Topic: Hey can anybody tell me all the search commands

Posted under General

...Has no-one programmed a search tool into this site?

Updated by anonymous

Maxpizzle said:

Maybe they were referring to "advanced search" thing many sites have, including google.

But the search field literally has link to "search options", same thing Mutisija linked, which has list all of the available search options, which is basically the same as "advanced search" but instead of having seperate fields to put your stuff you write them in same field.

Also lol whoever is using googles advanced search instead of writing the seach commands into the field. They teach that stuff in elementary.

Updated by anonymous

Vicar said:
...Has no-one programmed a search tool into this site?

Did you try hovering over the text that Muti posted? It's a link.
There are search features all over the place on the site, pertaining the the field you're finding the search from. The things you can search for vary so widely that they don't have a connected search between them all, with the exception of the tags search also linking wikis.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, I was referring to an advanced search. I assumed with the home page of this website being little more than a search bar, there would be a UI for people to format their search. I thought I was just missing the advanced search this whole time.

Updated by anonymous

Vicar said:
Yeah, I was referring to an advanced search. I assumed with the home page of this website being little more than a search bar, there would be a UI for people to format their search. I thought I was just missing the advanced search this whole time.

I can relate a bit, I never really liked booru front pages because they often tell you nothing about the site you are visiting and generally gives no hints either. I'm not even sure if there's an explanation of what e621 is that can easily be found from the front page. It might seem like a trivial thing but coming to a new site I often like to check out the "About" page, but maybe that's just I.

Updated by anonymous

Vicar said:
Yeah, I was referring to an advanced search. I assumed with the home page of this website being little more than a search bar, there would be a UI for people to format their search. I thought I was just missing the advanced search this whole time.

Hm, you know..that's not a half-bad idea

It's [current year] after all, I think it's about time we have some kind of gui/checklist-based interface for all the people who don't want to mess around with tags and weird looking symbols (??) for basic searches


You could have the basic tags, maybe with an alphabetical dropdown of all options or something

  • gender?
  • pairing?
  • body type?
  • species?
  • [~20 fields for fetish options]
    • body attributes?
  • artist?
  • copyright?
  • year?
  • source?

Separate include/exclude options would be neat as well, so you can use each search inclusively or exclusively at the same time
Same could apply for uploading via a 'form' or checklist.
That's been suggested in multiple places in the past, but nothing really came out of it tmk


(Also this should probably be moved to General, unless I missed something)

Updated by anonymous

...Bear in mind I know close to nothing about e621. I've come here for years on a daily basis, but only to check the Pokemon listing. Whatever I say is just coming from my general knowledge of web design.

I favor graphics; images and colors wherever possible. I'm probably going to program this into another website soon, so...

1) Always keep the search bar shown. When a user changes one of the settings in the advanced search, make it update the search bar with the corresponding code. If they hit a checkbox instructing the site to order their search by highest score, use Javascript to update the search bar with "order:score". This teaches users how to format searches on their own and gives higher degrees of control.

2) If you have a reasonably advanced wiki system, use it. Each tag should have an icon to represent it. The icon being the top rated image with that tag that isn't flash or video. A listing would show up as you type detailing something along the lines of "[ICON] TAG". Icon being something like 12px x 12px.

But like I said I don't know how suggestions or the programmers work here. I'm probably just going to code an interactive search system into another website in the coming weeks.

Updated by anonymous

I agree with 1, but not with 2.
Image thumbnails don't make for good icons.


Here are some examples of highest-rated (favcount) images that would result in either a garbled mess or illustrate something unrelated to the tag. The tag choice was basically off the top of my head. I expected to find one or two that were decent. I didn't.

(flash and video files excluded)

Just to make sure, I tried some tags that I expected to be comparatively super blatant, like hyper_butt (post #633740), hyper_breasts (post #500469), red_background (post #827781).

Raising the thumb size 12x12 -> 32x32 resulted in a few of these (big_butt, herm) becoming moderately legible.

It might be a reasonable approach for particular types of tags (artist/copyright tags), if using decently sized thumbnails, but not generally.

Updated by anonymous

Tested on post page to keep the search bar shown:

<div class="sidebar">

<div style="margin-bottom: 1em; position:fixed; background:#333;">
	<h5>Search <span class="searchhelp"><a href="/help/cheatsheet">(Search Options)</a></span></h5>
	<form action="/post/search" method="get">
			<input id="tags" name="tags" style="width:183px;" type="text">			

<h5 style=" margin-top:3em;" class="post-sidebar-header">Tags</h5>

The order:score idea should be implemented by making an advanced search like this suggestion:

Easier than doing this in sidebar would be to have a dedicated search page with advanced features like tag suggestions and checkbox for order:score.

Updated by anonymous

Oh, seems you're right about the images not making good icons. That's unfortunate.

I suppose the only solution to that would be to allow whoever has control over the wikis to specify an appropriate image, though seeing how poorly most relevant images downsize, it might be best to omit an icon idea.

Updated by anonymous

I actually have done a lot of 32x32 icons (about 960 currently), because I -have- implemented an (offline) tagger of the type you describe (and this is why I picked up on the thumbnail idea: I tried that and it was pretty much a failure even at 32x32).
IMO, icons have a big effect on quickly identifying 'got the right tag'.

I could be convinced to contribute them, once we actually had a working ui where they can be used.
(FWIW, this approximates what I consider a 'working ui' (minus the icons, which were implemented later))

I think a curated thumbnail-based solution, like you suggest in your latest reply, is correct for artist/thumbnail icons, though. Ideally, it would choose both an image and a cropping rectangle (so that clarity/relevance can be maximized)

(everyone with a login has control(edit privileges) over the wiki, BTW. For that kind of curated approach you suggest, I guess the thing to do would be to allow users to suggest images, and have privileged/contributor/etc able to review these and actually set icons.)

(Though if I were implementing it, I would probably leave the wiki out of it and tie the icon information directly to the tag records in the database)

Updated by anonymous

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