Topic: [Feature] Downloading swfs now tries to send you the swf as a file instead of opening up to a new page

Posted under General

I don't know when this feature was added but I'm pretty sure it was less than 10 minutes at the time of this being posted. WEBMs and images still go through the external site but what's up with the changes?

Updated by savageorange

FurryMcFuzzball said:
I don't know when this feature was added but I'm pretty sure it was less than 10 minutes at the time of this being posted. WEBMs and images still go through the external site but what's up with the changes?

It sounds as if your computer may not have flash player installed. I know whenever I re-install my OS that if I forget to install the flash player libs that it tries to make me download the file.

Updated by anonymous

No changes to the site have taken place in the last week. This is a local/browser issue.

Updated by anonymous

KiraNoot said:
No changes to the site have taken place in the last week. This is a local/browser issue.

That's really weird, considering this change was very sudden, And I haven't changed anything software-wise recently.

Updated by anonymous

FurryMcFuzzball said:
That's really weird, considering this change was very sudden, And I haven't changed anything software-wise recently.

I remember I had this once happening to me when I was still using firefox and it happened suddenly, included trying to open local .swf file in browser tried to download them, so I assume it was either software updating. Also this pretty much sounds like local problem because images and webm files are displayed natively on browser, while flash needs the plugin to play them.

You didn't specify that was this happening on e6 only or everywhere? Opening .swf files in general on new tab, either from site or local memory.

Also it won't hurt anyone to at least try to fix the problem locally. If link above doesn't help, backing up important stuff, cleaning browser profile, doing complete uninstall of browser and flash, using registry cleaner like ccleaner so there's no leftover entries messing things up and doing clean install of browser and flash.

Updated by anonymous

Mario69 said:
I remember I had this once happening to me when I was still using firefox and it happened suddenly, included trying to open local .swf file in browser tried to download them, so I assume it was either software updating. Also this pretty much sounds like local problem because images and webm files are displayed natively on browser, while flash needs the plugin to play them.

You didn't specify that was this happening on e6 only or everywhere? Opening .swf files in general on new tab, either from site or local memory.

Also it won't hurt anyone to at least try to fix the problem locally. If link above doesn't help, backing up important stuff, cleaning browser profile, doing complete uninstall of browser and flash, using registry cleaner like ccleaner so there's no leftover entries messing things up and doing clean install of browser and flash.

At this point I know it's nothing on e6's side, since kira wouldn't just lie about something being changed and I'm the only person who seems to be getting this.

Updated by anonymous

Have you tried freshly reinstalling Flash Player? Is there an extra association in your browser for .swf files? Is the flash player plugin active in your browser? Do you have any adblockers or NoScript like addons that might interfere with flash files?

Updated by anonymous

I recently experienced this on a fresh empty profile (ie. no additional plugins installed, just Flash). Switching back to my usual profile "fixed" it.

So that may rule out addon interference and probably associations.

Updated by anonymous

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