Topic: I Need Request

Posted under Art Talk

First Off. Thank You @prokura for helping me with this Im New so im a newb.
ok So..

I Need Recommendations on what i should draw, Like Explicit Wise Sooo i need Suggestions. But Follow These Request Rules Please. I Know your gonna hate it but hey deal with it. You Probably hate me for typing that.


- No Weird Festishes (Inflation, BDSM, ect) Feet is fine i guess

- I Will Do Gay Drawings ( I Wont Enjoy It Tho)

- No Furries (Only Because Im Not Good At Drawing Furries)

- Get Your Ass Back To Bed Joel

- No Sonic. Pls No


- No Undertale Porn Please like stop (Well at least no sans or papyrus)

Updated by CloudHusky

Xenny said:
... -no furries

Well, I will say this immediately: this is a furry site, so uploading non-furry artwork here might get it deleted.

That being said, I suggest nude Chibi characters. I personally love small and adorable. If you are a new artist, it's a good way to practice coloring and line-work.

If you are not a new artist, then I suggest simple duo characters having sex in positions you prefer. I specify using human pornography as a ref sheet of sorts, if you don't feel comfortable with "life-size". If otherwise, try clothed sex, sex in a theatre, or other "public" places. Those are what I like.

And if it sounds like I'm tutoring, it's because this is the first time I've seen a forum post about this. Usually, it's comments or in the descriptions of a post (suggestions of what to draw next, pretty much).

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
Well, I will say this immediately: this is a furry site, so uploading non-furry artwork here might get it deleted.

That being said, I suggest nude Chibi characters. I personally love small and adorable. If you are a new artist, it's a good way to practice coloring and line-work.

If you are not a new artist, then I suggest simple duo characters having sex in positions you prefer. I specify using human pornography as a ref sheet of sorts, if you don't feel comfortable with "life-size". If otherwise, try clothed sex, sex in a theatre, or other "public" places. Those are what I like.

And if it sounds like I'm tutoring, it's because this is the first time I've seen a forum post about this.

soooooooooo what do you want like characters, gay, strait or lesbian, and you know things like that. you know

Updated by anonymous

Why not an Eevee lying on its back?
You should know exactly what I'm talking about~

Updated by anonymous

Pepperyena said:
Why not an Eevee lying on its back?
You should know exactly what I'm talking about~


Updated by anonymous

Xenny said:
soooooooooo what do you want like characters, gay, strait or lesbian, and you know things like that. you know

I don't care. Art is made by the artist, not the characters or actions therein. The only ones I hold a grudge against is horses, because of "MASSIVE EQUINE DICK syndrome", but you specified not furry...

Updated by anonymous

Pepperyena said:
Why not an Eevee lying on its back?
You should know exactly what I'm talking about~

well i guess this is a furry website sooo furry or not...

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:

Indeed, the greatest affliction of furrykind. It has ruined many an otherwise wonderful post. D:<

Updated by anonymous

If you won't draw furries, will you draw ferals? For instance, Pokemon, or Monster Hunter creatures?

Also you said you'll draw gay, but you won't like it. What about lesbian? Same deal?

Just trying to get a handle on what you prefer to draw.

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
draw my fursona

send a link of your fursona, and do you want it safe or explicit or questionable

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
If you won't draw furries, will you draw ferals? For instance, Pokemon, or Monster Hunter creatures?

Also you said you'll draw gay, but you won't like it. What about lesbian? Same deal?

Just trying to get a handle on what you prefer to draw.

yes i will and i dont mind drawing lesbians.. WHO DOESNT?!

Updated by anonymous

Well, I mean, I'm always a fan of Zinogre so... Something with a lesbian Zinogre? I don't really care who she's partnered with. Maybe a Gore Magala? I love the look of purple and green together.

Updated by anonymous

Not sure if this technically counts as "furry", but how about a first person POV of a human male having sex with this scyther/human hybrid in this pose?

post #33655

You don't need to color it, just a simple lineart sketch. The character is flat-chested, by the way.

Updated by anonymous

So you need requests huh?

Think you could do a somewhat furritized Ruby Rose (Like human face and torso, with animal limbs, ears, and tail? if not then just full furry is fine. Also I know you said no furries but it seems you have amended that rule) playing with a couple of generic feral wolves? Safe rating.

If thats asking too much I can make a simpler request.

Updated by anonymous

Another idea: the Pokemon, Banette, is supposedly a doll that came to life over a grudge or feeling of abandonment. I want to see a Substitute Banette.

Best I could find via googling was a banette tearing its way out of a doll, but I'm asking for one who's body actually is the substitute.

Updated by anonymous

If you don't mind doing my request, then how about Shun Kodori] showing off his butt in his underwear? It'd have to be viewed from behind.

Updated by anonymous

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