Topic: What factors your sexual attraction to females?

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Even before I was gay, I've never found females to be arousing in the slightest. I mean, some of the girls I see are really cute and sweet, but I'm just not into them sexually. Soo, to people who like females; What makes you attracted towards them?

Updated by user 22273

  • screams very loud
  • is not opposed to me wearing their clothes
  • is a successful CEO so I can stay home and raise our peababies
  • must be a bird

Updated by anonymous

Romantically, I like a combination of geekiness, being older than me, and a certain amount of time as my friend first. Same goes for guys. I base everything on personality and nothing else.

Sexually, I have no interest either way. I'm oblivious to certain aspects to it and repulsed by the rest.

Updated by anonymous

A strange question but I totally understand why you'd ask it, so here's a serious answer.
(Not to sound pretentious, but I also consider a certain personality to be an important factor, but that's obviously not what you're asking about.)

I find anyone who does a great job taking care of themselves to be notably attractive. Unlike a lot of guys, I do find girls with pretty well-defined muscles to look nice as well to an extent.

Updated by anonymous

What factors my attraction? Simple. My basic animal instinct that tells me to propagate the species by seeking out a partner of the opposite sex, and releases hormones to do so. This is usually brought on by said member of the opposite sex wearing, doing, etc something that either intentionally, or unintentionally causes arousal. I'd list the obvious factors, but they're pretty obvious, so I'll list things that pertain to me, as superficial as they may seem, but then again the nature of the topic is superficial, so ehh. Individuals on the chubby side who are fairly intelligent and wear some kind of cute/"tasteful" navel baring outfit, bonus if they were shy and/or have glasses.

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
Romantically, I like a combination of geekiness, being older than me, and a certain amount of time as my friend first. Same goes for guys. I base everything on personality and nothing else.

Sexually, I have no interest either way. I'm oblivious to certain aspects to it and repulsed by the rest.

Same here when it comes to sexual attractions. What makes me attracted towards women depend on hair style and clothing. I would add more but I'm a bit tired at the moment, so I'll add more later.

Updated by anonymous

I only like traps, so females are perfect but could be more perfecter with a dongerino.

Updated by anonymous

Sexually, their figure, boobs and butt, their vag, and so on.

Romantically, nothing really. I've been in two relationships in my life, both of which were with bitchy, whiny, crybaby women who were so clingy they wouldn't allow me to have any time at all to myself out of fear that I might be "cheating" (read: looking at porn and/or masturbating). They were so demanding that I basically lost any desire to have a relationship with a female ever again.

I did have a fuckbuddy who was a guy, a very dear friend of mine, and he never made such demands on me. The women would have been horrified at the idea of being a fuckbuddy because "OMG he's not 10527% dedicated only to meeeeeeeeeee!!!!!1!11!!!!!one." And yet they call me selfish... *eyeroll and smh*

Besides that, I like flat chests and/or small boobs, and the two women I went with saw either of those as "OMFG, pedophiliaaaaaa!!!!!" Because, you know, fully grown women with small or no boobs somehow look identical to little kids despite the fact that they actually don't look at all like little kids. The logic fail is strong with these ones, and don't even get me started on the jealousy...

...oh wait, you already have. Nevermind.

Updated by anonymous

The curves, the seductive tones of voice, the *ahem* assets if you know what I mean, and the other bits.

Updated by anonymous

Well, I'm a bit of an odd case, I suppose.

I'm attracted to non-human animals exclusively, rather than humans, and in the case of the animals I'm attracted to, it can be difficult to tell male from female sometimes without looking betwixt the legs.

Part of it is that - I like vaginas much more than penises. Vaginas are great, penises aren't so much.

But more than that I do think there's just a certain appeal in female-ness itself to me. And sure, maybe that's not really tied to reality in any real way, and exists only in the mind, but that doesn't stop it from being appealing.

In art I'd rather see a female with a strap-on than a male, even if the "role" in a picture is the same.

This is odd. I've been asked plenty of times why I find attractive the species I find attractive, and I have a ready answer there. I don't think I've ever really had to address the gender question though. Unsurprisingly, most people find that to be the least in-need-of-explanation of my interests.

Updated by anonymous

uh...well, i did meet this one guy (never met him irl) while playing a mmorpg once. real nice and all...didn't last long once he found out i was gay (he wasn't) but...he did manage to talk me into getting my GED (i can be rather lazy when i want to be) so while it didn't last long, i am grateful for that.

that's about it for me. as for girls...don't think i've ever been interested in girls. i mean, i can appreciate good looks and all but aside from that... absolutely nothing happens down there if it involves girls.

on the other hand, theres plenty i like about guys.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:

Yup. I don't want to die without kids, but nothing arouses me about females.

Updated by anonymous

Hexdragon said:
Yup. I don't want to die without kids, but nothing arouses me about females.

ahaha this is the exact opposite sentiment from what I expected of furries

Updated by anonymous

post #1071377
Actually anybody I've been attracted to it seems to have been the personality; most of them were flat. I guess it may just be reproductive purposes or something.

Updated by anonymous

Meek, coy, long hair (perfect for pulling) and thick thighs. Drives me up the wall.
Oh, and their soft voices! Can't forget that.

Updated by anonymous

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