Topic: I'm stuck in a mental reboot and I don't know how to get out of it!

Posted under General

Hoping making a thread like this will help me cool down and really collect myself. Like taking a breath of fresh air since focusing on anything right now is impossible. ~ ~)

Summed up: I caught myself in a loop of unproductivity or whatever the word for "Not getting things done" in the present tense is and I have no idea how I'm going to get myself out of this loop. Bouncing from one thing on my to-do list to another without actually making a sizable impact on anything.
It really frustrating to say the least to see the day burning away while still having so much I wanna do, That I Can do but just can't focus on for more then 10 minutes =T

So does anyone have any good tips for staying focus on a single goal
and/or recharging after your tapped out so you don't end up
burning yourself out?

Updated by Sorrowless

This is a tough one. You may have a inspiration issue. There are some interests that I have that are periodical. I burn for the subject but it doesn't last forever. There are things you want to see done but how much do you want to do it?

Updated by anonymous

I usually just put on my headsets and listen to my favorite music while doing lengthy(or otherwise boring) tasks. And keep to it in peace(no outside interference or distractions) until I finish, or reach my daily quota.

Also choose the right music, better an album or something 1-hour long(to decrease chances of you getting distracted). Be it your favorite artist or something inspirational and not something depressing and gloomy.

I recharge when I need to use the bathroom or something, just sit down and drink a cup of tea(or coffee if you'd prefer). Continue on finishing what you're doing or take a break and have a Kit Kat xd.

Updated by anonymous

Sorrowless said:
There are things you want to see done but how much do you want to do it?

Not very now that I think about it; I mean sure they are things on my todo list but for most of them It feels like I'm doing it outta obligation then anything. =P

I wanna get them done so I don't let anybody down =T


TheGreatWolfgang said:
I usually just put on my headsets and listen to my favorite music while doing lengthy(or otherwise boring) tasks. And keep to it in peace(no outside interference or distractions) until I finish, or reach my daily quota.

Also choose the right music, better an album or something 1-hour long(to decrease chances of you getting distracted). Be it your favorite artist or something inspirational and not something depressing and gloomy.

I recharge when I need to use the bathroom or something, just sit down and drink a cup of tea(or coffee if you'd prefer). Continue on finishing what you're doing or take a break and have a Kit Kat xd.

Tried that dood and got more then a bit anxious just setting there working without any outside stimulates then the music. I'm one of those weird types that need some time of nose like a T.V, Creeypasta or even my loud fan in the background to keep me on track. It's hard to explain but I need the droning noise of things like that to keep things from getting to quite. ~ w ~)

Updated by anonymous

Notkastar said:
droning I mean, Sorry about that typo.
And I gonna be completely honest, I have no idea what I'm looking at n_n;

It's a site made by some guys who created music for the purpose of productivity. Each one of those pink selections or "episodes" is a collection of songs, usually totaling an hour long. On the right side after selecting, you either hit play or download the mp3. The about page also lists droning as one of the things they focused on when making them.

The songs themselves were made for the sole purpose of being given away to people who want music that helps them work.

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
It's a site made by some guys who created music for the purpose of productivity. Each one of those pink selections or "episodes" is a collection of songs, usually totaling an hour long. On the right side after selecting, you either hit play or download the mp3. The about page also lists droning as one of the things they focused on when making them.

The songs themselves were made for the sole purpose of being given away to people who want music that helps them work.

Whoa, That's really cool dood! ╹‿╹)
At this point I'm willing to try anything to keep me on track
so thanks for the link ◠‿◠)

Updated by anonymous

@OP I know the feeling, and that can happen to a lot of people. What I suggest is to try to do something, always. Try to not stay in front of your screen scrolling posts or doing nothing, try to always do something, even if it's not very productive, be active. Have nothing to do on the PC? play a videogame until you get tired of it, then immediatly try to do other thing, even eating or whatever, but try to always have your mind up for something.
This will help you even if you have a creative hobby because one usually loses interest in hobbies when you get used to do nothing in your daily life, but if you occupy your mind in something else, even if it's something easy, you will most likely gain motivation to get back to your creative hobby, and if you don't have any yet, I'd recommend you to find one. It can be drawing, music, building stuff or whatever, and don't think you can't do that because you are bad at it, just do it for the sake of mental health and you will eventually get better at it too.

Doing nothing can be contagious and self-destructive and can lead to depression and anxiety. If you have trouble doing what I'm suggesting, then I'd recommend you to find a psycho-therapist, a psychoanalyst if possible, but don't do this if you don't feel like it because the psychoanalist won't do everything for you, it's a mutual work.

Updated by anonymous

That sounds like me. I'm a procrastinator, but a busy procrastinator.

Updated by anonymous

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