

oh and "section" fail. noticed it when i hit respond.


And my bad. I'll edit it.

Updated by anonymous

Still don't identify as a furry. I guess I can see why people might identify as furry, but I think it's pretty dubious, philosophically. Like most of what I see people putting in their identity.

(for example I draw a shit-ton of stuff, but I'm not 'an artist' in my own mind, I'm someone 'who draws a lot'. It saves me from taking on all the weird connotations and stereotyping people attach to everything)

Furry is more like a interesting place that I visit, I guess.
It doesn't have a particularly unusual quantity of crazy, it just has its own flavour of crazy (which is a statement that's true of all communities, AFAICS)

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
Still don't identify as a furry. I guess I can see why people might identify as furry, but I think it's pretty dubious, philosophically. Like most of what I see people putting in their identity.

My name is Firedash, I'm a Pyrofox from the Forest Planet... my pronouns are vulp, vulps and vulpself... check your hooman privilege, you transpecies-phobic shitlord. ((that was a joke)).

(Is it bad that I think this short is hilarious? Does laughing at this and thinking that it is funny make me a >bad< furry?)

Also... I <3 Filthy Frank.
This fucker is a laugh riot.

Updated by anonymous

It's meh...all right. People like to talk about themselves too much and want the world under their rules, it's sickening. Lot's of legit people here, though.

Updated by anonymous

This is funny there are a lot's of people on this site. Who doesn't call themselves furries (including me). So this site isn't a furry site anymore it's more like ... well actually i don't know. It's not like rule34 case here you can't find human porn (or not too much luckily). Personally i don't know much about the furry community, i only know that this site is very good with a great community.
I've been here almost every day since 2012 and i never had any bad experience on this site.( That's why i started to tag, so i can help this site's stuff and members.)

Actually it's funny cause i think this site slowl trabsform bronies into ... well not furries something else, which doean't have a name yet.
For example me i was a brony back in 2012 but time has changed and now i'm an AFK brony and a feral lover ( i don't like beastality i only like feral on feral art.) so i can't be called anything, just like many others on this site.
I think we need a name .

Updated by anonymous

I was in the furry fandom long before I knew it was a thing.

Updated by anonymous

It's alright. There's some pretty cool people on this site and y'all seem very chill. I don't venture beyond e621 save for the occasional Deviant Art visit, though, so who knows what lies in the wasteland.

"We were somewhere around Fur Affinity, on the edge of Deviant Art, when the vore inflation porn began to take hold."

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
You can avoid the worst by staying here.

e621 master race.

furries totally aren't all about cliques, no no no. nope.

anyways, stick around. we're cool.

Updated by anonymous

Mana_Dragon_Flammie said:
section fail

*eyes quoted text suspiciously* o_O wtf? people, that's twice in the same thread.

also, it's a good thing i learned long ago to never take encyclopedia dramatica seriously. well, in most cases.

1 more thing...i don't think our dear friend the cheese grater compares to ED's "offended" page even remotely. nope, definitely not in the slightest. cheese grater is an angelic image of peace in comparison. and i'm not visiting that "offended" page ever again. >.<

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
also, it's a good thing i learned long ago to never take encyclopedia dramatica seriously. well, in most cases.

Sorry for using copy-paste quoting instead of using the forum method.

Anyway... my point with linking Encyclopedia Dramatica (for J-Rock, specifically) is that I can like the things I like, but still have a sense of humor about them.

Updated by anonymous

I wanted to write a long-ass, intellectual response to op, but somewhere halfway through I realised it's a fools errand. This whole question of "Am I a true furry" is completely the same as that old "What does it mean to be a gamer" debate: Just a meaningless title that the media and hate-groups love to exploit to point fingers at "socially unacceptable" behaviour and things they dislike.

Look, it all boils down to "do I like this stuff in general or not". If the answer is yes, then sure, call me a furry -- to most people it does not really matter one bit. My primary interest in no way defines my entire self, and as such it does not mean I will always like *everything* that falls under the "furry" banner. It's always on a case-by-case basis, and hating a whole segment cause of a few parts would make me no better than those ignorant people who just hate for the sake of hating. I mean come on, I'm just wanking to the idea of anthropomorphic animals and someone, somewhere will make it their life-long mission to try and ruin it for me; like there isn't way more important bullshit to fix in the world than debating my fantasies...

So no, I don't consider people who RP, dress in fursuits, do conventions, and can actually socialize cancerous. It may sometimes get annoying, but then again this goes for just about everything ever done. Heck, I'd even go as far as to say I'm sometimes envious that these people are so into what they do that nothing can deter them, and don't get me started about the amount of effort some of them put into it!

Between you and me, op, I'd suggest getting a grip on yourself and taking a breather. Balance in all things. What they do is, in the end, usually none of your concern.

Updated by anonymous

Mana_Dragon_Flammie said:
Sorry for using copy-paste quoting instead of using the forum method.

Anyway... my point with linking Encyclopedia Dramatica (for J-Rock, specifically) is that I can like the things I like, but still have a sense of humor about them.

no worries. i was mainly speaking of the site in general.

what i was suspicious of is why the "section" dtext had failed.

Updated by anonymous

don't mind this post. just testing something regarding links not using DText. odd...

Updated by anonymous

Yo. Thanks everyone for your input. I did take time to read everything, and I do really appreciate it. I do apologize since I wrote that post when I was pretty agitated. But I'm a little calmer.

Kind of have to detest my experience with Kristal Candeo's. Mine is quite the opposite. I can't make friends with most furries, no matter how hard I try... I've talks to more normies and gamers, and I enjoy doing things with them better, even though furry humor/thinking is something I have to toss out the window when talking, because I imagine it will make them uncomfortable. Personality clash is just a likely subject with furries. I'm not an artist type, even though I draw and practice at my own art style, talking to artists and trying to collaborate with them is a real hassle.

To that one person that said I had narcissism just because I don't like many other's artworks. That's not what that word means. I do like some artwork from people, but not a lot of it. They keyword is, what you get for free from the fandom is certainly not good enough, and even when people pay for commissions, who knows what you're really going to get from somebody in the end? It's a risk. It's always better to draw it yourself, and practice at it. Anybody can draw if they are able to spend time with it. If you want to spend hard-earned money on commissions, whatever. Your choice!

As biased as I am, I know factually that I can render out what I want to draw in my head, better than anyone else can, and I enjoy what comes out as a result of it. And I also don't care that I'm a narcissist or an art critic, hasn't stopped me from making other friends previously. It's just that idiots can't take any kind of criticism well, and that pisses me the fuck off more than anything else. If somebody criticizes me, I usually either criticize back, or criticize myself because of it. I don't do it very often outside of the Internet because it's very awkward, but it has happened. People need to learn to deal with it. I am a born critic, and I'm never going to stop, because I feel very comfortable with it, and it makes me happier when I do it. Any chance I miss out on telling people like it is makes me unhappy, honestly... I feel worse because of it.

I mean, I can also get sarcastic about it, that's also part of my personality.

Updated by anonymous

Annoying cancerous trash. There is a reason why most people hate this fandom on the internet.

I just like the porn.

I can't control what my brain sexualises but I can control my levels of faggotry when im out in public.

I don't know if you're all being serious in this thread, but i know i am. I don't give a shit what other people do with their time so long as it doesn't hurt others. So ill never wish for anyone of them to be hurt or in jail or something stupid like that but it doesn't stop me from cringing at the sight of a public furry

Updated by anonymous

Furry communities are no different from any other community. Still has the same unwritten social rules, the same type of ingroup/outgroup bias, the same type of individual non-transparent seniority etc. I more or less like the furry fandom for the artwork, that's...about it. I'll be hard pressed to find any other reason for me to be involved in communities such as this. Same stessors different image.

Updated by anonymous

MEGA RANT INCOMING! (plz don't ban me for this, but I have to get it off my chest)

Most of you will probably hate me for this, but I don't care. I'm just gonna say it. Yes I guess you can say I'm a furry. And in my time here I have come to like quite a few of you as individuals. However I'm not like some stereotypical furfaggot. Alright? I'm not some fucking hippie liberal douche who hangs around with the typical crowd the fandom tends to attract.
I'm not one of those furfags (among other fags) who comes up with a new gender every two weeks and starts campaigning for its "acceptance," like any other sensitive easily-triggered webtard. I'm also not some guy who literally fucks literal fucking animals. There are certain things (social and politically related) that are peddled around by the furry fandom (due to the fandom's overly liberal mentality) that I personally don't agree with, but heaven forbid I ever speak my mind because apparently "I'm on the wrong side of history." Oh fuck off! And it's funny when other furries argue with me in a way that seems as if they were expecting me to be liberalized or whatever. DO YOU REALLY EXPECT THAT FROM A RURAL WHITE (and well-educated) CONSERVATIVE SUCH AS MYSELF?!?!
(btw, no, we don't all sleep with our relatives. I knew one of you was gonna pull that card out after reading this).
Basically, to sum it up, my opinion is like this:
I don't know why the hell I'm into anthro stuff, but I am. Especially the sexual side of it. So I come here to socialize with other people who have the same interest. I personally have gotten to like quite a few of you, individually. But overall, I disagree with alotta prevailing mentalities amongst a considerable portion of users.

Updated by anonymous

This place is pretty chill in comparison to some others I'd think. Still lots of cringe, but otherwise ok.

In general, people who publicly say that they're a furry tend to be fuckin' weirdos of the 11th degree. More often than not.

Updated by anonymous

Dragonlayer said:
This place is pretty chill in comparison to some others I'd think. Still lots of cringe, but otherwise ok.

In general, people who publicly say that they're a furry tend to be fuckin' weirdos of the 11th degree. More often than not.

I'm alright with the fursuit and such but don't be make a complete dipshit of one's self.

Updated by anonymous

I agree with the idea that furry community tends to be overly liberal. However I would also point out that fandom in general is like that. More specifically, like this
-- in this case see point 1, "Ostracizers are evil", but all points apply.

Updated by anonymous

people who center or revolve their entire lives around what is little more than a fetish (any fetish) are fuckng crazy tards.

Updated by anonymous

Knotty_Curls said:
... anyways, stick around. we're cool.

Any group that is cool with peacocks, as well as coyotes is fine by me.

Humans like to shoot coyotes for some strange reason.

(I like stealing yer womenfolk far more than yer sheep or chickens)

Updated by anonymous

TruckNutz said:
MEGA RANT INCOMING! (plz don't ban me for this, but I have to get it off my chest)

Most of you will probably hate me for this, but I don't care. I'm just gonna say it. Yes I guess you can say I'm a furry. And in my time here I have come to like quite a few of you as individuals. However I'm not like some stereotypical furfaggot. Alright? I'm not some fucking hippie liberal douche who hangs around with the typical crowd the fandom tends to attract.
I'm not one of those furfags (among other fags) who comes up with a new gender every two weeks and starts campaigning for its "acceptance," like any other sensitive easily-triggered webtard. I'm also not some guy who literally fucks literal fucking animals. There are certain things (social and politically related) that are peddled around by the furry fandom (due to the fandom's overly liberal mentality) that I personally don't agree with, but heaven forbid I ever speak my mind because apparently "I'm on the wrong side of history." Oh fuck off! And it's funny when other furries argue with me in a way that seems as if they were expecting me to be liberalized or whatever. DO YOU REALLY EXPECT THAT FROM A RURAL WHITE (and well-educated) CONSERVATIVE SUCH AS MYSELF?!?!
(btw, no, we don't all sleep with our relatives. I knew one of you was gonna pull that card out after reading this).
Basically, to sum it up, my opinion is like this:
I don't know why the hell I'm into anthro stuff, but I am. Especially the sexual side of it. So I come here to socialize with other people who have the same interest. I personally have gotten to like quite a few of you, individually. But overall, I disagree with alotta prevailing mentalities amongst a considerable portion of users.

Reading this made my night. I agree with everything you said here.

As for my own opinion on furries, I call myself one when talking with friends cause that's easier than saying, "I have an obsession with anthropomorphic animals and humans with animal characteristics like nekos"
I just find anthros fascinating. I like to make stories about the conflicting relations of society if different anthros and humans lived together. Besides that, I'm here for the porn. Lol

Updated by anonymous

and even though I have my own fursona, I don't rp, I just use him in my stories.

Updated by anonymous

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