Topic: Tag Alias: goat-kid -> bleats

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing goat-kid → bleats
Link to alias


Full Name: Bleats

Artist appears to use Bleats easily as often as he does Goat-kid.

Plus, his more recent art always has a Bleats signature whereas his older ones (relatively; where has this guy been all this time lol?) would have Goat-kid. So there's been a change of heart...maybe?

Updated by Bleats

parasprite said:
Verified and approved

Thank you!

For some reason it caused Bleats to be turned into a general tag (or maybe it just still was and you simply forgot to set it), but that was easily corrected.

Updated by anonymous

Why did this get approved?

"Bleat" / "Bleats" is a sound that a goat, lamb, and/or calf makes when it cries out. It's not a thing or object.

Updated by anonymous

Jugofthat said:
Thank you!

For some reason it caused Bleats to be turned into a general tag (or maybe it just still was and you simply forgot to set it), but that was easily corrected.

I axed the thing that changes tag types automatically on aliases because it was causing tags to change types unexpectedly (and preventing certain aliases from running). Since bleats wasn't used it started life as a general tag.

I'll find a replacement for that at some point, but for now I'm happy not having tag types change randomly because of aliases.

Bj007pro said:
Why did this get approved?

"Bleat" / "Bleats" is a sound that a goat, lamb, and/or calf makes when it cries out. It's not a thing or object.

It's not a thing or object, but it is an artist.

Updated by anonymous

Bj007pro said:
Why did this get approved?

"Bleat" / "Bleats" is a sound that a goat, lamb, and/or calf makes when it cries out. It's not a thing or object.

People normally don't tag that sort of thing, it's more likely to see onomatopoeia get tagged. And that rarely gets tagged!

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I axed the thing that changes tag types automatically on aliases because it was causing tags to change types unexpectedly (and preventing certain aliases from running). Since bleats wasn't used it started life as a general tag.

I'll find a replacement for that at some point, but for now I'm happy not having tag types change randomly because of aliases.

It's not a thing or object, but it is an artist.


Furrin_Gok said:
People normally don't tag that sort of thing, it's more likely to see onomatopoeia get tagged. And that rarely gets tagged!


Updated by anonymous name is Bleats D: baa-aa-aa-aa....

I do go my Bleats now more then Goat-kid, and I'm slowly droping the Goat-kid all together.

Updated by anonymous

Bleats said: name is Bleats D: baa-aa-aa-aa....

I'm confused. What are you complaining about? That's exactly what the point of the opening post was, and it was verified in favor of that.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
I'm confused. What are you complaining about? That's exactly what the point of the opening post was, and it was verified in favor of that.

I'm not complaining at all :) i was trying to be silly, and i failed.

Updated by anonymous

bj007pro said:
Why did this get approved?

"Bleat" / "Bleats" is a sound that a goat, lamb, and/or calf makes when it cries out. It's not a thing or object.

I suggest those sounds be tagged as bleating.

Maybe if there future tag-confusion between bleat, bleats and bleating,
artist tag could be bleats_(artist).


Current bleat* tags:
1) 7 . . . bleat . . . (general category)
2) 1 . . . bleatboy . . . (general category)
3) 24 . . . bleat_(character)
4) 30 . . . bleating . . . (general category)
5) 7 . . . bleatking . . . (artist category)
6) 11 . . . bleatley . . . (artist category)
7) 553 . . . bleats . . . (artist category)
8) 1 . . . bleats_(character)
9) 1 . . . bleats_(goat-kid) . . . (character category)
10) 10 . . . bleat-sheep . . . (artist category)

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