Topic: Alias chainmail_bikini & more into bikini_armor, or other options?

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Simply put: there are more types of bikini armor than just a chainmail_bikini, yet only chainmail got an implication to unconvincing_armor and bikini... and some misstags were made involving scalemail_bikini and chainmail_bikini.

For simplicity's sake, we could alias chainmail_bikini, scalemail_bikini, platemail_bikini, and possibly leather_bikini despite no tags, into bikini_armor or armored_bikini. And then imply the tag into unconvincing_armor and bikini. Reason: ain't no way to fuck up if those types are both armor and bikini, so it isn't wrong to call them an armor(ed) bikini.

For precision's sake, we could make implications for scalemail_bikini, platemail_bikini, and possibly leather_bikini, to unconvincing_armor and bikini. Reason: it isn't hard to fix mistags, and subtle differences can be what people are looking for., the topic about bikini_armor, the implication for scalemail_bikini to unconvincing_armor

In any regard, armoured_bikini and bikini_armour may need to be aliased into the American spelling.


JAKXXX3 said:
+1 for the sake of simplicity. Just make sure to include non-american spellings like bikini_armour/armoured_bikini.

... wow, how did I forget that? I actually prefer European spellings, and I completely forgot. Editing it in.

Updated by anonymous

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