Topic: Downloading a shockwave file

Posted under Art Talk

I'm trying to download Kevinsano/Washa's Living the Dream the same way as this post. "Living the Dream" is only available here as a webm and I'm trying to save it as an interactive. Does anyone know how to save it without it turning into a white webpage with white text?


Dunno, but both your links are broken.

Links you actually made:

Links I guess you meant:

EDIT: I'm not sure what exactly you were trying. But DownThemAll works for me to get a working SWF. So does simply right clicking on the Download link and selecting 'save link as..'

Updated by anonymous

So, I check the source of the interactive and find the ".swf" link. I click save as to save it as a shockwave file and when I open it, all it doesn't load. When I download "Dreaming Big" from e621, it does the same thing. What can I do to fix this problem?

null0010 said:
are you my new favorite person or what *///*

Looks like I am, apparently.

Updated by anonymous

I suggest trying a different browser, then.

(although I must point out that "when I open it, all it doesn't load. " is not clear enough for us to be entirely sure what you mean about what really happens. A step by step guide is best, eg 'I right click on the downloaded swf file in my Downloads folder, and select Open with->Firefox. A new tab opens in Firefox. The tab uri refers to the file on my machine, but the content of the tab is completely blank white.')

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
I suggest trying a different browser, then.

(although I must point out that "when I open it, all it doesn't load. " is not clear enough for us to be entirely sure what you mean about what really happens. A step by step guide is best, eg 'I right click on the downloaded swf file in my Downloads folder, and select Open with->Firefox. A new tab opens in Firefox. The tab uri refers to the file on my machine, but the content of the tab is completely blank white.')


Let me recap:
1) I go to the submission page for "Living the Dream"
2) I press crtl+u to view the source
3) I find the .swf link labled "//"
4) I right click it to save it as a .swf file
5) I open it at my desktop
6) when it loads as a new page on Chrome all I see is a white page with "Washa Animations" and "Living the Dream- Futa/Solo (Macro)" just floating there.

When I download Dreaming Big, it does the same thing.

Updated by anonymous

Ah, that's much clearer. That's a flash rendering bug, by my reckoning.

Chrome's flash renderer is different from firefox/etc (the latter just use the plugin from Adobe, google has their own implementation of Flash).

So in this case, I would still recommend trying a different browser; If it renders okay in Firefox, I'd consider that proof that there is nothing wrong with the downloaded swf.

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
So in this case, I would still recommend trying a different browser; If it renders okay in Firefox, I'd consider that proof that there is nothing wrong with the downloaded swf.

You were completely right. It was Chrome that seemed to be the problem. Thanks for the help!

Updated by anonymous

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