Topic: Do we need a reptile_penis tag?

Posted under General

Didn't want to go on and create it if that's not a good name or if there already was a different one for the idea. This would be for posts like #1168835 and #1084063. The biggest problem I see with it is it's pretty ambiguous, as many penises on reptiles take elements from other species like canines and horses.

Would this tag be a welcome addition, or should we stick to the description tags like knotted_horsecock, bumped_penis, knotted_penis, etc?

Updated by Sorrowless

Reptiles have pretty distinct penises so this could be a thing.

Updated by anonymous

I'm not against it but it needs to answer a few questions

1. Can it be identified on a character that is not a reptile?
2. How will the wiki of the tag describe it?

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
I say we stick with hemipenes, honestly.

Most of the scalies on the site don't have hemipenes.

TheHuskyK9 said:
I'm not against it but it needs to answer a few questions

1. Can it be identified on a character that is not a reptile?
2. How will the wiki of the tag describe it?

Those are very good questions and honestly I don't have an answer for either.

Updated by anonymous

MeatyLoaf said:
Most of the scalies on the site don't have hemipenes.

If you're tagging it because the person sporting it is a reptilian character, then it's a bad tag.

Updated by anonymous

I say better stick with the descriptive tags. I wouldn't recommend having a genitalia tag specific to the animal classes(mammal, reptile, amphibian, fish, bird).

Updated by anonymous

Most of us who browse this site knowns a reptilian penis when they see one. However the line gets blurred when the ever so popular canine penis jumps in with knots and shape. I think barbs, bumps and flowers are good indicators of the reptile penis.

Updated by anonymous

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