So I probably ain't alone in this situation.
About a year ago I could live my everyday life like any other; Wake up in the morning and go to bed happy. I am 18 years old and I have been single all my life, neither have I had sex, though I didn't care at all. But a few months ago, something switched in my head. A sudden snap. I would guess it is called the biological clock. So now I have this sinking feeling in my chest like a heartache and I'm smiling less and less every day. I think I'm gonna go insane if something doesn't change. My natural lust is to get a girlfriend, but how come this changed so suddenly? And will it fix the problem? My heart say get a girl, but my mind says get more social and just be around friendly people, since I just sit at my computer all day after work.
I have no idea what I'm gonna do and there isn't much of an option to go to any clubs in the little town where I live just to get around people. Also there ain't a furry in a radius of miles, which I tought was the problem, but I can't really tell.
Man, I haven't been this depressed in years.
Updated by Halite