Topic: bandanna vs. neckerchief vs. headkerchief vs. headband

Posted under General

We now have all four of these in use. Ce we try and figure something out since according to wiki, both neckerchief and headkerchief are pretty much bandanna with specification of where its being worn?

We currently define "bandanna" as either around the neck or the head, while neckerchief and headkerchief are specific places. Could we consider just invalidating bandanna away in favor of the latter two? With headband taking up the slack when it's not clear if it's a square, triangle or band of tissue.

Updated by O16

I'd alias bandanna to both of them. As for headband? Isn't that what you wear around your forehead during sports or something?

Updated by anonymous

I believe that would be better to imply "neckerchief" and "headkerchief" to "bandana". Nothing preclude a bandana of be used in another body part or don't be in use, consequently, invalidate it don't seems to be the better course of action.

TheKatYouNeverWanted said:
I'd alias bandanna to both of them.

That would be like alias "ankle" to "bracelet". they may be extremally similar, or even equal, in appearence, but the distinct usage justifies keeping both tags.

I am not sure about how to deal with " headband".

Updated by anonymous

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