Topic: Tag Alias: fc -> fan_character

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Should I suggest an alias for some of the newer -sona terms I've crossed into before? Switchsona was one, and I know of others from off-site.

Updated by anonymous

I don't know, "fc" is so short that possibly already is a siglum in use somewhere. If this isn't the case or the siglum/sigla in question does/do not represent risk so +1.

Updated by anonymous

FC is a furry convention in California. Not sure how often this would be an issue though.

Updated by anonymous

I intended to quote you, Mutisija, but you hid your comment...

Short answer: yes. There are specific tags that can become fan character, like digisona, and ones that need to be invalidated, I can't immediately think of an example due to the limited sites I use. We already covered pokesona that I intended to bring up.

Digisona and ponysona (nevermind, we have this one as well), due to DeviantArt, are capital ones.

Updated by anonymous

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