Topic: Shaving

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Is it weird for guys to shave off all the hair from their neck down? Is it less handsome? Totally asking for my friend Fred who loves to shave c;

But no really, I'm super curious.

Updated by Rusty_

ugh, i hate shaving in general. hardly ever even bother with my beard & mustache actually.

i could care less about outer appearance if the alternative is constant suffering and itching like crazy almost non-stop. so long as it doesn't get in the way of me doing anything then i'd rather take the path of less suffering.

Updated by anonymous

Body hair=man!!!

Never shave! Trim yes, I trim my beard and pubes when they grow too long.

Updated by anonymous

I only shave my sideburns so they'll grow better. I keep the mustache. I don't bother pay attention to all my other body hair though. I just don't have time for that. Nor do I care.

Updated by anonymous

Rustyy said:
Body hair=man!!!

Never shave! Trim yes, I trim my beard and pubes when they grow too long.

By beard has a "I've been shaved!" detector. I think it's because of the whole massaging quickens growth thing where the act of shaving is massaging sort of? So technically that should be true for anybody.

Updated by anonymous

No, that's is mostly an optical illusion, freshly shaved hairs are thicker at the cuts than the hair is when it has been exposed to the elements for a while, so they are easier to see and contrast better.
The only way to grow a beard faster/better is to keep the testosterone level higher, for example by looking forward to getting laid soon or working out.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
The only way to grow a beard faster/better is to keep the testosterone level higher, for example by looking forward to getting laid soon

Well, my beard isnt gonna grow anytime soon.

Updated by anonymous

Rustyy said:
Well, my beard isnt gonna grow anytime soon.

You don't actually have to have something coming up, just imagine the scenario that would if you could control reality. That should trick the body into producing testosterone.

Updated by anonymous

It's not unusual, but it's probably more common in the US than most other countries, so perhaps not where you live. I personally like clean-shaven lads and lasses. It better shows off the beautiful musculoskeletal system :D

I would happily wish away my pubes—but I can't, and shaving there sucks, so I just trim it. I do shave my happy trail and nipples. Oddly, I kinda like my armpit hair.

Updated by anonymous

if you like to keep everything shaved, then go ahead. if you prefer to be hairy, then dont shave. do what makes you most comfortable.

Updated by anonymous

Stubble is way nicer than a beard.
But you won't see me showing up to a job interview with either.

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
if you like to keep everything shaved, then go ahead. if you prefer to be hairy, then dont shave. do what makes you most comfortable.


Updated by anonymous

There's a name for men who shave their bodies.


Updated by anonymous

Shaving takes too much effort to do consistently. I've been trying to shave my face more commonly though.

Updated by anonymous

Rustyy said:
There's a name for men who shave their bodies.


And competitive swimmers.
And let's face it, body hair is often coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Fenrick said:
And competitive swimmers.
And let's face it, body hair is often coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

And sport cyclists.

Updated by anonymous

Si_288 said:
I want an operator beard.

You can only have an operator beard if you operate.
Do you even operate bro?

Fenrick said:
And let's face it, body hair is often coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

That's something a woman would say.

Updated by anonymous

Rustyy said:
There's a name for men who shave their bodies.


so.. like.. is masculinity SO incredibly fragile that it's existence is literally tied on man's pubes, armpit hair and nipple hair? thats kinda...

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

If I shave my skin gets painfully irritated, so I don't bother. It has nothing to do with what I use to shave, it's simply due to having shaved in the first place.

I would rather be not covered in rashes and sweat and just have hairy manlegs. I at least shave my face every other day.

Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
If I shave my skin gets painfully irritated, so I don't bother. It has nothing to do with what I use to shave, it's simply due to having shaved in the first place.

I would rather be not covered in rashes and sweat and just have hairy manlegs. I at least shave my face every other day.

yep, sounds about right regarding the skin irritation. and i don't know why i didn't say it before but trimming > shaving. especially if you get it done at the barber shop (like when you get a haircut). iirc, last time i got mine trimmed like that it didn't bother me at all till later that night and even then not near as much as when i would do it myself. just gotta be careful and keep calm (don't move too much) as i think this was a barber who used of those shaving razors. (yikes)

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

treos said:
yep, sounds about right regarding the skin irritation. and i don't know why i didn't say it before but trimming > shaving. especially if you get it done at the barber shop (like when you get a haircut). iirc, last time i got mine trimmed like that it didn't bother me at all till later that night and even then not near as much as when i would do it myself. just gotta be careful and keep calm (don't move too much) as i think this was a barber who used of those shaving razors. (yikes)

I have more male-like, coarse bodyhair, unfortunately, which is probably why this happens. Whenever I say something about it people just say to use something else when shaving. I've used everything under the sun, the problem comes from the simple lack of hair. My face is the only place I don't get this problem. Hooray for having too much of the wrong hormone.

Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
I have more male-like, coarse bodyhair, unfortunately, which is probably why this happens. Whenever I say something about it people just say to use something else when shaving. I've used everything under the sun, the problem comes from the simple lack of hair. My face is the only place I don't get this problem. Hooray for having too much of the wrong hormone.

Well hallowed thee who had not the curse of facial hair. I get a bad baby face, so any razor I use, and cream, is like burning my face. I actually have to use a styler, which isn't meant for saving but for cutting down hair to smaller levels, in order to keep mine manageable . Other than using that, I "need" to have a goatee to combat the visual problem of having a baby face, which is read as is.

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
Well hallowed thee who had not the curse of facial hair. I get a bad baby face, so any razor I use, and cream, is like burning my face. I actually have to use a styler, which isn't meant for saving but for cutting down hair to smaller levels, in order to keep mine manageable . Other than using that, I "need" to have a goatee to combat the visual problem of having a baby face, which is read as is.

My dad's face is also really sensitive, and he got some gentle, old-fashioned Italian shaving soaps and safety razor a long time ago. They are more expensive, but worth it ^^

I shave often because it does wonders to keep the acne away.

Also you guys TOTALLY missed @Fenrick 's quote lol

Updated by anonymous

If you are blessed with crappy eastern european genes then yes

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
so.. like.. is masculinity SO incredibly fragile that it's existence is literally tied on man's pubes, armpit hair and nipple hair? thats kinda...

For Rustyy, I guess it is. Some people don't feel very well built into their own masculinity or femininity, and so they make bold statements like "Without this, you'd be the other gender!"

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Siral_Exan said:
Well hallowed thee who had not the curse of facial hair. I get a bad baby face, so any razor I use, and cream, is like burning my face. I actually have to use a styler, which isn't meant for saving but for cutting down hair to smaller levels, in order to keep mine manageable . Other than using that, I "need" to have a goatee to combat the visual problem of having a baby face, which is read as is.

I have to shave my face more often than a lot of men, which is both hilarious and depressing. I know I'm probably gross because ew hairy legs but I would rather not look and feel like a red brillo pad than impress strangers. I don't wear shorts or skirts or whatever anyway.

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
so.. like.. is masculinity SO incredibly fragile that it's existence is literally tied on man's pubes, armpit hair and nipple hair? thats kinda...

There's also a name for people who take things too seriously on the internet


Updated by anonymous

Is it weird for guys to shave off all the hair from their neck down? Is it less handsome? Totally asking for my friend Fred who loves to shave c;

But no really, I'm super curious.

I am hair free and I am a male.

Regardless of it's weirdness or not, I stay smooth because that's what I like. It my body, not theirs.

As far as how that effects my skin, I never use any kind of lotions or gels or creams or even water to shave either, because I don't see a point. If I need to shave, I pick up a razor and do it.

People used to tell me that it was important to apply gel to avoid irritation, especially for my face, but I never have and never will. I never have irritation so to me there's no point.

Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
I have to shave my face more often than a lot of men, which is both hilarious and depressing. I know I'm probably gross because ew hairy legs but I would rather not look and feel like a red brillo pad than impress strangers. I don't wear shorts or skirts or whatever anyway.


Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
I don't like you either. :v

Meh. It seems nobody ever does or will, so it's whatever.

Though, it's not that I dislike you, I just dislike body hair. My apologies.

TheHuskyK9 said:
I disagree

To each their own.

Aesthetically, I think males can look good with it, but not so much so for females. Out in public, people can have whatever body hair they want as long as I don't have to deal with it myself.

And as far as my personal romantic/sexual agenda, no one should ever have body hair, ever. Male or female.

Sexually, if I gotta do anything with a penis, the guy's crotch and legs and ass and at least up to their mid-belly better be shaven, and if I'm going to do anything with a vagina, the same applies.

Romantically, I'm not gunna spoon or cuddle or lay with a person who has ANY hair on their body. If you really love me, show me that you are willing to sacrifice your body hair so that I may be and lay with you.

Like I said, having to deal with or touch or be around any body hair freaks me the fuck out, so there's no way that I could ever get intimate with someone who has it. I'm not even going to do so much as cuddle with someone who has chest or armpit hair unless they wear a thick shirt.

No offense to anyone else, but personally I just get the willies all over at the mere thought of touching body hair. Like I said, people can do whatever they want as far as shaving or not shaving, but if they ever want me to touch them, they better be willing to sacrifice their body hair for me and shave before hand.

It's just.... Ew.

But again, that's just me. I'm sorry if my preferences don't sit well with others.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
constant suffering and itching like crazy almost non-stop.

This summarizes my experience of shaving
anywhere that isn't my face. Also ingrown hairs.

I think it's easier if you have thinner hair (blond or, especially, red, AFAIK). I don't.

I kind of appreciate my body hair as IME being shaved makes sweat really cling to that area of the body.. it's icky. Also stops me from getting too cold.
But from an aesthetic point of view I'd rather everybody had none (except on arms. arm hair is nice, haha).

Weird is largely irrelevant concept IMO - worrying about if X is weird is oversensitive usually IME.

Same applies to "guys". If you think of yourself as a guy, ok, whatever, but you're an individual too. Nothing wrong with doing what works for you.

I generally think that shaved faces look better, but some people overdo it and look like a plucked chicken. That's silly and possibly OCD.

Updated by anonymous

Rustyy said:
There's also a name for people who take things too seriously on the internet


There's a name for people who always make sarcastic remarks where the conversation is intended to be serious

Nah, but do be careful not to take it too far. Sarcasm doesn't translate into text very easily, and people who actually don't understand a subject well enough may think you're being serious. If they ask a question that sounds like they took you too seriously, it's better to explain the truth than to throw adjectives that may not be appreciated at them.

Kristal_Candeo said:
I am hair free and I am a male.

Regardless of it's weirdness or not, I stay smooth because that's what I like. It my body, not theirs.

As far as how that effects my skin, I never use any kind of lotions or gels or creams or even water to shave either, because I don't see a point. If I need to shave, I pick up a razor and do it.

People used to tell me that it was important to apply gel to avoid irritation, especially for my face, but I never have and never will. I never have irritation so to me there's no point.

Do you use an electric or manual razor?

Knotty_Curls said:
my sisters would get more hair on their legs than me

Peahens get leg feathers?

Kristal_Candeo said:
Meh. It seems nobody ever does or will, so it's whatever.

I kind of like you? You make interesting points, certainly. I "Kind of like" anybody who has fun comments to read, though, I'm not the kind of guy to really dislike much.

Updated by anonymous

Rustyy said:
There's also a name for people who take things too seriously on the internet


it was a joke

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Sarcasm doesn't translate into text very easily

ugh, so true. it's sometimes fairly common that i miss the sarcasm in text (pretty much anywhere). quite annoying

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:

Hair is the very Devil

Aesthetically, I think males can look good with it, but not so much so for females. Out in public, people can have whatever body hair they want as long as I don't have to deal with it myself.

And as far as my personal romantic/sexual agenda, no one should ever have body hair, ever. Male or female.

Sexually, if I gotta do anything with a penis, the guy's crotch and legs and ass and at least up to their mid-belly better be shaven, and if I'm going to do anything with a vagina, the same applies.

Romantically, I'm not gunna spoon or cuddle or lay with a person who has ANY hair on their body. If you really love me, show me that you are willing to sacrifice your body hair so that I may be and lay with you.

Like I said, having to deal with or touch or be around any body hair freaks me the fuck out, so there's no way that I could ever get intimate with someone who has it. I'm not even going to do so much as cuddle with someone who has chest or armpit hair unless they wear a thick shirt.

No offense to anyone else, but personally I just get the willies all over at the mere thought of touching body hair. Like I said, people can do whatever they want as far as shaving or not shaving, but if they ever want me to touch them, they better be willing to sacrifice their body hair for me and shave before hand.

It's just.... Ew.

But again, that's just me. I'm sorry if my preferences don't sit well with others.

Soooo, what if you fell in love with a hairy person? Could that happen? Or are you not capable of fostering love for a hairy individual? If you did, and wanted to be with them, would you have to tell them that it's your way or the highway, Jack?

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Do you use an electric or manual razor?

Manual razor. For both my body and my face. (yes, even my balls/crotch/pubic area are done with a manual razor.)

Sometimes I'll use an electric razor with a "3" guard on my chin if I want to leave a little there just for general manly handsomeness in public. >AS SO<

I kind of like you? You make interesting points, certainly. I "Kind of like" anybody who has fun comments to read, though, I'm not the kind of guy to really dislike much.

Really? Is that so? Are you sure?

Hmm... I raise my brow at that claim.

Seriously though, I thank you for your kind words.

BTW: Sorry if I look terrible. These are literally (YES LITERALLY) my first two selfies ever, and I just got up for a thing I have planned today. I was about to get in the shower and I took them "off hip" when I checked this forum because I thought it would be a little funny to have my first ever selfie posted on a eSix forum about shaving, (of all things), so I apologize for my terribleness ahead of time. Also, since it was my first time doing a selfie, did I do a good? Because it felt kind of dumb. Oh well, too late now.

Aeruginis said:
Soooo, what if you fell in love with a hairy person? Could that happen? Or are you not capable of fostering love for a hairy individual? If you did, and wanted to be with them, would you have to tell them that it's your way or the highway, Jack?

I don't know. I guess it could happen. I mean, I've never "loved" someone before anyway, but I suppose it could happen, like if I love a person deeply and then they take off their shirt and *POOF!. But if that ever happened and they truly felt the same way about me as I did them, then I feel like they should at least be willing to make that small of a sacrifice for me. Now you might say that I should be the one willing to sacrifice my disdain for hair for the sake of my love interest, and you'd be right: I should be.

But like I said before, it may sound harsh and rather blunt, but I'm not going to suck a dick if the guys crotch is hairy and I am not going to give cunnilingus if a girl has a carpet. And given that oral sex is a thing that I really want to do with my partner in the future, (if I am ever lucky enough to get a loving partner at all) the hair has got to be gone for me to feel comfortable doing it.

I'm not saying that their wanting to have body hair will cancel out my true passionate love for them, but as far as my comfort in doing the "touchy-feely", sexy intimate stuff with them, yeah probably.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I would prefer a partner have more hair than me if for no other reason so that I don't so much feel like something from the paleolithic era.

Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
I would prefer a partner have more hair than me if for no other reason so that I don't so much feel like something from the paleolithic era.

Wait... so you are not from the paleolithic era?

Well, you could have fooled me, that's for sure.


Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Kristal_Candeo said:
Wait... so you are not from the paleolithic era?

Well, you could have fooled me, that's for sure.


Luckily you've never seen me.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
ugh, i hate shaving in general. hardly ever even bother with my beard & mustache actually.

i could care less about outer appearance if the alternative is constant suffering and itching like crazy almost non-stop. so long as it doesn't get in the way of me doing anything then i'd rather take the path of less suffering.

I would too but I suffer from a massively bad case of pedostache

Updated by anonymous

facial hair can be uncomfortable to kiss and for body hair I prefer guys to be either smooth or trimmed. Have you ever sucked a really hairy dick? You get pubes everywhere! If I have to wax my boobs you guys gotta at least trim down there.

Updated by anonymous

i want to hold all you hairless people down and rub my beard and chest hair all over you.

Updated by anonymous

PhallusFantasy said:
facial hair can be uncomfortable to kiss and for body hair I prefer guys to be either smooth or trimmed. Have you ever sucked a really hairy dick? You get pubes everywhere! If I have to wax my boobs you guys gotta at least trim down there.


Rustyy said:
i want to hold all you hairless people down and rub my beard and chest hair all over you.

Bring it, Rustyy! Come at me bro!

Updated by anonymous

Rustyy said:
i want to hold all you hairless people down and rub my beard and chest hair all over you.

Pssh, no ponytail? Lame.

Updated by anonymous

A terrible lose has occured....

Will update this thread in morning.

Until then please, maintain an atmosphere of silence and respect throughout the night..

Updated by anonymous

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