Topic: The most controversial topic Ive ever made

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Ok. You were most likely either a warner brothers kid. OR a fox media kid. AND you wither were into Pokemon or digimon as as result.

I gotta ask the honest truth. With the new pokemon (that look amazing y the way) I feel I wanna asks what people think has specifically the better designs.

Digimon or pokemon? Which were you into more as a kid. IS that the the same now?

Updated by ForeignObject

I watched both pokemon and digimon, but mostly digimon.
Are they the same thing? Yes and no. Yes because kids have monster things they use to fight stuff, there are rivals, etc. No because there are some differences such as, digimons talk were as pokemon do not, pokemon are real creatures and digimon are digital creatures, etc.
Honestly I do like digimon more, but arcanine is best pokemon doggo and there is no denying it.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I preferred Digimon.
Pokemon had (and still have) better designs, but Digimon could talk. And Digimon had actual storylines, whereas Pokemon was just a 'monster of the week' anime.

'course, I was already old when those aired.

Updated by anonymous

Pokemon had much better games than Digimon, but Digimon had a much better anime series overall. Problem with the Digimon designs is a lot of them are very human-based, and they sort of turn me off a notch. Pokemon doesn't really have that issue. However Digimon has a bunch of those blob/simple looking designs that I find really appealing, most of them being from the In-Training stage, and Pokemon doesn't really have many of them.

Basically, the two series balance out equally, but since I grew up with Pokemon, I'm far more towards that than Digimon

Updated by anonymous

I remember when pokemon first aired on US television, and when digimon aired for the first time. I was way too old to get into either, but some of the first 'furry porn' I've ever found, involved digimon, so they get my loyalty.

Updated by anonymous

I'm still looking into Yo-Kai watch, I'm missing book 1 so I can't read the rest (I wanna read them in order!), but between just Digital Monsters and Pocket Monster, well, I actually watched them both as a kid and was a fan of both. I had a gameboy with Pokemon and a Digital Companion both. Pokemon was fun for its one-offs that you could understand if you missed an episode, but Digimon was great for when you did get it all in. I never really found any digimon games outside of the Digital Companion until like last year, but the console games I played are actually really well made. I wasn't really a huge fan of the Orre games in Pokemon, though that could easily be because you only have trainer battles in them.

Updated by anonymous

I'm with Marf. Neither of those came to America until I was in high school. I think I was too old to ever understand what people saw in either one. That, for me, was about the time good cartoons on TV were mostly not a thing anymore.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I always liked Digimon more since their designs seemed to be more diverse and contained both very simple but also very complex designs. Pokemon on the other hand has much more simple designs, but it's at the point that anything more complicated just looks out of place.

Also, as much as I liked the Pokemon anime as a kid, I quite preferred the Digimon anime, especially Tamers. Only ever played one Digimon game, though, and it's a battling game on the GBA, so I don't know how games compare.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I've played most of the Digimon games, but those didn't leave much of lasting impression on me. I remember them being grindy and slow-paced. Digimon World DS was interesting for a while, but it had some major balance problems.

So as far as games go, I'd pick Pokemon (or Dragon Quest Monsters) over Digimon any day.

As for the Digimon anime: Savers is my favorite, Tamers was good, couldn't stand Frontier at all. Haven't watched anything newer.

Updated by anonymous

I was into Pokemon. Digimon looked like a complete ripoff to me. The -mon English naming made that impression worse. I caught a small bit of the Digimon anime and one of the movies.

Also, Renamon is overrated.

Updated by anonymous

I played the Pokemon games and watched the anime when growing up. So I do prefer Pokemon over Digimon. I've never even heard of Digimon until I've heard about Renamon :V

Updated by anonymous

notnobody said:
I'm with Marf. Neither of those came to America until I was in high school. I think I was too old to ever understand what people saw in either one. That, for me, was about the time good cartoons on TV were mostly not a thing anymore.

Happy to know there are other old farts around who remember the good ole days when good cartoons was on saturday mornings. Personally, I rather enjoyed the Pirates of Black Water Bay, Bonkers, oh the good days.

Updated by anonymous

Marflebark said:
Happy to know there are other old farts around who remember the good ole days when good cartoons was on saturday mornings. Personally, I rather enjoyed the Pirates of Black Water Bay, Bonkers, oh the good days.

Yup. And all the years between when they totally disappeared from TV and when they started finally making at least some of them available on DVD. I hadn't thought about Pirates of Dark Water in forever. Surprised there's only one niddler picture around here.

Updated by anonymous

i've played a bunch of digimon games before, pokemon not so much (a few main series and mystery dungeon games), and have seen pretty much every digimon season up till...whichever one came before that weird fusion one. again, not so much with pokemon.

pokemon may have numbers on their side but that almost NEVER changing basic formula always drove me away big time. you go out into some grass, catch a few pokemon, train them, do the gyms, elite four, rival, and you win (well theres more to it now but that's the basic formula for pretty much ALL games in the main series).

digimon games on the other hand are more...varied. the digimon world game series tends to be largely a normal RPG but with the capture, train, and breeding aspects mixed in which works well. only, they don't always stick to the same basic formula for every. single. F'ing. game.

i play a pokemon game and it doesn't matter if it's the very first game or the newest game in the series. they ALL revolve around that unchanging basic formula.

heck, even the digimon anime series was more interesting than pokemon. with digimon, each season (series?) would have a different group of kids and their partner digimon (also different each time) going on some big adventure to stop some evil creature or something.

pokemon? ash ketchum...every. single. season. from start to finish. and the anime largely follows the same freaking basic formula of the games. he hardly ever wins a league championship, most of his badges are given to him instead of him earning them through battle like in the games. team rocket...for the longest time were little more than a group of incompetent idiots until at some point they went *poof* and suddenly they magically became competent villains (is that still the case?). it wouldn't be the first time i've heard people call ash ketchum the "worst pokemon trainer ever".

nowadays, i don't really play much of pokemon OR digimon. already played through the NDS digimon games. stopped on pokemon at sapphire which btw can be beaten with a single pokemon if you choose torchic as your starter. thanks for the easy win, Game Freak. though i would like to try Digimon World 2 for psx another go. always liked that one and never finished it. (that evolution/breeding system is quite complicated to learn though. :/ so that makes it harder.) digimon world 3 is good too if you've never tried it (also on psx). may want to emulate those 2 though if you have no psx or anywhere you can find psx games.

Updated by anonymous

I was never into either franchise's games, but I watched some of the various animes, and as far as they're concerned I like Digimon better. I just felt more drawn in to the story, could relate to the characters better, and so on. Plus, I liked how each Digimon season was a "Series" unto itself and how the episodes were in a serialized format, which allowed for a much longer overarching story than a half hour could hope to allow.

As for when I was a kid, well... neither franchise existed when I was a kid, so that part of the question is pretty much moot. I mean I'm old enough to remember when "Jason of Star Command" and "Land of the Lost" were weekend staples, so yeah.

Updated by anonymous

My personal take:

When it comes to the anime, the Digimon anime is way better than the Pokemon anime.

When it comes to creature designs, Pokemon wins hands down.

When it comes to games, I can't say. Never played a Digimon game, unless you count tamogatchi, but that's not really a fair comparison.

Updated by anonymous

Pokemon for me, I was never able to get into Digimon. The anime was pretty good, though.

Updated by anonymous

I remember watching a few episodes of Digimon when I was little, watched a lot more Pokemon, like before going or when coming home after school.

Now, Watched everything from Digimon, only added a movie from Pokemon (with Lucario) to the total that I watched as a kid.

Can't say how good Pokemon story line is, but Digimon could have been done way better, if they hadn't rushed, had stupid writing... There's like so much lost potential. Oh well. I remember that S3 was like the worst, when starting the next episode, you're like wtf is happening how does this tie with previous episode, holes everywhere! Like how do they know what a blue card is, where did it appear from and how do you know to use it. They see it first time and don't even wonder wtf it is or how to use it O.o

Digimon experiment too much, like every season its a new thing, hence bad plot (Seen the new Appmon season?).
Pokemon are always the same (from what I have Superficially seen).

Updated by anonymous

DelurC said:
Can't say how good Pokemon story line is, but Digimon could have been done way better, if they hadn't rushed, had stupid writing... There's like so much lost potential. Oh well. I remember that S3 was like the worst, when starting the next episode, you're like wtf is happening how does this tie with previous episode, holes everywhere! Like how do they know what a blue card is, where did it appear from and how do you know to use it. They see it first time and don't even wonder wtf it is or how to use it O.o

Season 3 easily has the best writing, in my opinion.

The questions you're asking are actually answered, more or less, later on.

Like seriously, if you actually watch that series, it's the only one that tries to answer those sorts of questions. What is a Digimon? Why do they exist? Why do they act the way they do? And yes, it answers questions about the Blue Card as well.

I find it mindboggling that you pick the season of Digimon that actually tries to answer questions and makes an effort to deconstruct things a bit, while giving a pass to all the others that did seemingly nothing at all to explain anything.

Updated by anonymous

DelurC said:
Digimon experiment too much, like every season its a new thing, hence bad plot (Seen the new Appmon season?).
Pokemon are always the same (from what I have Superficially seen).

true but that's not necessarily a bad thing for the digimon games.

i don't really see how pokemon manages to stay so popular.

but i guess it's largely a matter of preference overall. kinda like with mario and sonic. sega is always experimenting and trying different things with sonic while mario tends to stay mostly the same. nintendo does change things some times but not as much as sega. this can be both a good and bad thing for both sides as some people may prefer to have things changed up every now and then while others may prefer keeping things largely the same.

Updated by anonymous

I kinda like both. But if I had to give extra points to one or the other then Digimon wins. I felt it had the better story out of the 2 and was easier to get into. That and I watched more Digimon then I did Pokemon. So there ya go.

Updated by anonymous

hsauq said:

I'm going to be using spoiler tags, because I do think the series is worth watching. I'd encourage you to put spoiler tags on your own post, but hey, that's your decision.

I haven't seen enough of the other series to make any comment on that, but I will say that in Tamers, at the very least Leomon's death is a major event. Like, it is, I think, given the weight such an event actually deserves in the story.

It absolutely breaks Juri Katou, to the point where it was indicated she was suicidal. This is one of the major components of the climax of the series.

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
Season 3 easily has the best writing, in my opinion.

The questions you're asking are actually answered, more or less, later on.

Like seriously, if you actually watch that series, it's the only one that tries to answer those sorts of questions. What is a Digimon? Why do they exist? Why do they act the way they do? And yes, it answers questions about the Blue Card as well.

I find it mindboggling that you pick the season of Digimon that actually tries to answer questions and makes an effort to deconstruct things a bit, while giving a pass to all the others that did seemingly nothing at all to explain anything.

S3 was the first time where I noticed blanks between and within episodes.
And only time I wondered "wtf, how, what???"
Things just happened there, without any explanation whatsoever, and characters acted as if its a normal thing even though it happened for a first time.

Updated by anonymous

Digimon, now and forever. Don't feel like going in-depth.

Updated by anonymous

When I was a kid, I was on fire for Pokemon. I devoured every bit of Pokemon media I could find. I played the games, watched the show, collected the cards, etc, etc. At the time I saw Digimon as a cheap knockoff and treated it with scorn.

Years later I would finally sit down to watch the entire first season of Digimon, and promptly decided that it was the absolute pinnacle of anime.

Updated by anonymous

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