Topic: Looking for games to play

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Good whenever everyone, so I recently got myself a PS4 with only 2 games and need some suggestions on what would be worth getting, don't care much what genre it is, though RPG or Action titles would be preferable.

Note: if there was already a topic like this then I am sorry I looked quite a bit and did not see it.

Updated by kamimatsu

got a ps4 for christmas myself but haven't tried out that many games yet. of those i have tried...

star ocean: integrity and faithlessness

is probably the weakest game i've seen yet in the main series and the graphics look like something between the ps2 and ps3 generations (2d plant texture in this generation? really?). it's...ok...ish. start on galaxy difficulty if you want to play easy mode (yes, it's that easy this time round. earth would probably be too easy this time.). beat either earth or galaxy mode once to unlock universe AND chaos difficulties (yep, way too easy...).

overall, in a few minor ways it's a step forward from the previous game but mostly it's a number of steps backwards.

dragonquest heroes

pretty good. it doesn't suffer from copy/paste battlefields quite as badly as most games from koei tecmo. as you go through the story missions theres at least 3 different maps + a boss arena for each region so that helps a lot. if you've played any dragonquest game before then you already know to expect palette swaps as you progress and the monsters get harder.

theres crafting (alchemy), the mini medal trade-in stuff, a bunch of unlockable content via quests and post-game boss rematches (harder versions of the originals with some new ones added and yes, you can fight the almighty Bjorn the Behemoose in this game and he is literally as tall as mountains.) and whatnot.

it's kinda like dynasty warriors gundam in that it brings together heroes from the various worlds seen throughout the main dragonquest series. oh and not to spoil anything but beware Psaro...he will rip you a new one...or several...with extreme ease. BUT you CAN unlock him IF you beat him in combat.

you also have access to different spells and attacks depending on the character and forthe most part, they're all exactly like what you'd see in the main DQ series.

sword art online: lost song

i still haven't gotten all that far in this one yet and while the graphics are a tad basic (not as bad as star ocean 5 up there) it has one real nice selling point and even beats star ocean in this regard: both exp lvl and ALL skills have a lvl cap of 1,000! how's THAT for grinding potential? lol

but yeah, aside from that i think it takes place somewhere after the end of the 2nd season of the show (after the gun gallet or whatever that event was called) and has more emphasis on norse mythology. no sign of norse gods for me yet except in this one quest where you rescue a demon who turns out to be a goddess who had been cursed but the achievements mention the sword excalibur so theres that...somewhere in the game. if getting that sword is like it was in the anime then it may require defeating at least 1 god. lol that'll be fun.

combat system is like the anime too. 100% real-time all on the field. except for events and boss fights which have a barrier locking you in a certain space. also, bosses tend to have multiple hp bars and if you've seen how that works in the 1st season then you'll know that it means bosses can change tactics or grow stronger as you lower their hp bars.

theres also this thing where you can break monsters body parts if you hit them enough but i'm still not sure how that works exactly. i know when you start attacking a monster you can take chunks out of their bodies but beyond that i don't really know how that system works yet.

overall: pretty good game, nice difficulty curve (can adjust difficulty from easy to hard at the title screen in the options menu). oh and this game even has a opening cutscene just like the anime which is really nice to watch/listen too (check the painting in the INN. ;)).

and the latest game i've gotten is...

bladestorm: nightmare

basically the same as dynasty warriors but with a good number of different things. for one, the main storyline takes place during the Hundred Years War between france and england so it's medieval or renaissance times and western instead of china or japan. the nightmare mode is pretty much the same but with monsters added for a fantasy touch.

in this one you play as a mercenary fighting for fame basically. oh my goodness, you would not believe the size of the battlefields in this game. dynasty warriors has nothing in a comparison of battlefield size. easily 20+ capture points in every battlefield with squads of troops all over the maps moving around and fighting.

i first started by trying out the nightmare mode and the first battle alone too well over 20+ minutes to complete and i still didn't get all the capture points.

if you like dynasty warriors and want to see some truly massive and epic battles, give this one a go. it's at least worth a shot.

should be getting dragonquest builders in soon which is one game i've been wanting to try out. i'm hoping it's a good one.

as far as graphics go, dark souls 3 was VERY easily the best i've seen yet (there is very little difference in quality between the cutscenes and in-game graphics which is AWESOME!) with star ocean 5 being the worst. :/

gameplay...i would say SAO:LS so far... melee, ranged, magic, ground and mid-air combat and pvp with NPC's as it's basically a VRMMORPG like the games in the anime (3rd person camera angle). kinda hard to say which is the worst in this area out of those i've played so far...i guess star ocean 5?

almost forgot. the monsters in dragonquest heroes are life size. so a 1-eyed gigantes? literally as tall as 2-3 story buildings. it makes things seem a lot more epic if you compare that to the old 2d fights you typically see in dragonquest games. especially with monsters like bjorn.

Updated by anonymous

Puyo Puyo Tetris's a really good puzzle game. PS4 does region free, so you can import a Japanese copy, or you can wait for the international version that was leaked. The entire game is playable without much Japanese knowledge, most of it is menuing.

Updated by anonymous

unbelievable... last night i used a glitch to explore a dungeon early in SAO:LS and my fears were just confirmed.

the "walk through walls" glitch mentioned on do not open ANY event or quest related chest in a dungeon using that glitch. now i have to restart a THIRD time because opening that chest before i got the quest broke the game. and no,opening such chests early doesn't give the key item but it certainly does block you from getting it.

of all the stupid glitches to leave in a game and not patch later on...

Updated by anonymous

In the way of RPGs, The Witcher 3 and Lord of the Rings: Shadow of Mordor were fun experiences. Dark Souls 3 was already mentioned. There is also Bloodborne, though I find it to be a lot harder. To the extent that I still have not beaten it, actually.

If you're into shooters, I'd suggest looking into Battlefield and Destiny. Battlefield 4 can be bought dirt cheap digitally now; $10 last time I checked. Not sure how much you'd spend on a physical copy though.

Destiny also has the advantage of being one of the few games that you play online with friends without having PS+, but you would still be barred from endgame activities and PvP.

Dying Light is another good one. Even if you're sick of zombies, the mechanics for movement are outstanding.

Until Dawn was a very interesting PS4 exclusive. Really short for $60 though, but if you can find it cheap, I'd go for it. It's basically an "interactive movie" type of thing.

Metal Gear Solid V is a very fun game. If you ever played a stealth-based game and enjoyed it, I'd say that this is a must-have. The story sucks in comparison to the rest of the series, though, if that's a turn-off.

Sorry if that's more than you bargained for. If you want more details on any of these, though, ask away

Updated by anonymous

I would say that all exclusives are worth at least to glance at, especially some of those remasters if you haven't played them on PS3/Vita: infamous, the last of us, uncharted, heavy rain, beyond two souls, danganronpa (coming soon), project diva, journey, unfinished swan and gravity rush. Couple games that are free and worth shot are let it die and warframe (also on pc).

There are tons and tons of really good games out there, but I use consoles mainly for exclusives, so I can't think of multiplats which are good and also on ps4 right now. Also PS+ sometimes surprises with really interesting titles even if they aren't AAA expensive stuff, last month with stories: the path of destinies.

Jackalfag said:
Puyo Puyo Tetris's a really good puzzle game. PS4 does region free, so you can import a Japanese copy, or you can wait for the international version that was leaked. The entire game is playable without much Japanese knowledge, most of it is menuing.

International version is official as of nintendo switch presentation, so most definitely just wait for that to be released.
Last tetris game I got was Tetris Ultimate on PC, luckily for free. That version of tetris still controls both first and second player with first players controller if trying to play local multiplayer on top of other similar nonsense. I have heard that there are some issues with PS4 version as well on top of the game making you want to sleep of boredom.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
In the way of RPGs, The Witcher 3 and Lord of the Rings: Shadow of Mordor were fun experiences. Dark Souls 3 was already mentioned. There is also Bloodborne, though I find it to be a lot harder. To the extent that I still have not beaten it, actually.

tried bloodborne but the enormous emphasis on offense wasn't my kind of play style. i mean, theres no shields or anything to defend yourself with in bloodborne. :/

and graphics aside, i did like dark souls 3 till i reached lothric castle but by that point i was thoroughly fed up with the games BS armor. in dark souls 3 armor doesn't add to your defense but rather it mitigates incoming damage by a % (resistance) from each source. your defense is actually directly reliant on your stats.

want higher defense? grind for eternity and keep lvling (mostly strength and whichever stat adds to the load capacity. i forgot which but those 2 give the most out of all stats.). and that's why i want to get dark souls 2: scholar of the first sin edition when i can as i like games where your armor actually protects you instead of largely being cosmetic trash.

"Destiny also has the advantage of being one of the few games that you play online with friends without having PS+,"

o_O been wondering if that's the case with warframe.

Updated by anonymous

Mario69 said:

>3ds, wii u, ps3, 360, xbone not listed

Also forgot to mention Urban Legend in Limbo. It's another Japanese-only title (Japanese knowledge is a bit more important, but you can check the Shinpiroku or Touhou wikis for explanations on what certain moves do), but it's a port of a PC fighting game with an exclusive new character.

Updated by anonymous

dont listen to any of the above posters and their shitty weeb games.

>Titanfall 2
>Metro Last light redux
>Shadow warrior 2 is apparently coming to ps4
>Dishonored definitive edition and dishonored 2
>Verdun is on ps4 i think

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
"Destiny also has the advantage of being one of the few games that you play online with friends without having PS+,"

o_O been wondering if that's the case with warframe.

It is with all free-to-play games, including warframe. Would defeat whole purpose of game being free-to-play if you had to pay subscription to even access it.

Jackalfag said:
>3ds, wii u, ps3, 360, xbone not listed

Of course this isn't ideal situation, but considering it's released in west at all I would forgive them. At least they got it to two differend branded consoles where other is sudo-handheld. Tetris licence seems like it must be pain in the ass to handle. I think they also only sell it physically as ubisoft still holds the rights to sell their ultimate digitally.

Updated by anonymous

I leik mincraf.

No, but seriously, I'd probably say "Fallout: New Vegas" (fuck Fallout 4), "Warframe" (if that's even a thing for the PS4) and... well, I dunno. Depends on what genres of games you enjoy.

Updated by anonymous

If you want a good JRPG (as opposed to Star Ocean I&F), Tales of Berseria is getting its US/EU release in three days. As a long-time fan of the Tales series I'm definitely getting it for my PS4.

I think there's already a demo up, at least on PC but could be on PSN too. I'm trying to go in mostly unspoiled, so I'm not really keeping track.

Updated by anonymous

Rusty_ said:
dont listen to any of the above posters and their shitty weeb games.

how is Dark Souls 3 a 'weeb game' Rusty

why must you keep doing shit like this

Updated by anonymous

I don't know if Persona 5 is out, but if it is, that. I've watched friends play the Japanese version, and it was the first time I fanboyed that hard since Baten Kaitos Origins.

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Tritium said:
how is Dark Souls 3 a 'weeb game' Rusty

why must you keep doing shit like this

Because people keep taking the bait like it's a cookie with cocaine in it.

Updated by anonymous

Also, as Fenrick mentioned, The Witcher 3 comes much recommended as well as Dark Souls and Bloodborne (though for somewhat of a AAA series they're an acquired taste, but Bloodborne is a fantastic PS4 exclusive regardless).


    • Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
  • XCOM 2
  • Ratchet & Clank
  • Hitman
  • inFAMOUS: Second Son
  • Gravity Rush 2
  • The Last of Us Remastered
  • DOOM
  • Trackmania Turbo
  • Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
  • Batman: Return to Arkham (in case you've never played the original Arkham Asylum and Arkham City)
  • Batman: Arkham Knight
  • Dragon Age Inquisition
  • Wild Guns Reloaded (extended remaster of a great little SNES shooter, I'd wait for its price to come down a bit though)
  • NieR Automata (coming in february)
  • Wolfenstein: The New Order
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider
  • Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-
  • Astebreed
  • Divinity: Original Sin
  • Watch Dogs 2

And a whole slew of great indies, but I won't even start on those.

Oh yeah, and since the PS4 is moar like RemasterStation 4 anyway, check out Valkyria Chronicles Remastered for an awesome strategy RPG, and Metro Redux for 2x cool creepy post-apocalyptic sewer monster shootin' action, that can also be played in a survival horror-esque way depending on your settings.

Updated by anonymous

Sweet, thanks for all the suggestions everyone, there are certainly a few good looking titles(Even the remasters) here that I wasn't even considering.

Updated by anonymous

United_Gamers said:
Good whenever everyone, so I recently got myself a PS4 with only 2 games and need some suggestions on what would be worth getting, don't care much what genre it is, though RPG or Action titles would be preferable.

Note: if there was already a topic like this then I am sorry I looked quite a bit and did not see it.

Fallout 4. PS finally aloud modding and there was an M1 Grand (MOD is Garnd) added to the game. Costume reloade animations and every thing.

Updated by anonymous

Allow me to suggest something stupid: Pinball Arcade. It's a pinball video game where you play virtual recreations of real life pinball tables. It's an F2P game where you fet a couple lf tables for free, but for the rest you have to pay for table packs, but you can demo tables up the first preset high score. It's something different you should try, my brother backed it on Kickstarter and the developers do amazing work and deserve love for it.

Updated by anonymous

If you enjoy visual novels, then I would recommend the Phoenix Wright series or the Zero Escape trilogy.

Updated by anonymous

Binding of Isaac: Rebirth and its DLC

If you're the kind of achievement hunter, into RNG dungeon-crawler-type of games, then this game will keep you occupied for at least 500 hours. And your rage on high levels.

Updated by anonymous

With the flash sale I'd try The order: 1886 it's short and rather cinematic but the graphics are really good and I thought it was kinda fun.

Little big planet is also good the single player is entertaining but the main part of the game is building your own stages. I find it astonishing what people can make, the game is a 3D side scrolling game but they can make everything from an 8-bit sonic game to a first person horror game.

Just cause 3 is obnoxious fun you just blow everything up and you get some cool stuff with the dlc like a jet pack, plus the creator said he wanted to play a game where you can steal a helicopter from a sports car and you totally can.

Killzone shadow fall I've like the Killzone series since the first one and shadow fall is a little different I still liked it although the primary gun pisses me off and you can't get rid of it.

World of final fantasy I love me some final fantasy and this one is cute and silly and it had a lot from previous titles so that was fun.

Final fantasy XV this might be worth playing but I don't know what to say about it for some reason I just didn't get into it as much as other final fantasy titles although it was still fun.

There's been a lot of good suggestions so far Dying light was a good one Titanfall is really fun and Bloodborne. I think Bloodborne might be the game I've played most on the PS4 I've done everything gotten all the endings found all the items and beat all the chalice dungeons I really liked Bloodborne so much so I couldn't even play Dark souls any more.

treos said:
tried bloodborne but the enormous emphasis on offense wasn't my kind of play style. i mean, theres no shields or anything to defend yourself with in bloodborne. :/

That actually worked out great for me I never used a shield in Dark souls I did carry a crossbow in my left hand but it didn't work very well.

Updated by anonymous

Since you bring up Final Fantasy, I highly suggest checking out the XII remaster when it comes out. The original game is a ton of fun, but I don't own a PS4, sadly, so I can't play it. I've played Pinball Arcade on my Xbox One.

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
If you enjoy visual novels, then I would recommend the Phoenix Wright series or the Zero Escape trilogy.

Isn't Phoenix Wright a Nintendo exclusive?

Updated by anonymous

If you've played and enjoyed Mass Effect, you may want to consider Mass Effect: Andromeda when it comes out in March. Personally, I preferred Dragon Age over its cousin (Mass Effect) for several, ultimately inconsequential reasons, but Andromeda looks promising. I'll probably be getting it myself in the near future.

Updated by anonymous

BinaryHedgehog said:
Since you bring up Final Fantasy, I highly suggest checking out the XII remaster when it comes out. The original game is a ton of fun, but I don't own a PS4, sadly, so I can't play it.

this version is in english, right? i'd like to make sure in case i wind up with something like that crappy international edition which had a english translation amateur fan translators could probably top. if i ever get it i mean. still got the original version on ps2 for now.

UnusualParadox said:
Mass Effect: Andromeda

question: rainbow ending or does this one have real endings to it?

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Isn't Phoenix Wright a Nintendo exclusive?

There're mobile ports for all the mainline Ace Attorney games.

GameManiac said:
If you enjoy visual novels, then I would recommend the Phoenix Wright series or the Zero Escape trilogy.

Seconding Zero Escape. 999 and VLR are pending a re-release on PS4 and other systems, ZTD is 3DS, Vita, and PC only at the moment.

Updated by anonymous

well that was a surprise in dragon quest builders. early in the 1st chapter... *goes to talk to brownie to learn how to make a hammer*

brownie: you want to see my tool? but we only just met. *blush* oh! you mean my hammer.

me: O_O woah... wow, enix... lol well, i definitely didn't see THAT coming and certainly not long after starting the game either.

well, that's one way to start off a game, huh?

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
well that was a surprise in dragon quest builders. early in the 1st chapter... *goes to talk to brownie to learn how to make a hammer*

brownie: you want to see my tool? but we only just met. *blush* oh! you mean my hammer.

me: O_O woah... wow, enix... lol well, i definitely didn't see THAT coming and certainly not long after starting the game either.

well, that's one way to start off a game, huh?

By the way, if you play Dragon Quest 1 (Dragon Warrior), name yourself LOTO. Your stats will thank me.

Updated by anonymous

UnusualParadox said:
Mass Effect: Andromeda

treos said:
question: rainbow ending or does this one have real endings to it?

I wouldn't know. I tend not to keep up on upcoming games to prevent spoilers and other nonsense that could ruin a game for me. All I know is that it was announced in 2015 and is about to be released. All I read beyond that is that it is apparently going to be an open-world experience set in (use your best guess...) the Andromeda Galaxy (which is the closest galaxy to our own). Also, Bioware says that it's not going to be class-based like most of their games. Instead, players will be able to put points in any skills as they choose, essentially creating their own classes (sounds kinda like the Elder Scrolls in that regard). That said, I'm not sure how well any of these "features" are going to be implemented.

Updated by anonymous

Jackalfag said:
There're mobile ports for all the mainline Ace Attorney games.

Either way, how does that help a guy who's looking for a PS4 game?

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
By the way, if you play Dragon Quest 1 (Dragon Warrior), name yourself LOTO. Your stats will thank me.

o_O ok...

oh and interesting tidbit about DQB. the villain the hero helped in the backstory was none other than dragonlord himself! it's an alternate universe scenario where your rebuilding the world from scratch pretty much.

and...chapter 1 was fun and not too hard but chapter 2 starts by dumping you in the middle of a huge poisonous swamp region with the town smack in the middle of it. >.< anyone who has played any game of this franchise knows how irritating swamps are. ugh...

UnusualParadox said:

I wouldn't know. I tend not to keep up on upcoming games to prevent spoilers and other nonsense that could ruin a game for me. All I know is that it was announced in 2015 and is about to be released. All I read beyond that is that it is apparently going to be an open-world experience set in (use your best guess...) the Andromeda Galaxy (which is the closest galaxy to our own). Also, Bioware says that it's not going to be class-based like most of their games. Instead, players will be able to put points in any skills as they choose, essentially creating their own classes (sounds kinda like the Elder Scrolls in that regard). That said, I'm not sure how well any of these "features" are going to be implemented.

well, that certainly sounds different and is a different direction than the past 3 semi-linear games took. i think FFXV went the "open world" route too.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
this version is in english, right? i'd like to make sure in case i wind up with something like that crappy international edition which had a english translation amateur fan translators could probably top. if i ever get it i mean. still got the original version on ps2 for now.

question: rainbow ending or does this one have real endings to it?

Zodiac Age is worldwide, and I played the original version as well, in it's collector's edition form.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
o_O ok...

Trust me. Your stats are determined by your name in the first one. I know because I used my real name and got the worst possible stats. It goes by adding up the values of the letters and ANDing it with 3 (basically a quicker way to mod it by 4, or dividing it by 4 to get the remainder) to get your build. The formula is such that naming yourself Erdrick or LOTO (Erdrick's name in the Japanese version) gives you the best out of the four.

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
Trust me. Your stats are determined by your name in the first one. I know because I used my real name and got the worst possible stats. It goes by adding up the values of the letters and ANDing it with 3 (basically a quicker way to mod it by 4, or dividing it by 4 to get the remainder) to get your build. The formula is such that naming yourself Erdrick or LOTO (Erdrick's name in the Japanese version) gives you the best out of the four.

huh, well i've never seen that in a game before that i remember. good way of showing just how important a name can be though.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
huh, well i've never seen that in a game before that i remember. good way of showing just how important a name can be though.

In Final Fantasy Tactics, it's the birthday, not the name.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
In Final Fantasy Tactics, it's the birthday, not the name.

How does the birthday work?

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
It's asks for your birthday at the very beginning.

I know that. I mean how does what birthday you enter affect it. Dragon Warrior had four builds and selected one based on the letters used. What does it do with the birthday?

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
I know that. I mean how does what birthday you enter affect it. Dragon Warrior had four builds and selected one based on the letters used. What does it do with the birthday?

Determines which skills you start with. My birthday happened to fall under the "none" section.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Determines which skills you start with. My birthday happened to fall under the "none" section.

Wow. So we both got the worst stats on our game.

Updated by anonymous

Tactics A2 uses that weird quiz thing Kingdom Hearts uses. Wait, that's something else our PS4 owner should try.

Updated by anonymous

BinaryHedgehog said:
Tactics A2 uses that weird quiz thing Kingdom Hearts uses. Wait, that's something else our PS4 owner should try.

already got KH3 in my queue on gamefly. as for FF: Tactics, i never really got into that series much.

after nobody's and hollow's...what's next? i'll find out when i get to that game.

RPGs in general: took me a long time before i figured out that it was that specific battle/scaling system the SaGa games use that always drove me away from the. :/ as long as it doesn't use that weird combat system of the SaGa franchise i'd probably give it a go at some point.

i once gave infinite undiscovery a go. ಠ_ಠ the entire party in thatgame was little more than a bunch of shitty, abusive, assholes. never had or have i played an RPG with such a shitty gathering of just plain MEAN "heroes". that and you could exploit the crafting system with the free dlc stuff to get way OP early on while exploiting the crafting system for endless money and thus max all items sold by shops easily. yeah, not one of your finer moments there, square enix.

Updated by anonymous

Htess said:
Fallout 4. PS finally aloud modding and there was an M1 Grand (MOD is Garnd) added to the game. Costume reloade animations and every thing.

From what I heard it sounded like they would never allow it, lol which would have been bad on their part since they just make people buy xbox instead. Glad they changed their mind.

kamimatsu said:
By the way, if you play Dragon Quest 1 (Dragon Warrior), name yourself LOTO. Your stats will thank me.

Good to know.

treos said:
already got KH3 in my queue on gamefly.

That reminds me I should probably get ahold of the KH remasters so I can go through the story again.

as for FF: Tactics, i never really got into that series much.

Yeah strategy games are kinda an acquired taste, lol as a kid I could never get into them, but now I actually find them quite fun. Especially when I find that one move that just utterly crushes the opponent into a fine powder, fit for making bread. Makes me glad Xcom has multiplayer. >=)

after nobody's and hollow's...what's next? i'll find out when i get to that game.

A fine question, if they do add a new enemy type then I just hope they look good and the story behind them is good.

RPGs in general: took me a long time before i figured out that it was that specific battle/scaling system the SaGa games use that always drove me away from the. :/ as long as it doesn't use that weird combat system of the SaGa franchise i'd probably give it a go at some point.

Yeah. I mean unusual combat mechanics are alright but they need to be implemented well, feel good and won't annoy the player.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
already got KH3 in my queue on gamefly. as for FF: Tactics, i never really got into that series much.

after nobody's and hollow's...what's next? i'll find out when i get to that game.

Hollows? You mean heartless? There are:

  • Heartless
    • Pureblood
    • Emblem
  • Nobodies
    • Recusants
  • Unversed
  • Dream Eaters
    • Spirits
    • Nightmares

Nothing about "Hollow."

Updated by anonymous

United_Gamers said:
Yeah. I mean unusual combat mechanics are alright but they need to be implemented well, feel good and won't annoy the player.

well, with the SaGa scaling system it's almost as if they punish you for training and doing good in the games. i last encountered that system in The Last Remnant on xbox360. basically, the more you raise your stats and the more you lvl, the harder the game gets. so grinding and training only make things harder and harder instead of easier. probably the best way to play such a game is to do low lvl runs (as in almost NO grinding at all ANYWHERE in the game) and even then you should expect things to be quite hard overall.

and i don't normally do low lvl runs in RPG games so the logic of that system is pretty backwards to my normal play style.

with all your characters at lvl 99 with maxed stats, the game would be far harder than if playing with them all at lvl 1 with base stats through the whole game.

i might do better if there was something to offset the difficulty every now and then but no, it just keeps getting harder and harder.

Furrin_Gok said:
Hollows? You mean heartless?

ah, yeah, your right. don't know where i got hollows from.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
well, with the SaGa scaling system it's almost as if they punish you for training and doing good in the games. i last encountered that system in The Last Remnant on xbox360. basically, the more you raise your stats and the more you lvl, the harder the game gets. so grinding and training only make things harder and harder instead of easier. probably the best way to play such a game is to do low lvl runs (as in almost NO grinding at all ANYWHERE in the game) and even then you should expect things to be quite hard overall.

and i don't normally do low lvl runs in RPG games so the logic of that system is pretty backwards to my normal play style.

with all your characters at lvl 99 with maxed stats, the game would be far harder than if playing with them all at lvl 1 with base stats through the whole game.

i might do better if there was something to offset the difficulty every now and then but no, it just keeps getting harder and harder.

That was why I hated Oblivion. By the way, if you want to play it without the scaling, get Francesco's Mod. It scales by location instead of by level.

Updated by anonymous

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