Well, I've been playing overwatch since 2005 as the first beta tester. Just two years ago, i was changing my settings to the lowest quality just to play it well on my shit-tier gaming pc. I didn't have a cool setup like the pros who rekt my cunt 24/7 420 days a year, but still loved playing against other beta males. We were simple people then. We didn't know this silly fps would go viral and couldn't be nerfed. Now it's 2007. The servers in my area are pretty much dead as an overused sex doll, and while everyone gawks over overwatch porn without guilt under their parent's own fucking roofs, like third world savages going at a single chicken wing in late august, I, the lone beta tester, am forced to come to the realization that my pride and joy..my bread and butter baskets,have gone rotten. The gane is hitting a steeper decline than the stock market on a Tuesday. Most servers just have those stupid fucking widow mains who camp in these fucking spots tgat just make you want to end it all right on live fucking television. But in the end, you know he has you in his living grasp. Shrek is love. Shrek is life.