Topic: Site running slow?

Posted under General

Ever since their last maintenance on February 8, this site has been running excessively slow. Every other site but this is suffering miserably since. It seems to be so bad that I can't even load in Flash files and won't even start. I made sure it wasn't me because everything isn't blocking it, cleared up cache and cookies from it. And every other site just loads in as intended. Anyone else having this issue?

---Additional info

In case anyone does have information on the possibility. I am running Windows 7 with Google Chrome as my main browser. I did also use Firefox but also resulted in the same sluggish behavior. Double checked on my Addons/extensions and they were not the issue either. I also have no clue what is wrong other than what ever that the guys running this site did since February 8 had been drastically changing how things are running for me on my end.

More additional information, it is quick to view the forums and the topics and posts, even with those including images there but god forbid that just searching through the main segment of, it chugs and takes about 5-10 seconds to get all of the thumbnailed example of each image to load up. Even if some that are flash games don't load them up right away. So another curious issue... And despite videos also loading in seemingly quick and the buffer showing it clearing fast, playing it and it will lag unbelievably and stutter.

Another I have beginning to notice, anything that isn't related to the thumbnails or any files you can look at will load in immediately, so it isn't a issue regarding the Site responding and having me loading it in but any image-relate is the only problem not correctly loading quickly as it used to.

Someone here also mentioned something about Keep-Alive Header not working as intended before but I have no clue in such deep technical detail and regarding if it is working now or not. Not quite sure how much it relates to my issue now but its worth noting.

Now I am led to believe that Cloudflare is the cause, since I can't grab any information directly from as whatever I do to figure out what is causing my problems is not possible as my end connection leads to Cloudflare's San Francisco server before they fetch me data from, which means they are using a much less performing route that is making it appear that is acting slow to me. Anyone who has the same problem like me, then try pinging this site and see if it connects to, which would mean you are also having the very same issue as I am.


Its fixed, mostly because I was down to one of my other last options, even Cox didn't even suggested this when I called them, probably something stupid to have "Intelligent" ITs but the very least it is taken care of. Simply had to reset my modem from their website which really did its job.


That's odd, I haven't experienced anything of the sort.

Updated by anonymous

Well, any information to help resolve the issue would be great. So far I am not finding anything that's making an impact.

Updated by anonymous

Darlthris said:
Well, any information to help resolve the issue would be great. So far I am not finding anything that's making an impact.

On PC or mobile? I can only give generic advice to try and see that it's not on your end.

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
On PC or mobile? I can only give generic advice to try and see that it's not on your end.

PC. On mobile it is the same. I'll also be updating my first post if I find anything differnet

Updated by anonymous

I reported a little earlier that the Keep-Alive setting wasn't being fully honored and they fixed it. Perhaps that's why the site was slow for you, it was re-establishing a new connection for each image.

Updated by anonymous

mrox said:
I reported a little earlier that the Keep-Alive setting wasn't being fully honored and they fixed it. Perhaps that's why the site was slow for you, it was re-establishing a new connection for each image.

That's good to hear, I am getting more responsive downloading from this site now too. I even had to ping it and sometimes the latency is dreadfully high where as every other site I used were just between 10-15ms (Maybe that's another issue though, disregard it I guess!). Right now, its on and off but mostly now its actually picking up where I want it to be and flash games are actually running too. Glad to hear this!

Updated by anonymous

Still wondering what's going on, still not seeing any improvements on the images loading. In fact, it is becoming much more painfully slower.

Updated by anonymous

Darlthris said:
Still wondering what's going on, still not seeing any improvements on the images loading. In fact, it is becoming much more painfully slower.

Are you sure it's not a problem on your end?

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Are you sure it's not a problem on your end?

I absolutely double checked on that, every day to see if it improves, nothing. I could go to every other site and it is instantaneously loaded in. Sure, it could be on my end but right now this site is not acting the way it should be for me, and a good example is: It takes about around 10 seconds just to get a 500x500 images to fully load, that shouldn't be happening. And it is just the files not loading in fast as intended. The pages, backgrounds and all of that are doing fine though which is why it is confusing.

Updated by anonymous

Darlthris said:
I absolutely double checked on that, every day to see if it improves, nothing. I could go to every other site and it is instantaneously loaded in. Sure, it could be on my end but right now this site is not acting the way it should be for me, and a good example is: It takes about around 10 seconds just to get a 500x500 images to fully load, that shouldn't be happening. And it is just the files not loading in fast as intended. The pages, backgrounds and all of that are doing fine though which is why it is confusing.

Sounds like your router is having trouble connecting to e621.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Sounds like your router is having trouble connecting to e621.

Then why is it now it is starting to having issues? I haven't changed anything within the settings before and after (Other than the MTU settings which did make some difference but no optimal results). If I have to mention this, had a similar issue where they think it was my end but after they had supposedly changed a faulty hard drive from what their admins told me what happened, things were able to load in very slick and quick again. So it is hard to believe what is really wrong.

Updated by anonymous

Darlthris said:
Then why is it now it is starting to having issues? I haven't changed anything within the settings before and after (Other than the MTU settings which did make some difference but no optimal results). If I have to mention this, had a similar issue where they think it was my end but after they had supposedly changed a faulty hard drive from what their admins told me what happened, things were able to load in very slick and quick again. So it is hard to believe what is really wrong.

Sometimes, a certain IP source has difficulty connecting to other IPs. Even if it's able to connect to the Internet at large just fine, specific sites can still cause it issues.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Sometimes, a certain IP source has difficulty connecting to other IPs. Even if it's able to connect to the Internet at large just fine, specific sites can still cause it issues.

So in otherwords, its more of whatever is between me and connecting to is the issue? that would be more believable ever since that huge internet crash not long ago but that still just leaves a issue of what it can be done to fix it.. Other than wait and hope it improves.

Updated by anonymous

Did some researching, found out that both F-List and are using Cloudflare to the same server in. Both which connects me to which I assume then go out to the sites themselves next. Maybe I don't know better on what routes to what but my urgency to know what's going on is still there. Sorry if this is becoming inconvenience. Just want things to work as they should be again.

Updated by anonymous

Try using a different DNS server, OpenDNS is pretty good and has optimized databases depending on where you are.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Try using a different DNS server, OpenDNS is pretty good and has optimized databases depending on where you are.

Did this and sadly not a single thing worked. Even followed instructions for their "Setup" on a new DNS. I did use Google's DNS before changing and there was absolutely no difference asides how quick the site opened up. It is that the images are acting like they are on a completely different server from there.

Updated by anonymous

for me its not load any picture t all. this starting 2 weeks ago...

Updated by anonymous

G33Xtah said:
for me its not load any picture t all. this starting 2 weeks ago...

I may have another idea what may be going on. Not asking you where you live but do you reside in California by any chance? Or anywhere on the west coast? If you're in United States, that is.

Updated by anonymous

G33Xtah said:
for me its not load any picture t all. this starting 2 weeks ago...

I may have another idea what may be going on. Not asking you where you live but do you reside in California by any chance? Or anywhere on the west coast? If you're in United States, that is.

Updated by anonymous

Starting to notice some improvement but this can easily change in time. Right now it is about close to functioning and loading up as fast as it needs to be on my end. So that's good to see right now!

And of course by then it is back to where it is again, sluggish and slow.

Updated by anonymous

Out of curiosity, what does Google Analytics do exactly? I am doing more fiddling around to see what to improve the images to load in and one of my extensions had a option to block it, so I excluded it. After about 3 minutes, things were running smoothly on this site.

Not sure if that is just a coincidence but I'm at least curious in terms of if that lacking this tracking information might have led to a faulty and slower loading time?

Update: Nope, forget what I said. Clearly not involved.

Updated by anonymous

Did a little more work, came to a interesting theory. Cloudflare may be putting me on a faulty route. I'm connecting to which is where my pings go. Which at this point means I have no control then, no matter how much I change my DNS or ask my ISP (Yes, I asked them too and told me they go to this too). I absolutely have no idea where exactly is in that sense because of it. Why I'm telling you this? I also ping and it goes to this very IP address too and yet that site runs a hell of a lot smoother then. Which means wherever Cloudflare is going to get as far as information, its doing it terribly now.

Now correct me if I'm wrong and pretty much making a fool of myself but right now that's what I am seeing. It also makes sense because sometimes is bearable and another when they are downright awful and isn't worth waiting for a single image to load up.

To very much well ensure you nothing is wrong on my end. I did do every painstakingly thing to avoid that it didn't bring me to this conclusion. I went as far as doing a clean resinstall of Windows 7. I used my older modem androuter which ran terrific for how old it is (Thank linksys for the mighty wrt58g) but that didn't change how it connected to So, it is left to the last possible reason that Cloudflare is not using a good route. It certainly isn't my end and certainly isn't the fault on the other end. Now, how will this help me? Anyone know how to make doubly sure and tell Cloudflare of this and see if I am wrong? Or possible something else I'm missing? Maybe it isn't Cloudflare but what other information I have doesn't point to it?

Also sorry as this is becoming a hassle, posting over and over while no one has any information does prove to be annoying, I'm terribly sorry but I like to keep supporting this site whenever possible.

Updated by anonymous

Darlthris said:
Did a little more work, came to a interesting theory. Cloudflare may be putting me on a faulty route. I'm connecting to which is where my pings go. Which at this point means I have no control then, no matter how much I change my DNS or ask my ISP (Yes, I asked them too and told me they go to this too). I absolutely have no idea where exactly is in that sense because of it. Why I'm telling you this? I also ping and it goes to this very IP address too and yet that site runs a hell of a lot smoother then. Which means wherever Cloudflare is going to get as far as information, its doing it terribly now.

Now correct me if I'm wrong and pretty much making a fool of myself but right now that's what I am seeing. It also makes sense because sometimes is bearable and another when they are downright awful and isn't worth waiting for a single image to load up.

To very much well ensure you nothing is wrong on my end. I did do every painstakingly thing to avoid that it didn't bring me to this conclusion. I went as far as doing a clean resinstall of Windows 7. I used my older modem androuter which ran terrific for how old it is (Thank linksys for the mighty wrt58g) but that didn't change how it connected to So, it is left to the last possible reason that Cloudflare is not using a good route. It certainly isn't my end and certainly isn't the fault on the other end. Now, how will this help me? Anyone know how to make doubly sure and tell Cloudflare of this and see if I am wrong? Or possible something else I'm missing? Maybe it isn't Cloudflare but what other information I have doesn't point to it?

Also sorry as this is becoming a hassle, posting over and over while no one has any information does prove to be annoying, I'm terribly sorry but I like to keep supporting this site whenever possible.

I'm kind of having the same issue, with things being slow and whatnot, but nothing that breaks the site beyond usage. If you're willing to go the extra mile, try connecting via VPN. Opera has a free VPN service built into their browser.

If you have the same issue, then try contacting KiraNoot with your findings.

Updated by anonymous

I do want as much information as possible with others with similar issues. And what I am looking for is anyone residing in the west coast of USA, or at least somehow connecting to Cloudflare's San Fransisco servers that reaches this site. I want to make sure I know what's going on before sending all theoretical information since it can be helpful.

Updated by anonymous

Well, figured out my problem. More of on my end but something that was so obscure and out of the way that I never came to that conclusion until now. Hopefully this is a lesson that some people and admins in management can take note of as they weren't aware of this too.

This works especially well if you're with Cox Internet as you can reset your modem from their website. No sign up, calls, just go on there and hopefully navigate there. Just making this last post so everyone knows to do this in case their internet is suddenly acting up.

Updated by anonymous

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