Topic: It All Makes Sense Now!!

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//For reference, I just saw the following post: post #949272 //

I just got to thinking: Could our crushed dreams or impossible desires really shape our actions so profoundly day-to-day? Well, of course they can, silly.

So what "impossible" desire in your life possibly dictates your actions more than you might realize?

As For Me:

I actually secretly want to have superpowers IRL. Seriously. Not necessarily for heroism or villainy, but just to have them as a normal person. To just be something more.

I've always wanted something like super speed, super strength, and other physical powers. Not to mention telekinesis and telepathy.

As such, that might very well explain why I do so much parkour, sprinting, lifting and all around athletics IRL, even when such is not required for a certain activity:

If I need to go a short distance such as across a parking lot, I don't walk like other people do, I sprint full speed. If I need to reach something, I don't use a ladder like others, I bounce, climb and shimmy. And if I'm a good ways up from where I need to be, I don't slowly climb down like others probably would, I just jump off. Even if I need to carry something heavy, I just get a really good grip and maybe some leverage and I do it myself instead of asking for help.

People sometimes even refer to me as "the guy with wings" IRL because of these antics.

That also explains why I like delving into anthropology, psychology and the like: If you get really good at reading people it's kind of just like reading minds.

Realizing this tidbit explains SO much!


Is it worth mentioning that we do have what could be called super-strength, but our brains kind of hold the muscles back from using their full strength because they could rip tendons and ligaments apart otherwise? If this wasn't a problem and we had full control over physical strength, it's probably not that far a logical leap to think that we might then have strength comparable to the lesser apes? (you know, orangutans (which are actually strong af) and other things like that)

i mean if it's useless information then fine but you know

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
Is it worth mentioning that we do have what could be called super-strength, but our brains kind of hold the muscles back from using their full strength because that could rip tendons and ligaments apart?


10/10, Must have. Gotta access.

(But seriously, is it possible to, dare I say, "Jailbreak" from that mental barrier? And if so, how? I gotta know.)

Also, it should be noted that strength doesn't come from big muscles, but rather larger sections of crossed lattices.

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:

10/10, Must have. Gotta access.

(But seriously, is it possible to, dare I say, "Jailbreak" from that mental barrier?)

Well, I'm not saying it's not possible

but it's just not that much of a good idea. You might fuck something up, like going in for a high-five at super strength, or picking up a small dog but accidentally crushing them

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
Well, I'm not saying it's not possible

but it's just not that much of a good idea. You might fuck something up, like going in for a high-five at super strength, or picking up a small dog but accidentally crushing them

Could you possibly cut it on and off? Like, if the engaged super strength alone can do damage to you over time, can't you only resolve to break you barrier and use it when you need to, like say if you have a car crash and need to lift the car or something?

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
Could you possibly cut it on and off? Like, if the engaged super strength alone can do damage to you over time, can't you only resolve to break you barrier and use it when you need to, like say if you have a car crash and need to lift the car or something?

Well, you know those news stories of people lifting up cars (granted, a few inches off the ground) and other stories of people performing similar feats? That's because adrenaline temporarily overrides the strength limitation, providing just enough leeway to remove danger.

So, I'm sure that if you could 'jailbreak' your strength through some sort of psychological or surgical means, then you'd probably re-learn to mentally control your strength output.

Bottom line is, our muscles are structurally capable of doing crazy shit, but our brains are all like 'dude no you're going to fuck your arm up' because there are ligaments that MIGHT break.

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
Well, you know those news stories of people lifting up cars (granted, a few inches off the ground) and other stories of people performing similar feats? That's because adrenaline temporarily overrides the strength limitation, providing just enough leeway to remove danger.

Then again, I'm sure that if you could 'jailbreak' your strength through some sort of psychological or surgical means, then you'd probably re-learn to mentally control your strength output.

Bottom line is, our muscles are structurally capable of doing crazy shit, but our brains are all like 'dude no you're going to fuck your arm up' because there are ligaments that MIGHT break.

Goddammit, brain!

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
Goddammit, brain!

i know that feel bro.jpg

But yeah, basically if you could remove this mental block and effectively turn it on and off, you shouldn't be expecting to be capable of Hulk-levels of strength; more like the things you see Terminators doing.

And even then you've unlocked your muscles, but your bones would still be soft and breakable

and you're gonna need to condition your ligaments and tendons so they won't break either

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
i know that feel bro.jpg

But yeah, basically if you could remove this mental block and effectively turn it on and off, you shouldn't be expecting to be capable of Hulk-levels of strength; more like the things you see Terminators doing.

And even then you've unlocked your muscles, but your bones would still be soft and breakable

and you're gonna need to condition your ligaments and tendons so they won't break either

Regardless of the risks, I want it now.

Also, nice insight. Thanks.

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
I've always wanted something like super speed, super strength, and other physical powers.

maybe not to the extent of what might be considered "super" but achieving what could be considered above average or abnormally high speed/strength wouldn't be too hard. the hardest part would be keeping motivated and sticking with your training/exercise regiment and improving it as needed over time. :/

seeing as my dumbbell is only a mere 20 lb. in weight i tend to do a wide variety of things with it rather than just sticking with a few minor exercises.
my hardest workout regiment yet (all while standing/walking): 50+ curls (1 set/arm), 50+ lifting it straight up, 20-40+ lift straight up followed by a forward up/downward crescent swinging motion (up > down > arm stretched forward at an upward angle swinging down till a bit behind the back then back up to starting position each time), 50+ arm stretched forward lifting up/downwards followed by the same using fingers only (hey, fingers have muscles too :P), everything up to this do with 1 arm then switch then switch back for the next exercise. 10-20+ squats while holding said dumbbell and standing digitigrade (squat all the way down then slowly stand using only the legs), same stance as squatting > stand on one foot the using only said foot, raise/lower your whole body slowly several times.

all of that followed by practicing basic punches and other things. all of this covers the whole body...mostly. then just walking around for a bit. oh and no breaks,

lol try doing that a few times and see how it affects your strength and speed. :P your arms will be a literal blur when moving and you legs...well, walking digitigrade (heels a few inches off the ground so partial digitigrade really), for me, is about as natural as most of you who would walk plantigrade. :P

it takes all that just for me to break a sweat. dumb dumbbell is too light weight for me. :/

Updated by anonymous

i wish i was an oven sometimes instead of a toaster

Updated by anonymous

(actually wait please do not perform brain surgery on yourself in a misguided attempt to unlock mental restrictions, it is a dangerous and not at all recommended procedure that doesn't even exist and probably should not due to the risks it brings)

Updated by anonymous

To actually get super strength, you need a high damage resistance or invincibility. Or be a Goron.

Solid points above, our strength is limited because of pain and possible injury. Invincibility, theoretically, disables the pain receptors because we have no need for them on account of not being able to be hurt.

Speaking of which, I'd go for invincibility.

Updated by anonymous

Chameloshi said:
To actually get super strength, you need a high damage resistance or invincibility. Or be a Goron.

Solid points above, our strength is limited because of pain and possible injury. Invincibility, theoretically, disables the pain receptors because we have no need for them on account of not being able to be hurt.

Speaking of which, I'd go for invincibility.

Eh, sort of

While pain and fear of injury (hence the subconscious restrictions placed on the body by the cerebellum and the spinal cord to a degree) are huge factors in limiting strength, it's kind of good to point out that we DO have actual limits

like tendon strength.

that's a limit. which shouldn't be broken unless you like hospitalisation, immobility and pain

Updated by anonymous

There are people with no connection to their nervous system in parts of their body. Assuming you are in peak physical condition, and you had this ailment, you could exhibit abnormal amounts of strength but you wouldn't be able to feel anything which breaks motor functions and coordination. You also wouldn't know when to stop until your limbs stopped working.

Updated by anonymous

If my dreams affect my actions, I still haven't realized how.
P.S. Also why are we discussing this super-strength nonsense? Isn't it a thread about something else?

Updated by anonymous

Ko-san said:
There are people with no connection to their nervous system in parts of their body. Assuming you are in peak physical condition, and you had this ailment, you could exhibit abnormal amounts of strength but you wouldn't be able to feel anything which breaks motor functions and coordination. You also wouldn't know when to stop until your limbs stopped working.

which is why the science of medically/surgically-facilitated nerve manipulation must be advanced

for the good of wannabe superheroes people with conditions such as this/paralysis/stuff

Updated by anonymous

Sycamorph said:
If my dreams affect my actions, I still haven't realized how.
P.S. Also why are we discussing this super-strength nonsense? Isn't it a thread about something else?

You'll figure it out in time then hopefully.

(And yes. We just started on that one tangent because of how my "super power" desire widely affects my own life via my high-energy antics IRL.

*ahem* @Ryuzaki_Izawa:

But we really should get off of that now. No offense.)

Updated by anonymous

Chameloshi said:
To actually get super strength, you need a high damage resistance or invincibility. Or be a Goron.

Solid points above, our strength is limited because of pain and possible injury. Invincibility, theoretically, disables the pain receptors because we have no need for them on account of not being able to be hurt.

Speaking of which, I'd go for invincibility.

hmmm...invincibility to me would likely be one of 2 "physical immunity" aspects of immortality. this particular one being either damage immunity or extreme regenerative abilities.

either way, i would advise against doing away with the ability to feel pain. one reason being, were one ever to achieve this phys. immunity aspect, how would you be able to tell the severity of any injuries you sustain if you can't feel the otherwise resulting pain? no, what i would suggest is working to have a higher pain threshold instead so that you could still feel it but be able to endure it and still keep going.

pain can be helpful in regards to safety as well as telling you when somethings not quite right with your body. buuut...that's not to say it can't be overridden if you push things far enough. >.>

and on the topic of "physical immunity", the other aspect would be immunity to disease or other contaminants. though i don't know if we humans could achieve that without the aid of science. and even then, that's still likely a long ways off. (especially if you factor in greed and money. -_-)

Updated by anonymous

//This thread is now about super powers/super human abilities. Namely, super strength, super speed, and super (or at least heightened) damage/pain/physical ailment resistance. This includes discussion on how to possibly achieve such feats.//


Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
i wish i was an oven sometimes instead of a toaster

So that's why you are so good at roasting people...

Updated by anonymous

I think you can get super strength and pain resistance with drugs I don't know which and I certainly wouldn't try it but I've heard a couple of storys in which somebody gets shot in the head and keeps fighting in one of the storys the cop said he could see through the persons head. I find it fascinating that they can still function and I wonder how long it would take to die if they didn't eventually get killed in the fight. was that completely off topic? It took a while to write I didn't want to delete it.

Updated by anonymous

Doomguy666 said:
I think you can get super strength and pain resistance with drugs I don't know which and I certainly wouldn't try it but I've heard a couple of storys in which somebody gets shot in the head and keeps fighting in one of the storys the cop said he could see through the persons head. I find it fascinating that they can still function and I wonder how long it would take to die if they didn't eventually get killed in the fight.

This sounds like folklore associated with PCP (angel dust) use, although it may be exaggerated:

Nowadays there are many compounds and cocktails, and the people taking them often don't know what they are consuming.

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
This sounds like folklore associated with PCP (angel dust) use, although it may be exaggerated:

Nowadays there are many compounds and cocktails, and the people taking them often don't know what they are consuming.

exaggerated folklore huh? That makes sense I didn't think too hard about it I just thought it sounded cool, I feel silly now.

Updated by anonymous


Would really, REALLY good dexterity be considered a small scale version of "super speed"?

By "really, REALLY good dexterity", I mean the heightened ability to make quicker regional muscle movements, (such as, say, catching fast-flying bugs out of the air with your hand directly from rest, or the ability to quickly turn and catch someone as soon as they trip/slip and fall.) advanced-level balancing abilities, and the ability to use certain parts of your body more quickly and efficiently than most. (Like the ability to pick up very small coins, such as dimes, with only your bare toes, or the ability to use, say, your hip bones or shoulder bones as a sort of "table" or "shelf" for VERY heavy lifting and carrying and using your arms to balance the heavy object instead of using pure arm/leg strength to lift and carry something very heavy).

I ask because I admittedly do some of that stuff myself IRL.

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:

Would really, REALLY good dexterity be considered a small scale version of "super speed"?

By "really, REALLY good dexterity", I mean the heightened ability to make quicker regional muscle movements, (such as, say, catching fast-flying bugs out of the air with your hand directly from rest, or the ability to quickly turn and catch someone as soon as they trip/slip and fall.) advanced-level balancing abilities, and the ability to use certain parts of your body more quickly and efficiently than most. (Like the ability to pick up very small coins, such as dimes, with only your bare toes, or the ability to use, say, your hip bones or shoulder bones as a sort of "table" or "shelf" for VERY heavy lifting and carrying and using your arms to balance the heavy object instead of using pure arm/leg strength to lift and carry something very heavy).

I ask because I admittedly do some of that stuff myself IRL.



Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
Is it worth mentioning that we do have what could be called super-strength, but our brains kind of hold the muscles back from using their full strength because they could rip tendons and ligaments apart otherwise? If this wasn't a problem and we had full control over physical strength, it's probably not that far a logical leap to think that we might then have strength comparable to the lesser apes? (you know, orangutans (which are actually strong af) and other things like that)

i mean if it's useless information then fine but you know

Boku no Hero Academia actually touched on this a little in the second episode. All Might had to train Midoryia for 10 months because if he passed on One For All to Midoryia when his body was incapable of handling the quirk, his limbs would burst off his body. Even then, even after All Might passed on a literal hair of One For All to Midoryia, he would break whatever extremity he channeled One For All through, partly due to not being able to control it.

Updated by anonymous

I wish I could become America's Julius Caesar and straighten out this fucking mess of bullshit senseless mass shootings once and for all using military force

no not really, but sometimes I think of what it would be like

Updated by anonymous

I want the world to end in the fires of the apocalypse, and I shall be reborn in its ashes, like a phoenix. I shall spread my power and conqueor all across the newly formed vast wasteland. My newly formed empire shall be called "The Rust" and it's people "The Rusted"

Fear us!

Updated by anonymous

R-U-S-T-Y said:
I want the world to end in the fires of the apocalypse, and I shall be reborn in its ashes, like a phoenix. I shall spread my power and conqueor all across the newly formed vast wasteland. My newly formed empire shall be called "The Rust" and it's people "The Rusted"

Fear us!


Best life goal.

Updated by anonymous

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