Topic: What is happening to pools? - Mass pool edit in progress

Posted under General

What is happening to the pools? It looks like the user DragonFox69 ( is going through and modifying ALL of them. So far he's changed more than 1,000 of them, and is continuing to do so right now.

It's being done in alphabetical order so I'm sure it's automated. Look through the pages and you'll see what I mean. Right now it goes back all the way to about page 70.

Here is a random example from earlier this week: and here is one from today: You can see that it doesn't show any changes, yet shows him as having modified it.

This makes it very hard to browse pools because all the real changes are getting buried by what this guy is doing. Is there any way to stop him, and to undo the damage?


Updated by Mairo

Isn't he just deactivating the finished ones so they don't needlessly clog up the "Add to pool" list anymore?

Anyhow, DragonFox definitely isn't a malicious user, so whatever he's up to should have its reason.

Updated by anonymous

Yep, they're turning off the active flag. Changing that probably shouldn't count for the purposes of "recent changes".

Updated by anonymous

Hi there. :)

As Jugofthat said, I'm making the pools inactive. I'm doing so for a few reasons:

  • It makes adding posts to currently active pools easier as you don't have to look through a vast number of inactive pools to get to the one you need.
  • It prevents users (especially new users who might not be sure what they are doing) from editting pools by accident.
  • Making sure that if someone does attempt to vandalize a pool, they won't be able to claim that they didn't mean it as they will have to activate it first before making changes.

As for the flooding on the pool listing, I was aware this would be an issue before I started so I asked for permission to do this before I started.

I was hoping to have all this done as quickly as possible, but it has turned out to be a much larger job than I had imagined (It'll probably take me another couple of days to finish).

I apologise for any inconvenience I may be causing but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Thanks DragonFox. Adding posts to pools is much easier when the dropdown menu is small. Aren't pools automatically inactivated after a certain amount of time though? We should lower that, maybe to a few days, and also have a checkbox to keep a pool open indefinitely, for long-running comics and stuff like that.

Updated by anonymous

leomole said:
Thanks DragonFox. Adding posts to pools is much easier when the dropdown menu is small.

Thanks! :)

leomole said:
Aren't pools automatically inactivated after a certain amount of time though?

It doesn't look like it to me, it would be an awesome feature though, especially if said automation didn't bump the pools in the listing.

Updated by anonymous

leomole said:
Aren't pools automatically inactivated after a certain amount of time though? We should lower that, maybe to a few days,

They don't, and while it sounds decent a few days would be way too soon, as lots of comics only update once a week or once per couple of them (if they even have a schedule at all), so needing to reactivate them for every page would be annoying.

Make it a month (maybe six weeks) and I'm all for it.

and also have a checkbox to keep a pool open indefinitely, for long-running comics and stuff like that.

^ Though this could be useful.

Updated by anonymous

Ah, okay. Thanks DragonFox. I didn't mean to imply that it was malicious, just that it's causing havoc for the listing.

For an admin/dev: Is there a way to make it so changing the Active flag doesn't count as a recent update to a pool? And is there any way to do a mass change to revert the last modified date for all the pools DragonFox has cleaned up?

leomole said:
Adding posts to pools is much easier when the dropdown menu is small.

Maybe another option would be for the drop-down to only show recent pools (last 4 weeks or so) by default, with a checkbox or something to show them all?

Updated by anonymous

Very interesting feature requests here.

A more conservative deactivation time would be 6 months or a year. Some comics take forever to get the next page out.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Some pools are posted piecemeal over many months, but most are posted all at once. The idea behind making the default activation window very small (few days) is that lazy uploaders (which, let's face it, is most of them) don't have to go back and inactivate the pool. A "Keep open" checkbox complements this by making it easy to keep a pool in the dropdown menu if need be.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Lance_Armstrong said:
Some comics take forever to get the next page out.

Not to mention that it is not always known whether certain comics will continue or not... Some are just stalled in the middle of a story.

Updated by anonymous

Okay guys, I'm about to start work on this again now.

If anyone is looking for pools that have genuine updates while I'm doing this you can use this link:


to display all posts that have been added to pools in order with the most recent ones first. This will save you having to click through page after page of the pool listing to find new posts.

Updated by anonymous

DragonFox69 said:
Hi there. :)

As Jugofthat said, I'm making the pools inactive. I'm doing so for a few reasons:

  • It makes adding posts to currently active pools easier as you don't have to look through a vast number of inactive pools to get to the one you need.
  • It prevents users (especially new users who might not be sure what they are doing) from editting pools by accident.
  • Making sure that if someone does attempt to vandalize a pool, they won't be able to claim that they didn't mean it as they will have to activate it first before making changes.

As for the flooding on the pool listing, I was aware this would be an issue before I started so I asked for permission to do this before I started.

I was hoping to have all this done as quickly as possible, but it has turned out to be a much larger job than I had imagined (It'll probably take me another couple of days to finish).

I apologise for any inconvenience I may be causing but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end.

People need to know about the pool:xxxx function. I use it exclusively nowadays. Way, WAY simpler

Updated by anonymous

Circeus said:
People need to know about the pool:xxxx function. I use it exclusively nowadays. Way, WAY simpler

I use that when also tagging, but the drop down list is easier for me otherwise.

Updated by anonymous

If you know the name of your pool, you can select the dropdown and type the first few letters to find it instantly.

Updated by anonymous

I'm Done. It's finally over. It is now safe to keep track of your favorite pool updates once again! ^_^

(I did my best to skip over the pools I knew were still being updated)

Updated by anonymous

DragonFox69 said:
I'm Done. It's finally over. It is now safe to keep track of your favorite pool updates once again! ^_^

(I did my best to skip over the pools I knew were still being updated)

You should totally get a +1 on your record for your amazing work.

Updated by anonymous

Good job, saves me a lot of scrolling and "uurghhh, I'm dead sure that pool was somewhere around here" moments!

Updated by anonymous

Jugofthat said:
Good job, saves me a lot of scrolling and "uurghhh, I'm dead sure that pool was somewhere around here" moments!

Protip: open the dropdown menu and start writing the pools name.

Of course it still makes it a heck ton easier when the list isn't full of pools that are already completed.

Updated by anonymous

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