Topic: Dungeons and Dragons creatures/monsters, race, and art.

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Post and share any thing DnD related

Art, drawings to official to fan drawns,
or video game base to table tops and books.
I can't find the original drawing pics of these dragons, as this is dragon strike on the nes
If anyone got them post them please

Senmurv He looks "fabulous" and if a furry on crack thought this up. Kinda like a Mimic,
but with a bunny on and a stump instead.

Krenshar they're face skin peels back, creepy.

A flying squirrel, lemur, raccoon like race.

I like the Original Kobold's designs
but a mixer of both styles doesn't look bad either

Other DND creatures art that looks neat


Is other tabletop stuff allowed? I'm a big fan of World Tree. Rassimel for life.

Updated by anonymous

not too big on tabletop games myself (mainly because i know of no one who'd be particularly interested in things like D&D) but i do enjoy video games based on some of the franchises.

such as D&D, AD&D (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons), was Wizardry one?

kamimatsu said:
Is other tabletop stuff allowed? I'm a big fan of World Tree. Rassimel for life.

if so, i'm curious as to what the game Anima: Gate of memories was supposed to be based on and what the tabletop game was like as that was the first i've heard of it.

been meaning to try out those warhammer RTS games to but those are some BIG downloads. :/ well, big for my download speed.

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
Is other tabletop stuff allowed? I'm a big fan of World Tree. Rassimel for life.

so why not , alot of fantasy games share the same monsters.
or have clones of them
I know Dark Souls have Mimics and I think Dark souls isn't a dnd series.

treos said:
not too big on tabletop games myself (mainly because i know of no one who'd be particularly interested in things like D&D) but i do enjoy video games based on some of the franchises.

such as D&D, AD&D (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons), was Wizardry one?

if so, i'm curious as to what the game Anima: Gate of memories was supposed to be based on and what the tabletop game was like as that was the first i've heard of it.

been meaning to try out those warhammer RTS games to but those are some BIG downloads. :/ well, big for my download speed.

I'm not a fan of table top games either I mostly play the video games,
and interested of the monsters/creatures designs.
My first Dnd game was Eye of the Beholder series and Dragon Strike on the Nes.

Never gotten into War Hammer
I'm more into Diablo,
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, and Champions return to arms, the older Dungeon siege series, and the elder scrolls series

Updated by anonymous

stalkerd said:
My first Dnd game was Eye of the Beholder series and Dragon Strike on the Nes.

never played all that much of nes (aunt & uncle didn't buy all that many games for it. some like bayou billy, micro machines, guardian legend, and several others) so i don't know about Dragon Strike. i did get around to playing Eye of the Beholder on SNES though (don't remember if it was an actual cart or emulation that i did first) and even nowadays, that's a pretty good dungeon crawler.

you can spend days upon days in that game training your various skills and whatnot with food & water being your main limitation. pretty fun to see all the different class ranks as you get exp for them too. and yes, i did eventually beat it one day! but not without a LOT of hard work. i think there was one or two other games like it that i tried too but i don't remember the names. one was on sega cd.

Never gotten into War Hammer

same here... if i ever get around to trying one of the RTS games that'll be my first ever Warhammer game. heres hoping they're as good as everyone claims.

I'm more into Diablo

multiplayer anyone? i still have my discs for the base game and would love to go on a rage filled rampage cursing the crap loot drops and annihilating all that dare stand in my way again (like a dwarf fortress tantrum spiral of doom). >:) lol

just give me a time (likely weekends) and i can reinstall that and have some fun.

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, and Champions return to arms, the older Dungeon siege series, and the elder scrolls series

dark alliance is pretty good. though i would advise against cheaing as it really does take the fun out of that and the 2nd game. :/ never played champions and...same for dungeon siege i think though D&D:Heroes for xbox was good iirc. i think it played similar to dark alliance.

darnit! now i want to play EoTB again. >.<

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
never played all that much of nes (aunt & uncle didn't buy all that many games for it. some like bayou billy, micro machines, guardian legend, and several others) so i don't know about Dragon Strike. i did get around to playing Eye of the Beholder on SNES though (don't remember if it was an actual cart or emulation that i did first) and even nowadays, that's a pretty good dungeon crawler.

you can spend days upon days in that game training your various skills and whatnot with food & water being your main limitation. pretty fun to see all the different class ranks as you get exp for them too. and yes, i did eventually beat it one day! but not without a LOT of hard work. i think there was one or two other games like it that i tried too but i don't remember the names. one was on sega cd.

same here... if i ever get around to trying one of the RTS games that'll be my first ever Warhammer game. heres hoping they're as good as everyone claims.

multiplayer anyone? i still have my discs for the base game and would love to go on a rage filled rampage cursing the crap loot drops and annihilating all that dare stand in my way again (like a dwarf fortress tantrum spiral of doom). >:) lol

just give me a time (likely weekends) and i can reinstall that and have some fun.

dark alliance is pretty good. though i would advise against cheaing as it really does take the fun out of that and the 2nd game. :/ never played champions and...same for dungeon siege i think though D&D:Heroes for xbox was good iirc. i think it played similar to dark alliance.

darnit! now i want to play EoTB again. >.<

Ever played Dark sun? it's a dos pc game.
it's pretty good too
abit buggy even being patched but still fun.
that game and eye of the beholder series are very nostalgia

I got Diablo 1 on pc and ps1, I got 2 for pc... but 3 only for the ps3

champions is good if you like dark alliance, it got the same gameplay.

I only played dungeon siege 1 never 2,
then 3 became a single player Diablo clone.
as I liked dungeon siege for it's party system and in-real-time battle system.
not being a Diablo clone.
that wasn't that great

Updated by anonymous

stalkerd said:
Ever played Dark sun? it's a dos pc game.
it's pretty good too
abit buggy even being patched but still fun.
that game and eye of the beholder series are very nostalgia

er...dos is a bit before my time. i'm 29 and probably didn't start pc gaming at all tille the late 90's/early 2000's. that said, i do know a few good games. castle of the wind (don't think i ever played part 3...don't even know where i could find a download of it actually), Mordor: Depths of dejenol and mordor 2... uh...spiderweb softwares original games, the Exile series which i think they've remade under new titles a few times now. i don't really mess with them too much though. since, despite having installed windows 3.x via dosbox (VERY carefully o_o;), they tend to make RAM/memory related errors pop-up fairly often. i guess windows 3.x doesn't support much in the way of RAM.

I got Diablo 1 on pc and ps1, I got 2 for pc... but 3 only for the ps3

emulated but didn't finish the 1st for psx (man, that game has an awesome intro FMV. loved seeing that intro as it's all dark and grim. :)), got 2 for pc (hence my offer), and 3 for pc. o.O can console users play with pc users on D3? i doubt it but it never hurts to check.

champions is good if you like dark alliance, it got the same gameplay.

I only played dungeon siege 1 never 2,
then 3 became a single player Diablo clone.
as I liked dungeon siege for it's party system and in-real-time battle system.
not being a Diablo clone.
that wasn't that great

ffff... i MIGHT be able to try and emulate champions. ps2 has...varying system requirements to emulate. it depends on the game. if it's anything like say... Rogue Galaxy then no, probably not but i could still give it a try and see sometime anyway.

hmmm...might be able to run it. wait, what am i saying?! i have gamefly! maybe they have a copy up for rent!

-_- ugh...nope, not in gamefly's ps2 section. no, wait, they do but... dammit... unavailable. who knows when or if they might have it in stock again. well, at least i know they have it or...did.

Updated by anonymous

I don't have time for this thread now because I have to watch a baseball game...

Castle of the Winds doesn't have a part 3.

Look up Nox from Westwood Studios (rip in EA) for an older medieval ARPG. I don't think the genre name "ARPG" was even coined back then. Lots of destructible walls for hidden secrets and stuff. Entirely different game but with a fair amount of overlap for each class (e.g., warrior, wizard, conjurer). Racoiaws I still remember that word!

This website should be a good resource for looking up some really old games in the genre. Mind the Game Rankings and Master Game List pages.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
er...dos is a bit before my time. i'm 29 and probably didn't start pc gaming at all tille the late 90's/early 2000's. that said, i do know a few good games. castle of the wind (don't think i ever played part 3...don't even know where i could find a download of it actually), Mordor: Depths of dejenol and mordor 2... uh...spiderweb softwares original games, the Exile series which i think they've remade under new titles a few times now. i don't really mess with them too much though. since, despite having installed windows 3.x via dosbox (VERY carefully o_o;), they tend to make RAM/memory related errors pop-up fairly often. i guess windows 3.x doesn't support much in the way of RAM.

emulated but didn't finish the 1st for psx (man, that game has an awesome intro FMV. loved seeing that intro as it's all dark and grim. :)), got 2 for pc (hence my offer), and 3 for pc. o.O can console users play with pc users on D3? i doubt it but it never hurts to check.

champions is good if you like dark alliance, it got the same gameplay.

ffff... i MIGHT be able to try and emulate champions. ps2 has...varying system requirements to emulate. it depends on the game. if it's anything like say... Rogue Galaxy then no, probably not but i could still give it a try and see sometime anyway.

hmmm...might be able to run it. wait, what am i saying?! i have gamefly! maybe they have a copy up for rent!

-_- ugh...nope, not in gamefly's ps2 section. no, wait, they do but... dammit... unavailable. who knows when or if they might have it in stock again. well, at least i know they have it or...did.

your 29? I'm a few years older then you then.
Dark Sun is pretty good you can create a half giant in your party
their race are good for brute force and be tanks.

castle of the wind? I never heard of the series much have flew over my radar.
Mordor: Depths of dejenol sounds familiar
kinda reminds me of the older might and magic games.

Diablo 1 is pretty good
there are mods for the pc port that makes the gameplay
more like the 2nd, and it is much better then the vanilla version
and 3 more classes, but they are color swaps of the other 3 classes.
barbarian, necromancer and the assassin.

I never played part 2 let say I just gotten it XD

I played 3 tho. so hope I don't get that strange downgraded playing older game
that would throw me off when playing 2.

Nah champions plays like baldur gate on the ps2 and kinda looks like it too
they have dark elf race and lion/feline people race.

I never use gamefly,well the game is kinda rare
I sometimes own rare games. so good luck finding a way to play it.

There should be more horror theme rpg's
like Koudelka, I have the game and yes it's hard,
it one of them be smart, use spell buffs,
this gonna be ff7 Weapon boss battle like
for all bosses in Koudelka... Xenogears is like that too.
But more as a horror theme rpg would be nice Bloodbourne, parasite eve, etc.

Updated by anonymous


Castle of the Winds doesn't have a part 3.

huh, guess i got my info wrong on that. oh well.

Look up Nox from Westwood Studios (rip in EA) for an older medieval ARPG. I don't think the genre name "ARPG" was even coined back then. Lots of destructible walls for hidden secrets and stuff. Entirely different game but with a fair amount of overlap for each class (e.g., warrior, wizard, conjurer). Racoiaws I still remember that word!

Westwood Studios... now there's a name you don't hear that often. not sure but i think i've tried nox before. Racoiaws...dang, how the heck would anyone guess such a random word for a cheat mode? don't think i knew about that.

This website should be a good resource for looking up some really old games in the genre. Mind the Game Rankings and Master Game List pages.

and ty for the links. man...i bet i could come across some really old dev names on that site. just the other day i saw a video on metaljesus' channel on youtube about how he and one of his friends used to work for Sierra. i don't think i've ever played a Sierra game. good video though, and interesting.


Dark Sun is pretty good you can create a half giant in your party
their race are good for brute force and be tanks.

o_O Dark wha...? you old fossils know more about these old pc games than i do. oh, it's an old AD&D game, ok.

i like how they did the menu art back then. i think that one is recent enough that it might be listed on that igggames website.

castle of the wind? I never heard of the series much have few over my radar.

the graphics are...well, they might've been ok for the time but now...they are crappy. still, it's an ok RPG. have your keyboard with numpad ready though as the controls are a little tricky to figure out. especially how to move up/right, up/left, down/right, and down/left. melee combat is the old "bumping" method where you ram into things. then there's ranged and of course magic too.

in fact, there's a glitch you can exploit using a certain spell which can cause your constitution to go too far into the negative and overflow to max (255 i think). ah, right. you can do that using one of the following spells: magic arrow or light. just keep spamming them and eventually your constitution will loop around to it's max. come to think of it, that would make the stats in that game single byte values... then again, cheat engine is probably too new to use on such ancient games.

Mordor: Depths of dejenol sounds familiar
kinda reminds me of the older might and magic games.

this is by FAR my favorite of the old pc games. the artwork is great (pretty much all looks hand drawn). 9 races to choose from (Human, Elf, Giant, Gnome, Dwarf, Ogre, Morloch, Osiri, and Troll). 12 guilds or rather classes to choose from if you meet the stat/lvl requirements (Nomad, Warrior, Ninja, Thief, Mage, Healer, Sorcerer, Wizard, Scavenger, Seeker, Paladin, and Villain). dozens of spells to unlock as you lvl in each magic guild (iirc wizards have the broadest selection).

and at least 12 floor of the dungeon to explore. plus, with some modding tools i still have saved somewhere, it's easy to change things if you feel like modding the game.

all that aside, it's largely a dungeon crawler game (first person!). there's also a 2nd and maybe 3rd game but i don't know much about those.

Diablo 1 is pretty good
there are mods for the pc port that makes the gameplay
more like the 2nd, and it is much better then the vanilla version
and 3 more classes, but they are color swaps of the other 3 classes.
barbarian, necromancer and the assassin.

:/ do they help with the cramped rooms? i think that was a downside when i played it though that might've just been a limitation on the PSOne's part.

I never played part 2 let say I just gotten it XD

dude... i'll say this much. 5 classes, multiple skill trees per class (3), and 3 difficulties leading to 3 playthroughs of the game. each harder than the last. and after that, if you want a "WTF?!" difficulty boost, go grab the MedianXL mod and pray diablo doesn't rape your ass with hellfire on the LOWEST difficulty.

also try out the various challengers those who made the mod added. a lot of them feature unkillable enemies until you get certain items from earlier challenges. lol it's an entirely new world of suffering with MedianXL. >:)

I played 3 tho. so hope I don't get that strange downgraded playing older game
that would throw me off when playing 2.

well...D3 is a lot different from D2... so that may be a turn off. you get that horadric cube from one quest and uh... as blizzard would have us believe: "There is no cow level." ;) well, no fucking rainbow unicorn super gay cow level! lol

man...were they trying to make that as gay as they possibly could with that design? i've seen it and played through it myself. i'm gay and even i think that lvl is too gay.

freaking rainbows and cupcakes and unicorns everywhere... surprised they didn't go all they way and make the unicorns fart rainbows and fairy dust.

Nah champions plays like baldur gate on the ps2 and kinda looks like it too
they have dark elf race and lion/feline people race.


I never use gamefly,well the game is kinda rare
I sometimes own rare games. so good luck finding a way to play it.

gamefly is good and you can keep games out for as long as you want so long as you keep up your monthly fee. and i probably have a few rare games in my collection already. maybe

There should be more horror theme rpg's
like Koudelka, I have the game and yes it's hard,
it one of them be smart, use spell buffs,
this gonna be ff7 Weapon boss battle like
for all bosses in Koudelka... Xenogears is like that too.
But more as a horror theme rpg would be nice Bloodbourne, parasite eve, etc.


what is this "Kouldelka" you speak of? it's not showing anything in gamefaqs search results. and you want hard? go find a copy of Deathtrap Dungeon for PSOne. tell me how hard it is when everything in the game is out to kill you.

spike pitfalls, moving walls, falling cielings, various monsters, lightning traps (or as throthgar might say: laser...LASERRRS!), fire, ice, i'm surprising they didn't put Fing gravity shit in that game. and at the end of it all you have to go back and forth working your way down a huge spiral room avoiding all manner of bullshit while the final boss/challenge, a Fing red dragon is flying around spitting fireballs at you! AND to top off the steaming pile of manure, it uses those gods damned TANK CONTROLS!

i despise that control method with RAGE! >:(

on the other hand. if you want something fun. i would direct you to the King's Field games. the first (japanese exclusive one) of which happens to have been the very first game for the console. and is quite good for its time. the 2nd and 3rd games (which got US releases) are even better with them having some impressive cutscenes.

King's Field II intro]

well, there's an idea for avoiding text wall replies to people. just cram them into sections and hope they don't burst at the seams.

Updated by anonymous



o_O Dark wha...? you old fossils know more about these old pc games than i do. oh, it's an old AD&D game, ok.

i like how they did the menu art back then. i think that one is recent enough that it might be listed on that igggames website.

the graphics are...well, they might've been ok for the time but now...they are crappy. still, it's an ok RPG. have your keyboard with numpad ready though as the controls are a little tricky to figure out. especially how to move up/right, up/left, down/right, and down/left. melee combat is the old "bumping" method where you ram into things. then there's ranged and of course magic too.

in fact, there's a glitch you can exploit using a certain spell which can cause your constitution to go too far into the negative and overflow to max (255 i think). ah, right. you can do that using one of the following spells: magic arrow or light. just keep spamming them and eventually your constitution will loop around to it's max. come to think of it, that would make the stats in that game single byte values... then again, cheat engine is probably too new to use on such ancient games.

this is by FAR my favorite of the old pc games. the artwork is great (pretty much all looks hand drawn). 9 races to choose from (Human, Elf, Giant, Gnome, Dwarf, Ogre, Morloch, Osiri, and Troll). 12 guilds or rather classes to choose from if you meet the stat/lvl requirements (Nomad, Warrior, Ninja, Thief, Mage, Healer, Sorcerer, Wizard, Scavenger, Seeker, Paladin, and Villain). dozens of spells to unlock as you lvl in each magic guild (iirc wizards have the broadest selection).

and at least 12 floor of the dungeon to explore. plus, with some modding tools i still have saved somewhere, it's easy to change things if you feel like modding the game.

all that aside, it's largely a dungeon crawler game (first person!). there's also a 2nd and maybe 3rd game but i don't know much about those.

:/ do they help with the cramped rooms? i think that was a downside when i played it though that might've just been a limitation on the PSOne's part.

dude... i'll say this much. 5 classes, multiple skill trees per class (3), and 3 difficulties leading to 3 playthroughs of the game. each harder than the last. and after that, if you want a "WTF?!" difficulty boost, go grab the MedianXL mod and pray diablo doesn't rape your ass with hellfire on the LOWEST difficulty.

also try out the various challengers those who made the mod added. a lot of them feature unkillable enemies until you get certain items from earlier challenges. lol it's an entirely new world of suffering with MedianXL. >:)

well...D3 is a lot different from D2... so that may be a turn off. you get that horadric cube from one quest and uh... as blizzard would have us believe: "There is no cow level." ;) well, no fucking rainbow unicorn super gay cow level! lol

man...were they trying to make that as gay as they possibly could with that design? i've seen it and played through it myself. i'm gay and even i think that lvl is too gay.

freaking rainbows and cupcakes and unicorns everywhere... surprised they didn't go all they way and make the unicorns fart rainbows and fairy dust.


gamefly is good and you can keep games out for as long as you want so long as you keep up your monthly fee. and i probably have a few rare games in my collection already. maybe

what is this "Kouldelka" you speak of? it's not showing anything in gamefaqs search results. and you want hard? go find a copy of Deathtrap Dungeon for PSOne. tell me how hard it is when everything in the game is out to kill you.

spike pitfalls, moving walls, falling cielings, various monsters, lightning traps (or as throthgar might say: laser...LASERRRS!), fire, ice, i'm surprising they didn't put Fing gravity shit in that game. and at the end of it all you have to go back and forth working your way down a huge spiral room avoiding all manner of bullshit while the final boss/challenge, a Fing red dragon is flying around spitting fireballs at you! AND to top off the steaming pile of manure, it uses those gods damned TANK CONTROLS!

i despise that control method with RAGE! >:(

on the other hand. if you want something fun. i would direct you to the King's Field games. the first (japanese exclusive one) of which happens to have been the very first game for the console. and is quite good for its time. the 2nd and 3rd games (which got US releases) are even better with them having some impressive cutscenes.

King's Field II intro]

well, there's an idea for avoiding text wall replies to people. just cram them into sections and hope they don't burst at the seams.

yup I'm old, played Lands of Lore too the cd rom version is good
and being 2 years older doesn't mean i'm a fossil lol

yeah I know crappy games i never got into text adventure games much
or at least the ones with complex "go north", "pick up box with hand"
text games

ah ok mordor: depths of dejenol looks nice
yeah reminds of the older rpg games very simple dungeons designs.

your gay your say? wink wink XD
yeah I could have known diablo 2 would play different
it had like 15 years gap from 2 to 3.

I meant Koudelka not "Kouldelka",
it's a ps1 games only it's gothic horror rpg game.

oh I played Deathtrap Dungeon,
I know it's hard.
it was like a 90's dark souls game
but not as good as dark souls tho.

Oh I played abit of king field's and even shadow tower.
I also liked Deception: Invitation to Darkness.
ha polygon boobs those can slay a dragon.

Updated by anonymous

stalkerd said:
yup I'm old, played Lands of Lore too the cd rom version is good
and being 2 years older doesn't mean i'm a fossil lol

never heard of it.

yeah I know crappy games i never got into text adventure games much
or at least the ones with complex "go north", "pick up box with hand"
text games

same here. those text games are annoying and not to my liking at all. i don't mind reading a lot of text but i don't like that type of game.

your gay your say? wink wink XD

that was random but you're not wrong. :)

yeah I could have known diablo 2 would play different
it had like 15 years gap from 2 to 3.

diablo 2, now 17 years old...and the multiplayer servers CONTINUE to be maintained! lol oh and the "bot ocean" still persists too. there are vastly more bots on that games servers than there are actual human players.

I meant Koudelka not "Kouldelka",
it's a ps1 games only it's gothic horror rpg game.

ok, i see. i think i tried out shadow hearts before but never got into it that much. nice graphics, looks like one of the later psone games. well, i could give it a try some time.

Oh I played abit of king field's and even shadow tower.
I also liked Deception: Invitation to Darkness.
ha polygon boobs those can slay a dragon.[/section]

i like shadow tower but there's a number of reasons and complaints for why i've never managed to finish it. :/

if you're interested, i have all the files for the king's field franchise (including shadow tower) stashed on my google drive. there's really not much more than what i already have that i can scavenge at this point cause the majority of the old fan sites have all long since died off. :( a niche type of game fading away it seems... well, the fan sites are anyway.

From is quite the game developer. King's Field (first person RPG's), Armored Core, Souls... they've made at least 3 great franchises over the years couldn't be more different from each other.

here's the From Software stuff if anyone wants to check it out.

and those are some nice monster pics you've got. the bird (raven?) one seems simple but nice. and the lion one...very nice. good amount of detail and shading on that one.

Updated by anonymous

I have a write-up for the party introduction to my 5e Infernal Warlock, a stoner fuckhead in gray, green, and brass.

It's pretty funny. He hung out with a gnoll rogue, and made fun of him for being a gnoll rogue.

I should get Nell to get that gnoll drawn sometime.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
never heard of it.

same here. those text games are annoying and not to my liking at all. i don't mind reading a lot of text but i don't like that type of game.

that was random but you're not wrong. :)

diablo 2, now 17 years old...and the multiplayer servers CONTINUE to be maintained! lol oh and the "bot ocean" still persists too. there are vastly more bots on that games servers than there are actual human players.

ok, i see. i think i tried out shadow hearts before but never got into it that much. nice graphics, looks like one of the later psone games. well, i could give it a try some time.

i like shadow tower but there's a number of reasons and complaints for why i've never managed to finish it. :/

if you're interested, i have all the files for the king's field franchise (including shadow tower) stashed on my google drive. there's really not much more than what i already have that i can scavenge at this point cause the majority of the old fan sites have all long since died off. :( a niche type of game fading away it seems... well, the fan sites are anyway.

From is quite the game developer. King's Field (first person RPG's), Armored Core, Souls... they've made at least 3 great franchises over the years couldn't be more different from each other.

here's the From Software stuff if anyone wants to check it out.

and those are some nice monster pics you've got. the bird (raven?) one seems simple but nice. and the lion one...very nice. good amount of detail and shading on that one. Lands of Lore intro
this game was almost a Eye of Beholder game, but because of copy rights
it was change. Ravenloft: Stone Prophet was good too
if you like Egyptian theme DnD games.

Yeah even tho those text games makes good for humor
"Don't know how to "FUCK" something." - AVGN Dracula text game

Well I swing both ways, but mostly like guys more.

yeah diablo series was good but man that was a long gap
if there gonna be a forth, it might be a long time too.

yeah Koudelka "world" hub is like a resident evil classic game fixed camera etc
but you go into battle like ff7 with adash of tactics gameplay.
it have a very grim story, a castle that have a prison
that is very mess up medieval, kinda like those horror torture stories
back in the dark ages.
with demons and monsters and ghost stories, and from deaths.

Shadow tower leveling up system is abit like elder scrolls?
more you do or use, those skills level up instead?
been a while I played it as I only played like a hour of it.

oh I got King Field's ps1 games even the Japanese to English fan translation ones.
But if you had Vampire - Kyuuketsuki Densetsu, and Mizzurna Falls with a English translation, those would be good,

and Ah thank you
Yeah from software have great games
I kinda like to see Diablo be in that gameplay style,
or they have a monster hunter crossover.
or go for more gothic horror or a Egyptian theme game.

I just found those pics online as those creatures look interesting,
I like that bird creature in the "robe", looks good for creature design.

Updated by anonymous

stalkerd said:
link Lands of Lore intro
this game was almost a Eye of Beholder game, but because of copy rights
it was change.

1993... that's a well made intro right there. especially given that it uses only sprites and pixel art.

link the 2nd Ravenloft: Stone Prophet was good too
if you like Egyptian theme DnD games.

:/ '95...dat frame rate... >.< well, i suppose 3-d animation was still fairly new at the time but even so, that's a MUCH less impressive intro compared to Lands of Lore.

Yeah even tho those text games makes good for humor
"Don't know how to "FUCK" something." - AVGN Dracula text game

>.< ugh...could there BE a more cringe worthy moment?

Well I swing both ways, but mostly like guys more.

to each his own and all that.

yeah diablo series was good but man that was a long gap
if there gonna be a forth, it might be a long time too.

and i bet the D2 servers will STILL be up and running when THAT happens too! it's one of the extremely few games i know of that is that old and STILL has working multiplayer servers.

yeah Koudelka "world" hub is like a resident evil classic game fixed camera etc
but you go into battle like ff7 with adash of tactics gameplay.
it have a very grim story, a castle that have a prison
that is very mess up medieval, kinda like those horror torture stories
back in the dark ages.
with demons and monsters and ghost stories, and from deaths.

hm, grim/dark... sounds fun >:)

Shadow tower leveling up system is abit like elder scrolls?
more you do or use, those skills level up instead?
been a while I played it as I only played like a hour of it.

no, completely different. in shadow tower you have to find items of varying value called Soul Pod which, when used, gives you some SP (+5, +14, +29, +53 SP's) that can then be used to raise your various stats. and they're not all that common either. check my collection of monster book pages from the game in my google drive to see if any monsters drop them and you might be able to farm them if you're patient enough.

oh I got King Field's ps1 games even the Japanese to English fan translation ones.
But if you had Vampire - Kyuuketsuki Densetsu, and Mizzurna Falls with a English translation, those would be good,

again, never heard of them. i'll check them out later (gotta go to bed after i finish this edit).

and Ah thank you
Yeah from software have great games
I kinda like to see Diablo be in that gameplay style,
or they have a monster hunter crossover.
or go for more gothic horror or a Egyptian theme game.

a diablo From? are you mad?! do you want people to wake up screaming in fear of the prime evils?! O_O especially with how good graphics are nowadays.

I just found those pics online as those creatures look interesting,
I like that bird creature in the "robe", looks good for creature design.

well, they do look pretty nice.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
WTF you shitty ass website?! i plugged my headphones in while the video was playing and it broke youtube's video player...AGAIN! i'll come back to edit this post after i reboot my pc due to YOUTUBE'S shit breaking on me and taking VLC down with it!

odd never heard anything like that before

Updated by anonymous

stalkerd said:
odd never heard anything like that before

i have no idea why it happens but sometimes when i plug in headphones on this laptop (either a USB port or the small normal socket on the front of it) youtube's video player breaks and VLC with it.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
i have no idea why it happens but sometimes when i plug in headphones on this laptop (either a USB port or the small normal socket on the front of it) youtube's video player breaks and VLC with it.


So yeah Lands of Lore does got a good intro
and it's pretty good game until sequels,
they stared to use live action and cgi for the fmvs
but the gameplay were ok in the sequels.
They start to do that Duke Nukem 3d like game
but EyeBeholder RPG gameplay still.

Ravenloft: Stone Prophet got a good theme and good gameplay,
yeah it's the early mid 90's when 3d was coming out.
And was the only game I know you can find a Troll and a Wemic in game
to join you as party members.


Yeah I know certain older games you can just create your own servers
but it only works for the limit of like 8-4 players.

Yup Koudelka got a medieval grim story
even it take place in the 1898
well heres the wiki info
I thought the game was under-rated, it also got good OST music

Oh ok not Shadow tower, maybe it was king's field?

yeah I just found them out too, Japan only games,
Vampire - Kyuuketsuki Densetsu, and Mizzurna Falls.

Well I wouldn't mind it
if it was a Dark Souls Diablo, or a Dark Souls Monster Hunter,
or a Dark Souls Egyptology and Mythology Themed.
Or an Classic Monsters BloodBorne theme game.

Updated by anonymous

stalkerd said:
Ravenloft: Stone Prophet got a good theme and good gameplay,
yeah it's the early mid 90's when 3d was coming out.
And was the only game I know you can find a Troll and a Wemic in game
to join you as party members.

what's a... oh...ok. so wemic's are liontaurs.

Yeah I know certain older games you can just create your own servers
but it only works for the limit of like 8-4 players.

hehehe... next time you play D2, try starting a single player game. go outside the starting village and kill a few monsters. see how easy they fall? ok, exit and re-enter that same game. now, hit enter and type /players 8 to emulate the effects of a 8-man multiplayer game. lol prepare for a beating as the difficulty scales with the number of players in a game.

Yup Koudelka got a medieval grim story
even it take place in the 1898
well heres the wiki info
I thought the game was under-rated, it also got good OST music[/quote]

huh, nice history lesson.

Oh ok not Shadow tower, maybe it was king's field?

maybe...i know in pretty much all king's field games except 3 (2nd game released in the US) you could raise your STR and magic stats by slashing away with your weapons and using your magic (it'd typically divide the magic growth between the different elements the games use though). the 3rd game wasn't all that magic oriented so you can't really raise that stat aside from a few items throughout the game and those are finite in supply.

i think it was 1 stat point per 100 attacks/casts. if your patient enough and can get your magic up to 255, you can spam even some of the higher tier spells pretty fast in most king's field games. i think this logic was also used in Eternal Ring too but i'm not sure.

yeah I just found them out too, Japan only games,
Vampire - Kyuuketsuki Densetsu, and Mizzurna Falls.

ugh...curse you and your video game exclusivity, japan!

Well I wouldn't mind it
if it was a Dark Souls Diablo, or a Dark Souls Monster Hunter,
or a Dark Souls Egyptology and Mythology Themed.
Or an Classic Monsters BloodBorne theme game.

hmmm... no...not dark souls or monster hunter. maybe keep the dark souls lvling and item/equipment system minus the flasks but... i'm thinking something more open world like elder scrolls. given how the diablo games are even now it'd need multiple large maps to go through for the different regions. maybe, if possible, have the story progress and the world (all regions in some way or another) change as things progress and get progressively more dire as each prime evil is brought forth/killed like in the current diablo games.

-_- hmmm... MP or finite cast magic system? if finite then you would need to have recipes for magic and whatnot included in the crafting system it would definitely need.

i suppose the monster hunter combat system could work or perhaps how they did it with toukiden instead (which is similar but unlike monster hunter, the weapons aren't shitty and they can all be used against any monster without bouncing off.).

for dark souls...yeah... they could keep the current system (i would prefer the armor system of DS2 instead of 3 as armor in 2 actually adds to your defense directly. you know, how armor SHOULD work?) but have the theme and/or setting changed. dark souls could probably work well with plenty of different settings/time periods/etc. with minor tweaks as needed here and there.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
what's a... oh...ok. so wemic's are liontaurs.

hehehe... next time you play D2, try starting a single player game. go outside the starting village and kill a few monsters. see how easy they fall? ok, exit and re-enter that same game. now, hit enter and type /players 8 to emulate the effects of a 8-man multiplayer game. lol prepare for a beating as the difficulty scales with the number of players in a game.

huh, nice history lesson.

maybe...i know in pretty much all king's field games except 3 (2nd game released in the US) you could raise your STR and magic stats by slashing away with your weapons and using your magic (it'd typically divide the magic growth between the different elements the games use though). the 3rd game wasn't all that magic oriented so you can't really raise that stat aside from a few items throughout the game and those are finite in supply.

i think it was 1 stat point per 100 attacks/casts. if your patient enough and can get your magic up to 255, you can spam even some of the higher tier spells pretty fast in most king's field games. i think this logic was also used in Eternal Ring too but i'm not sure.

ugh...curse you and your video game exclusivity, japan!

hmmm... no...not dark souls or monster hunter. maybe keep the dark souls lvling and item/equipment system minus the flasks but... i'm thinking something more open world like elder scrolls. given how the diablo games are even now it'd need multiple large maps to go through for the different regions. maybe, if possible, have the story progress and the world (all regions in some way or another) change as things progress and get progressively more dire as each prime evil is brought forth/killed like in the current diablo games.

-_- hmmm... MP or finite cast magic system? if finite then you would need to have recipes for magic and whatnot included in the crafting system it would definitely need.

i suppose the monster hunter combat system could work or perhaps how they did it with toukiden instead (which is similar but unlike monster hunter, the weapons aren't shitty and they can all be used against any monster without bouncing off.).

for dark souls...yeah... they could keep the current system (i would prefer the armor system of DS2 instead of 3 as armor in 2 actually adds to your defense directly. you know, how armor SHOULD work?) but have the theme and/or setting changed. dark souls could probably work well with plenty of different settings/time periods/etc. with minor tweaks as needed here and there.

Yup they have those in the DnD games Wemics or liontaurs

LOL but DnD does have strange creatures/monsters tho
like this WTF XD
theres also a killer pillow...
yeah DnD sure like it's monster/creature look like a everyday objects.

Yeah in the retro Daiblo game I kinda cheese the game by
using girding and start a new game, or on the ps1 version
start two player have 2nd play give all it's stuff to player one,
player one save it's data player 2 doesn't, then just repeat to gain more loot.

Ak ok then it was King's Field then.

Yup Japan sometimes get a best or worst exclusive games.

how about a Dragon's dogma dark souls game?
or having a "pawn" would make the game to easy or hard?
Even if there was a level up your pawn system with souls
that could be a idea.

Yeah I like all the mechanics from all these games
If I made Dark Souls clone game
I would use those and the pawn idea
or some kind a "familiar" system

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
Mimics, man.

Mimics, Death linen (killer pillow), wolf in sheep's clothing, lock lurker, piercer,
executioners hood, man-eating paper, even pens, swords and bags,
and the great mimic

So many object like looking creatures,
some of them are neat, but alot of them are silly and over kill for a dnd game

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
Mimics, man.

torch that evil with freaking bale fire so that not even magic can bring it back!

stalkerd said:
Mimics, Death linen (killer pillow), wolf in sheep's clothing, lock lurker, piercer,
executioners hood, man-eating paper, even pens, swords and bags,
and the great mimic

So many object like looking creatures,
some of them are neat, but alot of them are silly and over kill for a dnd game

i believe it was dragon's dogma where you would have mimic chests which had giant killer worms hiding in them. you had to get a party member to burn it if you got caught so the vile creature would spit you out. and after that you had to either kill it FAST or dodge it's spells as it wielded instant death magic! O_O;

talk about scary... one of those gets you and you better hope you can survive the encounter.

and then there's the dark souls variety. throthgar likes those. >:) lol beware the piercing kick of death! oh and don't let them grab you or they'll eat you alive!

mimics...those things are the stuff of nightmares. especially in dragon's dogma.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah Mimics and chest are a win or rewards thing
I knew certain games have the mechanics if you have no lock picks or keys
you can break the chest open but it's a risk the treasures or items in the chest.
I can see that happen if you thought a chest was a mimic.

yeah dark souls mimics theres a way to tell if it's a real chest or not
you have to spot the slight differences, then you'll be ok.

lol Mimics in Border lands 2 dlc
jump scares XD
Kill it-Kill it-Kill it!

Updated by anonymous

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