Topic: Tag Alias: brock_(pokemon) -> brock_(pokémon)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions


Former Staff

Aliasing brock_(pokemon) → brock_(pokémon)
Link to alias


To make it easier to search for.
Maybe also alias brock -> brock_(pokémon), since it's such a rare name.

And brock_(pokémon) should be implicated to pokémon.

Related: what about the pokémon_trainer tag? It is currently used as a character tag for generic trainers who are pictured with their pokémon.

I happened to notice that it's only rarely tagged for characters who already have a name. Should it be added, or do we want to keep the tag strictly for generic trainers? ...I kind of think that if someone searches for pokémon_trainer, they wouldn't mind seeing Brock, Ash, etc.

(Obviously, it wouldn't be applicable to everything. Just posts where they're featured with their pokémon).

Updated by Hudson

I'm against implying the trainer tag, but adding it to the relevant posts wouldn't hurt. I think it should be treated as a SFW form of "Pokephilia," where it's a human interacting with Pokemon in a non-sexual way.

Updated by anonymous

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