Topic: What factors your sexual attraction to men?

Posted under Off Topic

I know, there's already a topic about sexual attraction and females, but the topic, on the flipside, is just as interesting.

Being a queer myself, I find myself attracted to men primarily due to the fact that they're easier to identify with. Whenever I in a group of females roughly my age, I can't really talk to them. The girls that I am friends with in real life only like me because I'm gay guy who doesn't really seem gay. When I tell most girls that I'm gay, they're actually shocked. With guys, even if they're not gay/bisexual/queer, they can kind of tell, and depending on who they are, they can be cool about it. They don't try to outcast me because of it.

Another reason is due to the fact that I have both a sexual and romantic attraction, as opposed to just one.

Romantically (even though I haven't dated in over 6 years), I like guys because like I had mentioned, they're easy to get along with. Us guys know what guys like. With females (not that I've had much experience down that alley), you have to be... different. Since women disapprove of some things that most guys don't bat a eyelash at when around other men, you have to really watch yourself. From what little experience I've had with dating girls, it was uncomfortable. I just felt like I couldn't be me.

Sexually, since 99.99% of guys have a penis, they know how they work. They know how to make it work in different ways, and they know just what kinds of things they'd like to put it in. Again, referring back to what I had initially said, guys are generally more comfortable around each other, so that being said, they can communicate more freely about things they might want to try in the bedroom. With women (and I'm not intentionally trying to sound sexist by saying this), you have to worry about periods and menstrual cramps. With guys, if you're both up for it, then off the pants go. Not unless keeping them on is your thing.

(Excuse me if that last part came off as TMI. This is a prominently porn-based website, so I was hoping that people would be a little more open to discussing things like this.)

Updated by vJdKaanv

-Anonymous- said:
The girls that I am friends with in real life only like me because I'm gay guy who doesn't really seem gay. When I tell most girls that I'm gay, they're actually shocked.

Do you like cars, beer, football, guns, porn and bar brawls?

Updated by anonymous

Well, since this is E621, they can't be human. I'm straight when it comes to humans but if a furry tiger or something was DTF I wouldn't mind taking it up the butt.

Updated by anonymous

woah, getting some serious level of Déjà-vu here.

Updated by anonymous

I wonder if someone'll make non-binary-sex versions of this question

Updated by anonymous

Hair > Face > Figure > Ass > pennis and also dicke and balls

A good voice is also a major plus

Updated by anonymous

I'm not interested in men, I'm interested in penis.
So in short, I'm interested in a dickgirl.
(A girl, in both mind/body and soul, just with a penis or both)
Ok so, I'm interested in body parts, not gender.
I think I'm interested in more scientific way, rather than sexual or whatever.

What I would like to have is some alien, with fur I think, intersex? with knot and boobs, caring, loving, uhm, that it has brain and can use it. I mean, I don't ask for much.

Updated by anonymous

i kinda got to agree with you their OP, guys are easier to identify with.

And penis is fun too.
I think i have a wider taste in guys that in girls, I'm fond of both femboys and masc beefcakes, and the ones in between too.

Generally I seem to like it more seeing guys do cute/embarassing things than girls. It's weird.


Updated by anonymous

Sexually, they have a nice flat chest usually, the penis is fun to play with, and it's easier to tell when a man is horny than when a woman is because, yanno, the penis gets hard and all. I'm not a big fan of anal at all, but other things you can do with another guy are very, very fun.

Romantically speaking, in my experience it's just plain easier to get along with a guy than it is with a girl. When I'm having sex with another guy, I don't feel this huge need to perform like I do when I'm with a woman. And it gets even better if we're both into porn and masturbation, because then we can have time to ourselves to fap and look at what we want without worrying about endangering our friendship because of jealousy.

And as a final note, men tend to be more willing to just be friends and still have sex. I'm not really into the whole marriage thing. If other people want to get married that's their business, but I'm just not interested in it personally. But I still like having sex and in my experience it's a lot easier to "just have sex" with a guy than it is with a woman.

Updated by anonymous

Pretty much the same as what I wrote on the one about girls.

Sexually, nothing does it. Sex is a deal-breaker for me.

Romantically, l tend to like geeky personalities with a dark sense of humor, especially if they are around my age or a little older. It's a matter of trust, and I find that I can trust these kinds of people more often.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
Do you like cars, beer, football, guns, porn and bar brawls?

Yass: Cars, Beer, Porn, Monster Trucks
Nah: Football, Guns (unless they're railguns), Bar Brawls

Updated by anonymous

I prefer guys who are in shape as well as on the submissive side, though not to the extent of them being twinks or obnoxiously effeminate. Muscular physiques are ideal.

I'm bi, but I can relate to OP because, for some reason, guys just tend to like me a lot more than girls do. It's not like I'm disrespectful to girls or anything, I just don't really connect with very many, I suppose. No idea why.

BlueDingo said:

You said that in the twin thread. Is there something you'd like to tell us?

Updated by anonymous

titanmelon said:
I wonder if someone'll make non-binary-sex versions of this question

01010111 01101000 01100001 01110100

also i like feminine guys most, not really masculine ones

Updated by anonymous

With dudes, I'm a bit more picky than with women. With women, I like almost every body type. Thicker, thinner, muscular, tall, short, big breasts, small breasts, whatever. Basically my only qualifier to for women is for them to have at least enough of a butt to grab on to, and to not be heavier than me (unless its from muscle).

I don't know what my problem is with guys but I'm just not attracted to most of them. Usually I like more slender body types but if there's no booty then I'm out. I have found myself being attracted to a few of my more masculine build friends, but that's only after I get to know them and become close.

Faux-Pa said:
I like guys because like I had mentioned, they're easy to get along with.

On this topic, I find myself agreeing and disagreeing at varying degrees. I'd say on average, most guys are way more laid back and easier to be around when you are a guy. But, I only really feel that around straight guys. Every time I'm on a date with a gay guy, it feels absolutely no different from when I date girls. Super worried about saying the wrong thing, being too forward, not being forward enough, and it seems like they are always saying one thing when they mean another.

If I'm just watching porn with my.. ahem... "straight" friends, then nothing is awkward at all. I'm even way more comfortable around my lesbian buddy than I am around gay/bi guys. We talk about pussy and its never weird or awkward. But if I ever tried to bring up anything even remotely racy around my ex-boyfriend, it was like I either was implying that I wanted to fuck RIGHT NOW, or I was being "inappropriate and gross".

I think I need to follow the advice of all those rom-coms and date my best friend. I think I've noticed the problem after typing all this out.

Updated by anonymous

Jayfiregrowlithe said:
I second this so much. I myself have gained quite an attraction to girly guys as well. ouo
I also like them even more when they're switches, I don't mind them subby but effeminate guys that are dominant are even hotter. Too bad the latter are pretty rare though.. both in RL and porn.

post #673248 This is something I found ages ago, there isn't enough of this.

Updated by anonymous

Deep voices, big strong bodies, and of course, the dick. I love it most when they cum, just the feeling you get when those hot sticky ropes come flying out is amazing. I used to visit this site exclusively for gay or solo male porn; lately I've realized how sexy females in porn are, but that's beside the point.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I don't really like anything sexually but I find men are easier to be around. I got along better with guys pretty much all my life and I find they're more honest and upfront about things than women tend to be. I appreciate that kind of thing.

For appearances and general behavior I really, really do not like femboys. At all.

Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
I don't really like anything sexually but I find men are easier to be around. I got along better with guys pretty much all my life and I find they're more honest and upfront about things than women tend to be. I appreciate that kind of thing.

For appearances and general behavior I really, really do not like femboys. At all.

girls are just intimidated by your gigantanormous dong

Updated by anonymous

This is kind of a hard question to answer. I guess that I just like the aesthetics of some male bodies and faces. Guys and girls can both be cute, but in different ways. I suppose that I'm just able to appreciate both?

Updated by anonymous

They have to be girly in some form or fashion. Being furry helps but is not required. I mostly love them being subs in a small dom big sub scenario.

Also, if they're able to pull off a counter breaker and come back and win with 80% dmg and a chip of health left, my penis just flies off.

Updated by anonymous

RusterFuck said:

ExcessEmptiness said:

If I'm just watching porn with my.. ahem... "straight" friends

people really do this?

You underestimate the power of bravado. It's all about who can make the others blink first. That is how the Internet works.

Updated by anonymous

They're easy to identify with. I can talk to my boyfriend about pretty much anything.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
You're not likely to encounter a lot of men with knots

I'm a man with knots. It's easily the worst pain I've been in.

Updated by anonymous

Basically I'm attracted to men more because they're easier to talk to and they usually share the same interests (kinda like Fauz-Pa's description). Also the men in my area aren't absolute assholes unlike women around here. In high school girls were fucking rude to me and I never experienced the type of abuse with males.

Updated by anonymous

RusterFuck said:

ExcessEmptiness said:

If I'm just watching porn with my.. ahem... "straight" friends

people really do this?

Yeah. Its pretty common. You gotta find people are both really comfortable with themselves AND other people though. But its a thing. There are whole websites dedicating to meeting others who do it too.

Updated by anonymous

ExcessEmptiness said:
Yeah. Its pretty common. You gotta find people are both really comfortable with themselves AND other people though. But its a thing. There are whole websites dedicating to meeting others who do it too.

so you guys jack off to with each other too?

what happens if you look at the other dudes dick, or cum too quick or jerk your friends off

Updated by anonymous

RusterFuck said:
so you guys jack off to with each other too?

what happens if you look at the other dudes dick, or cum too quick or jerk your friends off

Not sure what the first sentence is asking. But cumming too quick just leads to that person taking a break or just occupying himself otherwise. Usually with video games in my experience. Then joining back in later. Looking at the other person usually comes with the territory. Unless you aren't comfortable with it.

Jerking each other off usually doesn't happen unless you're both clearly bicurious at least. I've only had that happen twice and its much less common. I always make it clear from the beginning that I'm bi and up for going along with them if they want to experiment. But only as far as they want to.

Believe it or not, its usually nothing more than just watching porn together. Even just hanging out after the fact. They still say they're totally straight with no interest in anything more sexually and nothing more romantically.

Updated by anonymous

Masculinity is a huge factor to my attraction. Just look at my favourites >.> An oversized dick greatly helps, too.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
You're not likely to encounter a lot of men with knots

Yeah... I know.

Updated by anonymous

I'm not gay or even really bi, but I'd consider myself heteroflexible if pressed to answer. Definitely not romantically interested in men at all, but I can find some physical aspects appealing. Cocks are hot and nice to look at in a sexual context, whether that context includes women or not. I think because they're so sexually explicit it's arousing regardless of sexuality.

Some overtly gay stuff appeals to me for whatever reason. Specifically seeing men penetrated with their cock exposed and/or flopping around is hot to me. Also why I like pegging, though.

Also femboys and traps hheheh.

Updated by anonymous

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