Topic: What do you usually spend your money on? (Besides bills)

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With the black Friday rush going on made me wonder. Once all the bills and expenses are taken care of, what does your spending cash go towards?

Updated by kamimatsu


Former Staff

It's been months since I've spent money on things I actually wanted, but the last thing I bought was a pack of pens. I'm so terrified of not having any money that I just save everything once I get it.

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Magic: The Gathering. Um... Video games? I rarely ever get any though.

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uh...what money? i still live with my aunt & uncle... well i do still get that monthly check from a savings account but that usually goes to helping with bills and stuff. the most i've probably spent over the past several months (unless you count my gamefly account) would be...$10 on time rifters on steam and i could've spent that on something better tbh. i'm pretty sure the idle game, time clickers, made by the same people is better.

yeah...i get plenty of stuff just...well, i doubt torrenting and downloading would get anyone in jail unless it was something serious like CP. so i doubt i have too much to worry about. >.> aside from people annoying me with complaints about the legality. to which i ask: do you really think i care?

i'm lucky i've got what i have now and that ps4 for christmas this year is quite literally all i'm hoping for on that and even that is probably pushing things somewhat. that and maybe a bit of money to buy used games off gamefly.

being poor...things could be better. :/ but at least i've got some things.

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nice snacks, video games and science magazines (mostly space related ones)

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Kinda nothing. My interests mostly center around learning, socializing, and drinking, so the only real money I spend beyond baseline things is generally food and alcohol out or from stores. Books and stuff like that sometimes. But if I didn't have money to buy that, or people around to hang out with, I'd probably spend a lot more time at libraries. I don't really see what people need much money for. Expensive things are usually time wasters.

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I have a bad habit of spending money on food. I'm surprised that I'm not overweight with how much food I buy

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Pokemon cards and other collectibles. Video games as well.

Almost all of it comes from eBay.

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Would tuition count in bills? I guess it would. In that case, video games, sex toys, and dates. In no particular order.

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parasprite said:
Sex toys and alcohol.

Also pizza.


ಠ_ಠ why are you killing your brain? you NEED you brain!

pizza is good. not when reheated though. the crust turns into rock. but that happens with many things in the microwave. if it doesn't become a brick you'd chip a tooth on it becomes inedible rubber (most meat) or fries (condiments). yet, oddly, KFC's chicken tends to stay fairly tender from my experience. o_O

BlueDingo said:
What is money?


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Video games (infrequent, but expensive; my big splurge is this December) , food, luxury items (usually earbuds, sometimes charger cords, and gonna need to replace my BP cuff), drink... medicine was also a big chunk before my doctor gave me a discount card for Vimpat (obscenely priced compared to my Kepra).

In order of what I'd want of each catagory, instead of what I'd normally spend: RPGs, China Wok (the best service and huge amount of food, family owned so they are really kind to us), more basic medical kit stuff, and sweet alcohols (I am not a bitters person).

Updated by anonymous

Video games and food. I have almost 500 games on steam.

EDIT: Scratch that, almost 600 games.

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TheHuskyK9 said:
I have a bad habit of spending money on food. I'm surprised that I'm not overweight with how much food I buy

It's your age. It'll catch up to you later in life.

treos said:
ಠ_ಠ why are you killing your brain? you NEED you brain!

It's actually not very much alcohol, I just don't have much to spend. :(

Updated by anonymous

Weapons mostly and the good stuff isn't cheap I also like military surplus.
Jackets are the only clothing I'll buy as long as they have a big hood I still buy jewelry which is obnoxious because I make jewelry and if I like a book I have to buy it I'm not satisfied with downloading it.
Then I buy a lot of pointless stuff that amuses me like pretty shiny rocks such as crystals and geodes or a heart carved out of pink stone I also have quite a few dolls which surprised me I sometimes buy one I think is cute now I have a pile oh and going to the candy store is fun, I could go on but then I'd just be listing stuff I have.

Lucky for me my brother pays the majority of the bills and buys most of the video games which leaves me free to waste money on other stuff.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Sex toys and alcohol.

Also pizza.

We lead much more similar lives than I expected. This is my answer too. And similarly, not very much alcohol.

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Beer, only if it's on offer, not bothered about the gravity, as long as it's fizzy.

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Siral_Exan said:
Wait, as in dragon-type dildos, or dildos made for dragons?

Of dildos that make you into dragons, now I'd have one of those.

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Not much, I bought some posters, two books, and I'm planning on buying some stuff for my cosplay. But I would never spend my money on alcohol.

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KiraNoot said:
We lead much more similar lives than I expected. This is my answer too. And similarly, not very much alcohol.

I code better when I have all of these things readily available.

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Doomguy666 said:
Then I buy a lot of pointless stuff that amuses me like pretty shiny rocks such as crystals and geodes

my aunt & uncle bought me a geode while off on vacation a few months ago. it wasn't as easy as one would think to open it and see the crystals inside. for something with around 1mm or less thick rock shell that thing was HARD to crack open. hammering it a few times on a bar stool (wooden seat with metal legs) did nothing so i wound up taking it outside and set it on a large rock and gave it a few good whacks. even then i had to hit it surprisingly hard.

inside however was some pretty white and clear quartz crystals all over it. :) still got it too.

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Mostly: coffee and food (including cookies for said coffee).

Somewhat: junk that I might need to finish building a laser engraver (if I could put a number to the progress I've made, it would be 1%)

Rarely: games and commissions (like really, reeeeally rare)

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treos said:
my aunt & uncle bought me a geode while off on vacation a few months ago. it wasn't as easy as one would think to open it and see the crystals inside. for something with around 1mm or less thick rock shell that thing was HARD to crack open. hammering it a few times on a bar stool (wooden seat with metal legs) did nothing so i wound up taking it outside and set it on a large rock and gave it a few good whacks. even then i had to hit it surprisingly hard.

inside however was some pretty white and clear quartz crystals all over it. :) still got it too.

Do you not own a hammer or power tools

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Games and shares, does investment really count as spending my money?

I also upgraded my PC recently and bought a 4K monitor (4K resolution, it cost under $1000).

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- nametags on TF2 and CS:GO to give my items intentionally offensive names
- food 'n snacks
- software on sale
- squirrel statues or pictures
- crystals/gems

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RusterFuck said:
Do you not own a hammer or power tools

of course we do. i'm just saying i had to hit the thing quite hard to open it. honestly, i didn't think it'd be that tough when i first saw it that day. i imagine it was all the crystals and stuff inside that was really holding it together so firmly.

crystals certainly aren't as heavy as rock. that thing was about the size of my fist but it was a LOT lighter than you'd think from just looking a tit.

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Mountain Dew, computer parts, pizza, the occasional game for the computer.

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Drinks. Occasionally lunches.
I don't have any income so I don't really have much to spend.

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CD's (yes, CD's, like, the actual discs and not digital iTunes shit).

maybe I should start buying English lessons too, despite the fact I'm a native speaker I always feel like my English is not good enough.

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MtG. Art when I get inspired.
The odd illicit substance sometimes. Games.
Random gifts for people -- I stopped this trend, mostly because no one ever accepted the stuff I offered out.

Knives, skulls, some clothing - frequent shopper of Herr Aardy's clothing line.

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On guns, drugs and sex, like every other normal person.

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I know what we all are gonna be spending on this month: Christmas...

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Firearms. I'd say I spend an average of around three thousand dollars, US, a month on firearms, or ammunition for firearms. Second expense would be games, buying random games for myself and friends, but I also include expenses for game hacks/trainers in the game-buying budget, undetectable game hacks aren't cheap, afterall. Third expense, would be equally split between fuel, and food. Sometimes I don't know which is more costly, my enjoyment of buying, and preparing fine foods, or keeping my coal rolling '93 ram's tank full! Fourth expense, car mods. Now that I've been able to find a car shop that will install mods to my Chrysler 300, I've been pouring money into new and innovative ways to piss off MOPAR folks.

Updated by anonymous

I bought a new PC the other week, my old one could barely handle TF2 for example. So spent £300 and it can run TF2 on high settings nicely now. Dolphin emulator even runs smoothly at 1080p so that's cool!

And then of course there's the fact that some porn on here runs better (flash files, I'm looking at you!)

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Food. I have to eat constantly, more than most. It's a metabolism thing.

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