Topic: Tag Alias: heart_shaped_nipples -> heart_nipples

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Wandered across three related tags

<3_areola (1 post)
heart_areola (1 post)
heart_areolas (1 post)

Since the wiki for heart_nipples says "When a character's areloa are heart-shaped."
wondering if heart_nipples should be changed/aliased to heart_areola (singular so tag can include when only one areola visible)

Updated by anonymous


EarthFurst2 said:
Wandered across three related tags

<3_areola (1 post)
heart_areola (1 post)
heart_areolas (1 post)

Since the wiki for heart_nipples says "When a character's areloa are heart-shaped."
wondering if heart_nipples should be changed/aliased to heart_areola (singular so tag can include when only one areola visible)

Just encountered this on an old edit of mine. Somebody changed the intuitive <3_areola from it to heart_nipples, which, by tag name, sounds completely incorrect. The character's nipples are circular, after all, only the areola is heart shaped.

And, considering we use <3 in place of the word heart, the tag should be changed to match as well.

Updated by anonymous

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