Topic: "Presenting_Hindquarters" Why?

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Why is this a tag; Why not just call it ass_up?
I'm not complaining about the purpose for the tag, Just the name since it's so impractical. I mean sure if you search up 'Ass_up' you'll get the same results (I think) but why make the presenting tag so needlessly long?
Someone shouldn't have to get a dictionary (or I guess a thesaurus in this case) just to look up peeps with their rears in the air.


Salmon is fish, but fish is not always salmon.

Penile masturbation is masturbation, but masturbation is not always penile.

Ass up is usually presenting hindquarters, but presenting hindquarters doesn't always mean ass being up.

Updated by anonymous

Well, presenting stems from forum #18090, and as the wiki says, the tag is meant to be for overt and sexual cases. ass up, on the other hand, specifically gets tagged when the butt is elevated in comparison to the body, and not just when it's presented. Ass up is less specific sexually.

Updated by anonymous

Mario69 said:
Salmon is fish, but fish is not always salmon.

Penile masturbation is masturbation, but masturbation is not always penile.

Ass up is usually presenting hindquarters, but presenting hindquarters doesn't always mean ass being up.

Thank you Master Yoda.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

There's not much overlap with ass_up: only about fourth of it is tagged as presenting, and it's not undertagged. Overtagged, if anything. Much of presenting -rating:explicit is mistagged.

Presenting is for blatant 'just stick it in already, no questions asked' type of content, not for generic seductive poses. If the character is clothed, it's almost always seductive or teasing instead of presenting.

Updated by anonymous

Holy crap, Forgot this thread was a thing for like 11 days now lolz =)
(Preoccupied with a hand full of other things that aren't even
close to being done yet T T)

But anyway my point wasn't exactly that the tag should be taken off the site as a whole or merge with another.

Mario69 said:
Salmon is fish, but fish is not always salmon.

Penile masturbation is masturbation, but masturbation is not always penile.

Ass up is usually presenting hindquarters, but presenting hindquarters doesn't always mean ass being up.

Dood, You missed my point pretty hard there ~ w ~;)

My point was just that couldn't we have given it a simpler name then "Presenting_Hindquarters"

Like Presenting_Rear or Offering_Behind or something more simple along those lines that's easier to tag. Peeps shouldn't have to break out a thesaurus just to tag a pic of a dood airing out his/her buns =T

Updated by anonymous

Notkastar said:
My point was just that couldn't we have given it a simpler name then "Presenting_Hindquarters"

Like Presenting_Rear or Offering_Behind or something more simple along those lines that's easy to tag. Peeps shouldn't have to break out a thesaurus just to tag a pic of a dood airing out his/her buns =T

presenting_ass and presenting_butt are aliased to presenting_hindquarters. You could always just tag one of those and let the site sort it out.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Butt and ass didn't work, because the tag is also used for species that don't really have a butt. Such as nagas, etc.

Presenting_rear seems like a good alternate name, though.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Butt and ass didn't work, because the tag is also used for species that don't really have a butt. Such as nagas, etc.

I had intended to bring this up but went to sleep instead. So, this^^^

Presenting_rear seems like a good alternate name, though.

That could cause problems when a character is rearing up for a pounce, and I already specified what the wiki said on this tag.

Updated by anonymous

How about:

Their has to be a simpler way of putting "Presenting_Hindquarters"
That's a heck of a lot more practical to tag on the dime.

Updated by anonymous

For one, we prefer to use the gerund (e.g. submitting_behind instead of submit_behind), which is a problem for every one of your suggestions except "submitting". Only one of your suggestions other than "submitting" would save any typing over presenting_ass, which is a perfectly good way to get the tag presenting_hindquarters onto an image...and that one saves a whopping one character, which I don't think is worth changing the tag over.

As for "submitting", that's just begging for mistags. I think most would interpret it as related to submissive instead of presenting_hindquarters.

Updated by anonymous

Snowy said:
For one, we prefer to use the gerund (e.g. submitting_behind instead of submit_behind), which is a problem for every one of your suggestions except "submitting". Only one of your suggestions other than "submitting" would save any typing over presenting_ass, which is a perfectly good way to get the tag presenting_hindquarters onto an image...and that one saves a whopping one character, which I don't think is worth changing the tag over.

As for "submitting", that's just begging for mistags. I think most would interpret it as related to submissive instead of presenting_hindquarters.

I wouldn't say it's in issue as much as just adding -ing to my suggestions.
Offering_Rear,Displaying_Bottom,Displaying_Rear and so on.
but anyway my point still stands, Though presenting_ass is a bit simpler then typing out the whole thing. Aren't their any other ways we could put "Presenting_Hindquarters" that wouldn't seem like where trying to impress other people with our linguistics?
It just seems really out of place when compared to other tags.

Like take Anthro for example. I know that's a term that's been around for ages but It's a perfect example of what I'm trying to go with here. The term could have stayed the same long and frankly impractical "anthropomorphic" but they've shorten it down to the basic "anthro" that still get's the basic gist of the original term across but makes it a heck of a lot more versatile and practical.

I'm sorry but I'm not going to drop this that easily.
I still hold onto the belief that their has to be a better way to put this tag that doesn't require you being related to Shakespeare.

Updated by anonymous

The point is once you add -ing to your suggestions they're at least as long as presenting_ass (and in many cases longer), so no typing is saved (the one exception is offering_rear, which is one character shorter). And frankly, an argument from lacking vocabulary is less than convincing. Neither "presenting" nor "hindquarters" are all that obscure.

Updated by anonymous

Snowy said:
The point is once you add -ing to your suggestions they're at least as long as presenting_ass (and in many cases longer), so no typing is saved (the one exception is offering_rear, which is one character shorter). And frankly, an argument from lacking vocabulary is less than convincing. Neither "presenting" nor "hindquarters" are all that obscure.

That may be Edgeworth, That may be...
Adding the suffix though aiding my point of finding a simpler way of saying what's up there would only get half of the job done since there would be the same about of characters; Thus not really justifying a change. (It would just be re-arranging the letters. That wouldn't really add simplicity as much as throw people off) You also make a valid point that the lack of ones vocabulary weakening my argument. My rebuttal to that is that you need to be more considerate.

I know I have no grounds to judge anothers morality or character and I am in no way singling you out. (I'm sure you are a lovely person in rl) I am more so talking about the site it's self. Look, Not everyone has the same vocab skills as another and I am more then willing to expose my own bias towards this issue by telling you about my dyslexia. But when you really get down to it simpler worded tags 'are' the way to go. Simpler tags mean more people can tag for certain things a lot more quickly and effectively. Meaning more people are willing to tag making things a lot more stream line as a whole on this site.

I know it's easy to brush off this sorta thing with: "They should learn how to blugh" or "we shouldn't have to change because of blugh" and never change anything because some think it's perfect already.
But we should be more considerate twords the peeps not in the same standing as us. What if someone wanted to help out the site but wasn't the strongest speller or unfamiliar with English? Should we just roll our shoulders and say "Nothing we can do." or do something about it that will help open the door for more people to help more then they are already?

I know that's a pretty ambitious ideal for a site like this but It's something to stride towards ya know and you have to start somewhere. Edgeworth I still firmly believe their's a better way of putting this tag that can make it as versatile as Anthro and less of a verbal log then it is. =)

Updated by anonymous

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