Topic: sunset_shimmer -> sunset_shimmer_(eg) alias doesn't work

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

That's odd, I searched the forum before I posted this. Either I made a typo in the search, selected a wrong category or I'm going blind...

Updated by anonymous

I assume the message is the same for a pending alias as a confirmed one.

Updated by anonymous

look in the tag wikis before complaining about aliases and implications not working. if tag has aliases or implications, they are listed in a box below the wiki entry. if the box is missing, it means that there is no implications or aliases.

Updated by anonymous

If a tag alias/implication is pending, it won't show in the tag wiki, but will still throw up an error message if you try to submit an a/i that exists but is unapproved.

To find out if there's an unapproved a/i, you have to go to the "Tags" page and select either the "aliases" or "implications" link, and when using the search function there be sure to select the "unapproved" option in the approved field.

Updated by anonymous

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