Topic: Deleted post

Posted under General

Firstly, I'm not butthurt about my post getting deleted. Rather I wouldn't even care, but I found it pretty... bullcrap. I'll explain why.

So a recent post I created was an Overwatch animation of Mei and Roadhog. Note, there's plenty of other Overwatch sfm on this site. I do know that there is a image hosting site that is furry centered, but there is plenty of art that isn't furry, or anything remotely close to it. Now, knowing this, I thought the post I created would be fine, but apparently not. It was deleted for being "irrelevant to the site"...

Alright. So I'm thinking: "What??" and I go ahead and search Overwatch on here. Well that's interesting: post #903501

Mind you, approved by the same admin that deleted my post: post #912863

I'm not asking for my post to be undeleted, I'm asking to why did this happen. I've been using this site for a while. Been liking it, admins have seemed cool. But after this happened, I have my doubts. An explanation would be appreciated from the same admin or another.

Updated by Furrin Gok

We no longer approve human only art, since it's only Roadhog and Mei it didn't get approved. As for post #903501, I could have sworn I deleted it as it got uploaded, but it might have been that the server ate my request and I simply didn't check if it went through or not.

As such, sorry for the confusion.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
We no longer approve human only art, since it's only Roadhog and Mei it didn't get approved. As for post #903501, I could have sworn I deleted it as it got uploaded, but it might have been that the server ate my request and I simply didn't check if it went through or not.

As such, sorry for the confusion.

Thank you for the explanation. I didn't know this site was no longer accepting human only art.

Updated by anonymous

Doctor_Potato said:
Thank you for the explanation. I didn't know this site was no longer accepting human only art.

Well, it might, if it's incredible enough, or part of a comic including furries, but in the former case you should run it by NMNY first, so that you don't get a deleted count.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Furrin_Gok said:
Well, it might, if it's incredible enough, or part of a comic including furries, but in the former case you should run it by NMNY first, so that you don't get a deleted count.

We no longer accept based on outstanding quality as that was way too subjective.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
We no longer approve human only art, since it's only Roadhog and Mei it didn't get approved. As for post #903501, I could have sworn I deleted it as it got uploaded, but it might have been that the server ate my request and I simply didn't check if it went through or not.

As such, sorry for the confusion.

So does that mean all the Markimoo and PewDiePie pics got deleted?

(That only had them in the picture)

Updated by anonymous

FurryLover001 said:
So does that mean all the Markimoo and PewDiePie pics got deleted?

(That only had them in the picture)

Old content from before the rule change remains. It will not be removed.

Ratte said:
We no longer accept based on outstanding quality as that was way too subjective.

Ah, that's fair I suppose.

Updated by anonymous

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