Topic: crossdressing

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If anyone has any tips for crossdressing and is willing to share them I would be grateful. I know this is a furry sight but I figured I might as well ask. I've got the basics I think but I looking fo suggestions on littlte things to fine tune it.

Updated by user 199204

Mostly just wear what makes you happy/comfortable.
That's really all that matters

Updated by anonymous

Morrighan said:
If anyone has any tips for crossdressing and is willing to share them I would be grateful. I know this is a furry sight but I figured I might as well ask. I've got the basics I think but I looking fo suggestions on littlte things to fine tune it.

all i can think of of is

Updated by anonymous

Don't shave your eyebrows.

And again, do what makes you comfortable.

Updated by anonymous

Thanks. I know no eyebrow looks really creepy, thank you Halite.

Updated by anonymous

Morrighan said:
Thanks. I know no eyebrow looks really creepy, thank you Halite.

No don't listen to Halite. No eyebrows looks BEAUTIFUL

Updated by anonymous

Morrighan said:
Thanks. I know no eyebrow looks really creepy, thank you Halite.

Better then unibrow

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Better then unibrow

Well you can trim and groom your eyebrows, but shaving them off completely is horrible.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Well you can trim and groom your eyebrows, but shaving them off completely is horrible.

Seconded. Another thing that many amateur crossdressers do wrong is wear the wrong outfits. Girl, if your waist is a size 10, you are NOT fitting into that size 7! Plain and simple, keep your body shape and size in mind when choosing your outfit. Fashion isn't just about pretty clothes, but how you wear them!

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Seconded. Another thing that many amateur crossdressers do wrong is wear the wrong outfits. Girl, if your waist is a size 10, you are NOT fitting into that size 7! Plain and simple, keep your body shape and size in mind when choosing your outfit. Fashion isn't just about pretty clothes, but how you wear them!


Updated by anonymous

Shave arms/legs most definitely. There will be so much difference, trust me.

Updated by anonymous

Im a bit of a jack of all trades when it comes to making things, so ive been making what I thought I would need made the nessacary undergarments. However I have hit a bit of a block as to what to stuff the bra with, tissues look odd and polyfill itches like you wouldnt believe. Any ideas?

Updated by anonymous

Morrighan said:
Im a bit of a jack of all trades when it comes to making things, so ive been making what I thought I would need made the nessacary undergarments. However I have hit a bit of a block as to what to stuff the bra with, tissues look odd and polyfill itches like you wouldnt believe. Any ideas?

Paper mashie? I don't know, flat chested "girls" can be very cute as well.

Updated by anonymous

True........ Has anyone here ever crossdressed? If so what are some of the thing you shouldn't do?

Updated by anonymous

Morrighan said:
True........ Has anyone here ever crossdressed? If so what are some of the thing you shouldn't do?

i've crossdressed only once before... and all I can say is be sure your shoe size is calculated out correctly when I did it my shoes were two sizes to small so yeah be careful with your shoe sizing

Updated by anonymous

Morrighan said:
True........ Has anyone here ever crossdressed? If so what are some of the thing you shouldn't do?

...Don't be 6'2 with a pudgy gorilla like upper body... You just look really freaking creepy

Updated by anonymous

What if your six foot four with a thirty inch waist, and weigh a hundred and and fifty pounds?;)

Updated by anonymous

Morrighan said:
What if your six foot four with a thirty inch waist, and weigh a hundred and and fifty pounds?;)

Eat at McDonald's more often. (jk)

Updated by anonymous

Plus I would rather eat and old shoe than McDonald's. It makes me feel nauseous.

Updated by anonymous

I wasn't the least bit serious.

Morrighan said:
Plus I would rather eat and old shoe than McDonald's. It makes me feel nauseous.

That's probably for the best, anyways.

Updated by anonymous

When I played with my sister about having bigger breasts we used filling our bras with waterballons. They usually explode with lot of movement so put one inside another before filling it with water.
Source of this idea? Some old Will Smith's movie.

Updated by anonymous

Morrighan said:
What if your six foot four with a thirty inch waist, and weigh a hundred and and fifty pounds?;)

Yup, that's perfectly fine then.

Updated by anonymous

A 6'4" woman is going to be relatively difficult to pull off IMHO.
I'm no cross dresser in a serious sense but I played in the orchestra of a production of La Cage Aux Folles, which has a bunch of men in drag that pulled it off relatively well, so I got to witness it first hand.
Here are some tips.

1. Shave everything. I'd say wax due to shaving making hair come back all thick and manly, which is (I'm going out on a limb here) not what you want.

2. Tuck and tape. This is self explanatory, unless you are small enough for it to not show already.

3. As for padding, there are silicone pouches that you'd put inside the bra that basically feel like jello, and aren't itchy (at least what I'm told).

4. There are hormones you can take to help get a feminine figure, I'm not a doctor so I can't go recommending this though.

5. Voice and Posture are vital to believability, just remember that.

Just remember I'm no expert in this, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
so take what I say with a grain of salt.

yyeeahh. voice is more dependent on how you sound anyway if your like a friend I had in high school and your voice is super soft for a tall person than your voice is probably gonna be fine the way it is...

Updated by anonymous

Morrighan said:
True........ Has anyone here ever crossdressed? If so what are some of the thing you shouldn't do?

I have done it a couple of times at a friends house, I'm probably not the best at actually being skilled at blending in and using all your available resources, but I am already kinda girly anyway. I am 5'... 8"? I think, maybe a little taller? and last time I was weighed, I was 120 lbs, so I'm a pretty small guy anyway. I really like thigh high stockings, armwarmers, and scarves (Real scarves, not that faggy shit, XD), strategically useful to cover up parts of yourself that can be a bit of a giveaway, plus I like them. Personally, I don't use a big bra size, I think that might just help make it more believable for someone as small framed as me, to have a somewhat small bust.

Updated by anonymous

Am I correct in thinking that when buying femalae garment something with loose sleeves would be wise?

Updated by anonymous

Also what makeup should one buy, something to cover up the shadow thats left after you shave obviously but after that...........

Updated by anonymous

Note: Brace yourselves, grammar's horrors are coming.

Not sure of their names in english. You will need:
-Lipstick (if you don't want something so "drastical" like red maybe a natural colour)
-Eyeshadows, but don't use too much (xD)
You can try an ear ring or some other piercings too but please don't put them on your face. I don't know how long is your hair so I can't tell what you should use. Maybe some clips (is that how are they called?). It would be good to make sure you don't have hair on the back of your neck.

P.S.: Is it a date? :3

Updated by anonymous

Thanks, and my hair at its longest is just below my shoulder blades.

Updated by anonymous

Morrighan said:
Thanks, and my hair at its longest is just below my shoulder blades.

PFFT! mine is at my rib-cage! and if you crossdress please!!!! do this

Updated by anonymous

For a long time iswam competitively, long hours in chlorinated water are not kind to your hair. It took a while for it to recover.

Updated by anonymous

Morrighan said:
No, just felt like something needed to change.

Then I hope it goes as well as you expect it to be.

Updated by anonymous

Morrighan said:
So far so good. At after that well que sera sera.

Sera lo que tenga que ser :3

Updated by anonymous

Guten morgen! Any one have any sugestions on how to buy these items without drawing attention?

Updated by anonymous

Other than online, maybe go to a store where no one knows you and say they are gifts for your twin sister.

Updated by anonymous

Morrighan said:
Guten morgen! Any one have any sugestions on how to buy these items without drawing attention?

If you have a confident girl-friend ask her to do it. Or just travel to another city a little far from yours so you avoid meeting known people.

Updated by anonymous

Morrighan said:
Guten morgen! Any one have any sugestions on how to buy these items without drawing attention?

Honestly? Lingerie shops and the like deal with trans women and crossdressers all the time. Be polite, be honest, and don't be afraid to state your preferences in fashion. There's always the chance that you'll get a clerk who looks at you with disgust or berates you- and if they do, I'm sorry that happened, but go to another employee and complain to them/the manager about the treatment, and get a friendlier employee to help you out. They'll be able to help you with your outfit a lot better than any of us could, including measuring and choosing specific clothing styles. Once you know what your sizes are and have an idea for the style you're looking to get, simply go in, pick up the items, and buy them. Don't make excuses, don't be nervous- It's just clothes, and I'm not just saying that to try and help ya calm down- it's really just clothes.

Updated by anonymous

Morrighan said:
True........ Has anyone here ever crossdressed? If so what are some of the thing you shouldn't do?

Make shur the clothes you get fit before you buy them

Updated by anonymous said:
Make shur the clothes you get fit before you buy them

Necro fail.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff said:
or enjoy returning stuff thats to big/small

Quit necroing threads if you have nothing of value to add.

Updated by anonymous

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