Topic: Tell me how this makes sense? FFDvsMOD Un-FFDing

Posted under General

first, note this pool, comic is called Crush, by jailbird.

now, note this user's uploads.
They are all in German, wheres the pool mentioned above is in English. Kodi's post's were flagged by me and conker, soon after dragonranger came by and unflagged/approved them.

Finally, take a peek at kodi's deletion list,

notice anything similar about the tags/reasons? its the same as the comic, it 'is' the comic.
If your going to delete things or un-flag stuff try to be more consistent? Half the German Texted Comic is deleted.

On a similar note, who's Kodiac? Is Kodi posting that tag to mark it as his own or something?

Updated by Aurali

I'm not sure what you're trying to articulate to us, so I'm just gonna go delete the rest of the german pics.

Oh I get it, I deleted half the comic for being in german, you flagged the other half, dragonranger approved them even though the others were deleted. Interesting.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
I'm not sure what you're trying to articulate to us, so I'm just gonna go delete the rest of the german pics.

Oh I get it, I deleted half the comic for being in german, you flagged the other half, dragonranger approved them even though the others were deleted. Interesting.

yeah lol, the English vs German discrepancy was like 'wat o.@" when it got approved, i didnt know if i should have pointed it out to dragonranger, or a dif mod, or post here, i decided to post here. thanks for the response!

Updated by anonymous

You're deleting comics because they're in German? There are at least 42 pages of non-English comics on this site, and I have a large page size.

Updated by anonymous

Foobaria said:
You're deleting comics because they're in German? There are at least 42 pages of non-English comics on this site, and I have a large page size.

They're deleting pages because they're already up in English and unnecessary bloat on the server.

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
They're deleting pages because they're already up in English and unnecessary bloat on the server.

Do english comics are approved over any other language?
And if there are translations? Doesn't they need to be parented to their original/english translated counterpart?

Updated by anonymous

There are a lot of good reasons to delete a post, but I don't think "the server is too full" is one of them.

There's a lot of material on here in many languages, why does having an english version of an image suddenly make a german/japanese/french verson worthless?

Updated by anonymous

Wyvrn said:
There are a lot of good reasons to delete a post, but I don't think "the server is too full" is one of them.

There's a lot of material on here in many languages, why does having an english version of an image suddenly make a german/japanese/french verson worthless?

Because everything besides English is made up and wrong. Y'all are just talking in code, it's not language.

Updated by anonymous

(Jayfeather) said:
Because everything besides English is made up and wrong. Y'all are just talking in code, it's not language.

que quieres decir con eso?

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Do english comics are approved over any other language?
And if there are translations? Doesn't they need to be parented to their original/english translated counterpart?

Wyvrn said:
There are a lot of good reasons to delete a post, but I don't think "the server is too full" is one of them.

There's a lot of material on here in many languages, why does having an english version of an image suddenly make a german/japanese/french verson worthless?

my guess?

First Come, First Serve.
the post that shows up first gets right of way, sort of makes sense. if its already in german/japanese/french, then the note system is used to translate it to English since this 'seems to be' a 'primarily English speaking site

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
my guess?

First Come, First Serve.
the post that shows up first gets right of way, sort of makes sense. if its already in german/japanese/french, then the note system is used to translate it to English since this 'seems to be' a 'primarily English speaking site

I would think original and translated english versions may stay, if both are same, even better.

Updated by anonymous

I thought that other language comics are also approved even when there's original in English. There's even pool #1531 in my first language. Though with awful spelling mistake in the title T_T, so I wouldn't cry that much if it's going to be deleted.

Updated by anonymous

Inconsistencies in the deketion rules? I am shocked! :o

Seriously though, it seems the site went from rampant FFD abuse to not knowing itself what would stay or go.

After my last neutral on a rule the site wasn't even sure about, I stopped trying to help for anything that should be deleted

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, I can't help but think the one thing this site needs more than anything else is firm and explicit rules with consistent enforcement.

Updated by anonymous

I think it depends on whether the translated comic adds anything of value to the site that can't be added to the original version. Further, if I were to chose which version of a comic to post, I'd go for the one in the original language (if possible) because that's the one closest to the writer's/artist's intent, and then translate with notes if necessary.

In this case, "Crush"'s original version was in English. A German version (especially since it might, maybe, possibly, I'm-probably-wrong, may have been renamed in spots) didn't add much to the site. Besides, if a German version was added in addition to the English version, how about a French version? And Italian? Maybe Russian? How about Swahili, Japanese, or Chinese? (A Klingon version might be hilarious, but probably not.) How about that happening for virtually every comic on the site? The amount of space used up would swell enormously just for a change in a few words. Therefore, it's probably best that e621 be a bit choosy with translation reposts. Perhaps not entirely consistent, but they're humans, not robots.

That doesn't mean translation reposts can't be of use, just that they're kind of like non-furry material on the site. You can try to see if it'll fly, but don't get mad because it got deleted.

Updated by anonymous

I don't like the idea of translation by notes only. If a user wants to save the comic, they can't save the notes with it and get a non-translated comic. Last time I checked, deleted images actually remain on the e621 servers, so it's no less bloated than deleting them.

Updated by anonymous

CamKitty said:
Inconsistencies in the deketion rules? I am shocked! :o

Seriously though, it seems the site went from rampant FFD abuse to not knowing itself what would stay or go.

After my last neutral on a rule the site wasn't even sure about, I stopped trying to help for anything that should be deleted

On the rules that are displayed when you try to flag image there is clearly stated:

Valid reasons to flag an image for deletion:

Duplicate post (please include original post number in flag reason)
Inferior version of an existing post (smaller, lower quality)
Drawn by an artist or owned by a site on the Avoid Posting list

Invalid reasons to flag an image for deletion:

Image is 'crappy', 'disgusting', or 'unpopular'

You're an artist or character owner and want the image deleted (please use the takedown form)

Failure to follow these guidelines may result in disciplinary action against your account.

I know that there are some unclear rules, but FFD is rather clear. Flag pictures for one of valid reasons you don't get warning/neutral. Flag for other reason you may get a warning/neutral. So I don't really see why your last neutral is unfair.

Updated by anonymous

CamKitty said:
Inconsistencies in the deketion rules? I am shocked! :o

Seriously though, it seems the site went from rampant FFD abuse to not knowing itself what would stay or go.

After my last neutral on a rule the site wasn't even sure about, I stopped trying to help for anything that should be deleted

OMG how DARE someone explain something to you with no consequences whatsoever. :/ no seriously. It's a neutral, it has no meaning on anything ever.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
It's a neutral, it has no meaning on anything ever.

Come on, now; Any adult should know at least that much psychology: A neutral in this case is seen as "you did something bad, but we won't punish you for it this time".

It doesn't matter if you think it shouldn't be seen that way: Many will. So do I. You don't get a neutral that says "Hey, how are you today?": You get a neutral when they didn't think it was worth a negative.

Updated by anonymous

Foobaria said:
Come on, now; Any adult should know at least that much psychology: A neutral in this case is seen as "you did something bad, but we won't punish you for it this time".

It doesn't matter if you think it shouldn't be seen that way: Many will. So do I. You don't get a neutral that says "Hey, how are you today?": You get a neutral when they didn't think it was worth a negative.

neutrals are account notes. I used to leave them for a variety of reasons, "Very useful PMs" "User has really improved, watch them" and... "User makes very good tagging suggestions" not worth a positive yet.. but worth mentioning.

As for actual neutral neutrals, "User has same ip address as XXX", "User has admitted they share computers with XX" and "User is blaziken's alt"

Updated by anonymous

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