Topic: Would you say loincloths are underwear? And would you say fundoshi's are loinclothes?

Posted under General

A quick question I've been meaning to ask for a while now. I mean it does have 'loin' in the name, It's the most basic someone could get at covering up but it's only thing peeps wear most of the time so I'm torn. =T

Also from time to time I hear peeps call fundoshi's loincloths so where do you stand on this?

Updated by O16

A fundoshi can resemble a loincloth if not tied properly. I wouldn't call all fundoshi loincloths.

A loincloth is not meant to be worn under anything so it's not really underwear.

In general, underwear is meant to serve a purpose besides coverage, usually support, and meant to be worn under other garments. There's little point in wearing them for coverage alone if you're wearing another garment that completely covers it.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
A fundoshi can resemble a loincloth if not tied properly. I wouldn't call all fundoshi loincloths.

A loincloth is not meant to be worn under anything so it's not really underwear.

In general, underwear is meant to serve a purpose besides coverage, usually support, and meant to be worn under other garments. There's little point in wearing them for coverage alone if you're wearing another garment that completely covers it.

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, I fell asleep ~‿~;)

Hmm, So fundoshi's are a gray area.
If done improperly they could be called loincloths right?
post #946061 post #975907 post #887854

And for loincloths-
I see your point dood, Your not really meant to wear anything over the loincloth. Doing so would really defect the point of one ya know?

Though I'm not entirely convened just yet; Sorry dood.
It's just that now that I think about it more aren't fundoshi's a hybrid version of a loincloth that can be worn under something
post #1041228
(Isn't a rhetorical question, I'm actually asking lolz ╹‿╹)

Plus couldn't you say the same about speedos since they meant to be worn by themselves too?
post #1131222

A lot of imagery I know but, I just wanted to express my points better then what I personally could possibly put into words ╹‿╹)
Also didn't mean to play devil's advocate again.
Just wanted to clear things up beyond a shadow of a doubt so I don't come off of this wondering if the small things I didn't mention actually mattered ◠‿◠)

Updated by anonymous

Notska said:

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, I fell asleep ~‿~;)

Hmm, So fundoshi's are a gray area.
If done improperly they could be called loincloths right?
post #946061 post #975907 post #887854

And for loincloths-
I see your point dood, Your not really meant to wear anything over the loincloth. Doing so would really defect the point of one ya know?

Though I'm not entirely convened just yet; Sorry dood.
It's just that now that I think about it more aren't fundoshi's a hybrid version of a loincloth that can be worn under something
post #1041228
(Isn't a rhetorical question, I'm actually asking lolz ╹‿╹)

Plus couldn't you say the same about speedos since they meant to be worn by themselves too?
post #1131222

A lot of imagery I know but, I just wanted to express my points better then what I personally could possibly put into words ╹‿╹)
Also didn't mean to play devil's advocate again.
Just wanted to clear up any doubts I had about this topic before moving on so I don't end up asking later lolz ◠‿◠)

post #887854
This one is a mistag. It may be a fundoshi, however in the way it is shown seems to be a loincloth, hence it should be tagged "loincloth".

Updated by anonymous