Topic: Nuetral Mark

Posted under General

Is there anyway to appeal a mark on your profile?
because it feels unfair that I get one after 3 years for a comment that me and many others have made numerous times.

i know it's not that big of a deal but i went 3 years without any trouble, I was doing good until now. -__-

unless you count the time i had 100+ uploads removed. :/

Updated by Clawdragons


Former Staff

Just because other people do it doesn't mean you should, too. If people are making comments like that, report them instead of trying to make it seem like acceptable behavior when it's not and hasn't been in years.

Your neutral can be removed after six months without repeat offense. Take it as a hint to not do that again, for if it gets reported, you get to deal with me.

Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
Just because other people do it doesn't mean you should, too. If people are making comments like that, report them instead of trying to make it seem like acceptable behavior when it's not and hasn't been in years.

Your neutral can be removed after six months without repeat offense. Take it as a hint to not do that again, for if it gets reported, you get to deal with me.

People literally talk about fapping and other things a lot.
in some way, shape or form.
and i dont get how saying something like that is creepy considering this is a porn site, what else would i be on an image with a butt for?

Updated by anonymous

It's technically a community-driven image hosting site, not just porn

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Scakk said:
People literally talk about fapping and other things a lot.
in some way, shape or form.
and i dont get how saying something like that is creepy considering this is a porn site, what else would i be on an image with a butt for?

Then report them. What they are doing is against our site code of conduct.

You know, that code of conduct you should be familiar with if you've been here for three years, as you say.

Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
Then report them. What they are doing is against our site code of conduct.

You know, that code of conduct you should be familiar with if you've been here for three years, as you say.

Well technically "creepy comments" are subjective and based on the person.
I don't find most comments "disturbing/creepy or make me feel uncomfortable".
If anything this site has some disturbing art on it, but you are told to blacklist such things.
so i don't see why "creepy comments" can't jsut be ignored like you are told to do with the art.

But that's me.

but this doesnt mean I haven't seen my fair share of "Creepy comments" either.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Scakk said:
Well technically "creepy comments" are subjective and based on the person.
I don't find most comments "disturbing/creepy or make me feel uncomfortable".
If anything this site has some disturbing art on it, but you are told to blacklist such things.
so i don't see why "creepy comments" can't jsut be ignored like you are told to do with the art.

But that's me.

but this doesnt mean I haven't seen my fair share of "Creepy comments" either.

That's great. You're also not an administrator. There is no "technically" here-- if you are talking about touching yourself, you will be told not to do that. It's that simple, as should be your compliance.

People are also allowed to dislike something. They aren't allowed to act like huge assholes because they dislike something. There is a difference.

Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
People are also allowed to dislike something. They aren't allowed to act like huge assholes because they dislike something. There is a difference.

But what if it's the art being the asshole?

if i remember one image was literally just an artist who hated furries and someone decided to upload his art of him brutally killing furries and stuff for the trolling.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Scakk said:
But what if it's the art being the asshole?

if i remember one image was literally just an artist who hated furries and someone decided to upload his art of him brutally killing furries and stuff for the trolling.

Not an excuse to break our rules, just the same as the original intention of your thread.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Scakk said:
So you're saying my original intention for this thread was to somehow break the rules?

that's what it sounds like, or i'm misreading.

No, your original intention was to complain about getting told to not do something because you see other people do it, saying that should be grounds for an appeal when it's not.

Police can't catch every speeder and I can't catch everyone who goes against the site rules. I can only act upon what gets reported, which I rely on you and everyone else to help me with. Don't tell me or others that they should simply look the other way with these behaviors, then complain when someone gets caught. The rules are still there whether you look at them or not, and if you're reported, you will be given a record. That is how things work.

So, again: your record can be removed after six months without repeat offense. If you do it again and you are given another record, it will be a permanent negative record. The choice is yours, but I hope for your sake you decide to change your commenting behavior instead of the alternative.

Updated by anonymous

If somebody started uploading bait images, you're supposed to ignore it and move on.

Those who stay in the comment section and start typing up a shitstorm in response to these images, I guarantee they will all get warnings one way or another. Doesn't matter if it's one person or twenty - they took the bait. Hook line and sinker.

The site still has rules that everybody using this site should be aware of. Thinking that everybody else would do the same thing does not justify breaking any rules.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Scakk said:
People literally talk about fapping and other things a lot.
in some way, shape or form.
and i dont get how saying something like that is creepy considering this is a porn site, what else would i be on an image with a butt for?

Some artists/commissioners/character owners dislike the way users talk about their characters, especially in the way of "I would love to [sexual act] with [character]." Some of them don't want those sort of things said on their art and want it removed. This is why creepy comments can cost the site art. The other reason would be that quite a deal of other users do not enjoy reading creepy comments either.

Updated by anonymous

Hudson said:
Some artists/commissioners/character owners dislike the way users talk about their characters, especially in the way of "I would love to [sexual act] with [character]." Some of them don't want those sort of things said on their art and want it removed. This is why creepy comments can cost the site art. The other reason would be that quite a deal of other users do not enjoy reading creepy comments either.

You know i see comments like this on FA literally every day right?
I would love to know the logic behind :I make awesome porn but I hate when people tell me they are actually fapping to it".
in fact i sometimes see people doing small little rps with the uploader/artist, but i wont explain the context needed for that it would get wordy.

but last I heard it wasnt because an artist or character owner found my comment disturbing it was some random person who reported me, i made the comment 4 days before i was given a warning too.

i know i sound like a douchebag and all but it really erks me how this site allows art specifaclly targeted at killing people/furries (It's not even porn), but as soon as you say "wow i'm fapping to this picture because i like it, he has a nice butt" everyone acts all offended because it's "creepy".

i understand where admins and stuff are coming from about it though, but if you are on a picture made for porn (especially of a character made by Bad Dragon who im pretty sure they have a DILDO of anyway...), you should expect people to be fapping to it, if it was a picture not made for porn (or sometimes even for porn) and someone says something like "I want him to eat/pee on/ me so bad!" then yes that's a bit creepy, at least to me, but of course i said earlier "creepy" is subjective, i find vore comments creepy because i dont like vore, some people into vore would probabaly not mind a comment like that. my comment was on a picture of a dragon presenting, so i see no reason why a harmless comment on a post meant to be fapped to is "creepy"

/end rant

again sorry i sound like a docuhebag, its like 10:30 A.M for me

Updated by anonymous

FA is a cesspool. Comparing e621's standards to FurAffinity's is like a taste test between cheese and chalk.

As for comments that express attraction - you know what? I've done it before, however infrequently. But there are tasteful ways to express desire - there are creative, humorous ways - ways that are much more pleasing to the eyes than simply saying anything along the lines of "I would masturbate to this."

I'll look at it from a different perspective: if a majority of users think of e621 as a porn site, isn't the fact that they're fapping obvious already? We already know. We don't need any details. Even if I don't believe it's creepy, you can bet I think it's rather boring.

comment #1970346

Updated by anonymous

Scakk said:
I would love to know the logic behind :I make awesome porn but I hate when people tell me they are actually fapping to it".
in fact i sometimes see people doing small little rps with the uploader/artist, but i wont explain the context needed for that it would get wordy.

Most artists do not want to know about what goes on in the heads of sexually charged strangers. Not to mention that the number of artists who explicitly do not roleplay greatly outweigh the number of those who do.

Updated by anonymous

Hudson said:
Some artists/commissioners/character owners dislike the way users talk about their characters, especially in the way of "I would love to [sexual act] with [character]." Some of them don't want those sort of things said on their art and want it removed. This is why creepy comments can cost the site art. The other reason would be that quite a deal of other users do not enjoy reading creepy comments either.

To be fair, e621 is pretty much synonymous amongst furries for creepy commenting, and has been for the longest time. FA sees just as bad comments in some places, and yes I really do mean just as bad as some of the utter shit that can be found in comments if one digs around, yet it has the reputation of "the fandom" (or at least, so long as one is unaware or willfully ignorant of it's history and administration).

Ironically, on some sites and places there are character owners and even a few artists who not only don't mind comments that blatantly try to RP with the image, but will outright return it "as the character in the image"...

Scakk said:
You know i see comments like this on FA literally every day right?
I would love to know the logic behind :I make awesome porn but I hate when people tell me they are actually fapping to it".
in fact i sometimes see people doing small little rps with the uploader/artist, but i wont explain the context needed for that it would get wordy.

but last I heard it wasnt because an artist or character owner found my comment disturbing it was some random person who reported me, i made the comment 4 days before i was given a warning too.

i know i sound like a douchebag and all but it really erks me how this site allows art specifaclly targeted at killing people/furries (It's not even porn), but as soon as you say "wow i'm fapping to this picture because i like it, he has a nice butt" everyone acts all offended because it's "creepy".

i understand where admins and stuff are coming from about it though, but if you are on a picture made for porn (especially of a character made by Bad Dragon who im pretty sure they have a DILDO of anyway...), you should expect people to be fapping to it, if it was a picture not made for porn (or sometimes even for porn) and someone says something like "I want him to eat/pee on/ me so bad!" then yes that's a bit creepy, at least to me, but of course i said earlier "creepy" is subjective, i find vore comments creepy because i dont like vore, some people into vore would probabaly not mind a comment like that. my comment was on a picture of a dragon presenting, so i see no reason why a harmless comment on a post meant to be fapped to is "creepy"

/end rant

again sorry i sound like a docuhebag, its like 10:30 A.M for me

That said, e621's rules are e621's rules, and comments that can reasonably disturb other users, the owner of the character, or the artist are against it.

Updated by anonymous

"Ironically, on some sites and places there are character owners and even a few artists who not only don't mind comments that blatantly try to RP with the image, but will outright return it "as the character in the image."

Inkbunny users do that pretty often, I've noticed.

Updated by anonymous

Scakk said:
But what if it's the art being the asshole?

if i remember one image was literally just an artist who hated furries and someone decided to upload his art of him brutally killing furries and stuff for the trolling.

Guro is a fetish. Some people actually appreciate art like that, despite its intentions.

Scakk said:
You know i see comments like this on FA literally every day right?
I would love to know the logic behind :I make awesome porn but I hate when people tell me they are actually fapping to it".
in fact i sometimes see people doing small little rps with the uploader/artist, but i wont explain the context needed for that it would get wordy.

Fur Affinity is about the Artist. E621 is about the User. On Fur Affinity, if the artist says it's okay to have those comments on their works, it's okay to have those comments. If they don't want them, they can remove comments from other users on their own works. If you don't like it, just skip past it. If you want to know about it, send them a note or something aksing about it, like "Hey, you made this little public back-and-forth, and I was wondering about the backstory to this."
Don't expect different websites to use the same rules: Here, since we're about the users, we bunch it together and make it about the community, so that it's fair to all users. Artists still have their say--they can ask for a takedown, or to go DNP--but the rules on what comments are or aren't allowed is a site-based ruling, not artist-based.

Updated by anonymous

"But what if it's the art being the asshole?"

The art isn't a person... it can't be an asshole to you, and you can't be an asshole to it - at least, I don't think.

Though I will agree there should be more tolerance for humor. Making a joke in the comment section of an image is hardly the same thing as going to a video on Youtube and saying "your video sucks, you suck." Or "your video offends me because it talks badly about something I like, like Tumblr or MLP fandom."

Updated by anonymous

i've seen both users, character owners, and artists of all kinds here on e621 over the years. complaining about a neutral regarding a comment you made strikes me as rather foolish.

some people can handle a few lines considered "creepy" by the admin and some can't. for those who can't...well, i've seen people get neg records and even banned for repeat offenses on the matter of "creepy" (quotes there because, as the OP pointed out, this is a rather subjective matter) comments. i've seen artists, people who have run collaborations (see: japanese doujinshi with multiple artists listed), as well as character owners, all have at some point or another issued takedown notices unexpectedly and some for things as minor or harmless as a few "creepy" comments about the art they drew here and there.

the world doesn't revolve around just you and the smart thing to do would be to start taking into account how others might view differently what you view as normal and/or harmless. now, i don't want to come off as sounding PC (everyone here probably knows how much i dislike that by now.) but theres gotta be a line at some point marking where your taking things too far and where that line is would differ from person to person so don't draw it too far out there.

the fact that pretty much all users here do get off to the NSFW material shouldn't need pointing out as it's largely an unspoken fact with porn in general. we all know it happens and we all probably do it ourselves (heck....well...yeah lol) but we don't all go around telling everyone about it. pretty much this regarding said unspoken fact: keep the dirty thoughts to yourself and be considerate of others. that's pretty much the bare minimum of what can be asked of anyone here. and if you can't manage that then don't just go blurting it out like some filthy perv. keep doing that and this neutral will quite literally be the least of your worries here. right, NMNY?

edit: wow, i've really changed with how i post and write things out online since i first came here, huh? i don't remember ever being so...thoughtful back then.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

We are not FA. What people on FA do is not our problem.

The rule is put there for a reason. In the past numerous people have taken down their work over distasteful commenting. A couple years ago the rule was actually removed, and users showed overwhelming support for having that rule reinstated as it used to be. This isn't a PC thing or whatever, it helps keep the art on the site. That is essentially what is wanted to keep this site alive and to try to turn around the poor reputation this site used to have.

You don't have to like it. I really don't care. You do, however, have to abide by it if you want to continue using the site. Since you seem to think that kind of commenting is acceptable on FA, comment like that on FA. You seem to be forgetting, however, that if an artist doesn't like your creepy comment, they have the ability to hide that comment so they don't have to see it anymore. FA actually has tools for artists to moderate the comments they receive. We don't.

The rules here are very simple, so if you knew about them and decided to post suggestive comments anyway, you got yourself in trouble.

Updated by anonymous

Let it go, Scakk. A neutral record isn't the end of the world. Neither is a negative.

If you're a good user who's well behaved, then you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

Updated by anonymous

Mana_Dragon_Flammie said:
"But what if it's the art being the asshole?"

The art isn't a person... it can't be an asshole to you, and you can't be an asshole to it - at least, I don't think.

Though I will agree there should be more tolerance for humor. Making a joke in the comment section of an image is hardly the same thing as going to a video on Youtube and saying "your video sucks, you suck." Or "your video offends me because it talks badly about something I like, like Tumblr or MLP fandom."

This is the first time I can remember absolutely and unambiguously agreeing with you entirely. Very well put. Very well put indeed.

Updated by anonymous

Mana_Dragon_Flammie said:
So you don't hate my guts, even after that massive rant thread... well, uh... thanks. >.>

I try my best not to hold things against people. Admittedly I didn't much like how you were posting in that thread, but at the same time, we're not in that thread and you're not doing anything I'd object to right now, so I don't really have any reason to have negative feelings towards you.

Updated by anonymous

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