Topic: Favorite themes outside of nonhumans

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It's really rarely seen in art outside of photography, but I love the look of abandoned stuff, and stuff being taken over by nature.

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Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
It's really rarely seen in art outside of photography, but I love the look of abandoned stuff, and stuff being taken over by nature.

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O_O woah, that's some serious moss takeover in #2. interesting selection of pics overall.

Updated by anonymous

cyberpunk, futurescapes and fantasyscapes are my favourite things

possibly all smashed together into one weird mess

Updated by anonymous

I really like Victorian cities and housed. I also really like soft, gentle looking art... it's hard to explain but the old Hundred Acre Wood from Winnie the Pooh always looked soooooo pleasant to me. The new one is too bright and nor as soft imo.

Updated by anonymous

Planes and huge things in general (neither are my thing sexually, thank you very much)
post #154030
offsite example: yes, gargantuan stuff is just so cool.

I also like space stuff. I guess those two things have the same kind of appeal, actually

Updated by anonymous

my interests are ever changing. sometimes it could be sci-fi stuff, other times i'd be bored of that and move to fantasy or vice versa.

it depends on if i'm bored with something and when/if something else catches my interest.

i do tend to stick with 2 main things though. seeing different or new technologies (anyone want some redesigned koopa shells [various different models], koopatrol armor,or bob-omb designs altered to work here irl? pretty sure i got the basic, advanced in the case of the koopatrol armor, designs down well enough.) and...i guess the other would be depictions of things not of this world (specifically, here, on earth) that we would consider fantasy but maybe,just maybe said things might actually exist somewhere in the vastness of existence. well, that last one might be stretching things abit but well, you never know. we certainly haven't explored that much overall so who can say for certainty what might be out there.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
offsite example: yes, gargantuan stuff is just so cool.

I did not see Mass Effect's Citadel in there. Is it just not included, or did I miss it?

Updated by anonymous

I like cities and landscapes in the style of Star Wars and Tron (and what's better than Naboo, I ask?). I also like cool vehicles and ships, tech, and bionics, especially when it is well thought out and "realistic". I love lush gardens and estates, cottages; things like that that look like heaven on earth, and I adore macros of plants and flowers. Like, a lot. 1 2 3

Anything with dew and running water is aloe vera for my soul.

btw my favorite flowers are the crocus, trillium, osteospermum, dahlia, and lily.

I can watch videos of steam engines for hours, and I enjoy artwork and photos of trains too.

Mutisija said:
this stuff

That is a sick gallery man!

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
O_O woah, that's some serious moss takeover in #2. interesting selection of pics overall.

If you like that sort of thing, I'm sure I have some others somewhere.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
I did not see Mass Effect's Citadel in there. Is it just not included, or did I miss it?

Nah, it's all Halo stuff. Bungie's always had people who were good at this kind of thing

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
Nah, it's all Halo stuff. Bungie's always had people who were good at this kind of thing

Wow, with that many vehicles I thought it was across different games, but it all belongs to the Halo series? That's a lot of vehicles.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Wow, with that many vehicles I thought it was across different games, but it all belongs to the Halo series? That's a lot of vehicles.

Yes, there's so much cool stuff that you see during those games. Unfortunately you don't get to use much of it...

Updated by anonymous

As a general blanket statement, most metal album covers are fantastic and are always a favorite of mine.

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I can't really describe what I like much more beyond that, though I am a big fan of 2D spritework.

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Updated by anonymous

Ancient ruins, evergreen forests, retro-futuristic cityscapes, old bridges, vintage automobiles, steam trains hugging the sides of cliffs. I got quite a few relevant things I like.

Updated by anonymous

Not sure if this is what you're going for, but like when something really awful/terrible is happening in like a movie, show or game, and happy music is playing in the background. I really enjoy that kind of juxtaposition.

So like themes that contrast each other I guess.

Updated by anonymous

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