Firstly, I'm not butthurt about my post getting deleted. Rather I wouldn't even care, but I found it pretty... bullcrap. I'll explain why.
So a recent post I created was an Overwatch animation of Mei and Roadhog. Note, there's plenty of other Overwatch sfm on this site. I do know that there is a image hosting site that is furry centered, but there is plenty of art that isn't furry, or anything remotely close to it. Now, knowing this, I thought the post I created would be fine, but apparently not. It was deleted for being "irrelevant to the site"...
Alright. So I'm thinking: "What??" and I go ahead and search Overwatch on here. Well that's interesting: post #903501
Mind you, approved by the same admin that deleted my post: post #912863
I'm not asking for my post to be undeleted, I'm asking to why did this happen. I've been using this site for a while. Been liking it, admins have seemed cool. But after this happened, I have my doubts. An explanation would be appreciated from the same admin or another.
Updated by Furrin Gok