Topic: How old are you?

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

I am as old as I am young. My parents are not younger than me, yet my brother is not older than me. Ergo, I am not young or old.

Updated by anonymous

i'm more than sure that this isnt creepy in the slightest

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Aanyi said:
i'm more than sure that this isnt creepy in the slightest

Age fetish?

Updated by anonymous

The first digit of my age is a 2 ;)

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My soul age is millions of years old. You could not possibly understand.

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I was born sometime between now and around 14 billion years ago.

Updated by anonymous

I'm pretty surprised this thread wasn't locked almost immediately. Also, Chaser, were you really born in 1996? If so, that would actually make us a lot closer in age than I initially thought.

Updated by anonymous

I am 20.

People tend to think I am older since ever, probably because of my height, early established convictions about existence, vocabulary (at least, when I am speaking portuguese), physiognomy and perhaps some other factors.

Apparetly people aren't so interested in informing their age; I suppose this bases on the general stereotypization tied to one's age (younger people being considered to be immature and having lack of knowledge, older people being considered to stuck in the past and having difficulty at understanding current tendencies).
...this or the mere comical factor.

Updated by anonymous

O16 said:
Apparetly people aren't so interested in informing their age; I suppose this bases on the general stereotypization tied to one's age (younger being immature and having lack of knowledge, older having difficulty on understanding current tendencies and being stuck in the past).
...this or the mere comical factor.

Or because they don't like giving out personal information to just anybody.

Updated by anonymous

O16 said:
Apparetly people aren't so interested in informing their age; I suppose this bases on the general stereotypization tied to one's age (younger being immature and having lack of knowledge, older having difficulty on understanding current tendencies and being stuck in the past).
...this or the mere comical factor.

Or it could be how we're told not to share personal information with strangers online. Admittedly, it's not like he's asking for our addresses or mother's maiden name, but still... kinda creepy.

Edit: Thumbs up to BlueDingo for sharing the same thought.

Updated by anonymous

UnusualParadox said:
[...] but still... kinda creepy.

Why exactly? This is as personal as asking if someone likes broccoli, if he/she/it is heterosexual or has red hair.

Updated by anonymous

O16 said:
Why exactly? This is as personal as asking if someone likes broccoli, if he/she/it is heterosexual or has red hair.

Because age and hair color can be used to identify someone. Being straight and liking broccoli cannot.

And whether or not I like broccoli is none of your god damn business!

Updated by anonymous

O16 said:
Why exactly? This is as personal as asking if someone likes broccoli, if he/she/it is heterosexual or has red hair.

I disagree with your first example. Asking if I "like broccoli", as you put it, is less invasive. That the sort of things acquaintances ask. Asking about my sexuality, appearance, real name, or age online is always a questionable proposition. I don't know what that person intends to do with that information, so I don't feel comfortable sharing it.

On the flipside, if I had been talking with another user for a few weeks with the intention of making friends, then I'd be much more willing to share information like that.

Point is, if an individual offers the information willingly that's not exactly creepy, but asking someone about their personal details without prior contact is creepy.

Updated by anonymous

O16 said:
Why exactly? This is as personal as asking if someone likes broccoli, if he/she/it is heterosexual or has red hair.

So...very personal then.

Updated by anonymous

age is one thing, birth date is another. i'm mainly just wondering why someone wants to know when they ask about stuff like this on the internet. it makes me suspicious of that person more than anything.

at least e621 isn't like facebook where it's just a matter of time before your name and other info starts popping up in various internet ads. o_O i guess facebook users don't care about being products to trade.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
age is one thing, birth date is another. i'm mainly just wondering why someone wants to know when they ask about stuff like this on the internet. it makes me suspicious of that person more than anything.

He has a numbers fetish.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
age is one thing, birth date is another. i'm mainly just wondering why someone wants to know when they ask about stuff like this on the internet. it makes me suspicious of that person more than anything.

at least e621 isn't like facebook where it's just a matter of time before your name and other info starts popping up in various internet ads. o_O i guess facebook users don't care about being products to trade.

Hence why I don't use Facebook. I have an account, but I don't post anything there ever. It's even more barren than my old MySpace account.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Because age and hair color can be used to identify someone.


Approximately 1/365 of the global population was born in the same date (19 million people) and approximately 1.5 % of global population is red haired (105 million people).

UnusualParadox said:

[...] appearance, real name, [...]

Somewhat detailed of appearance and real name are in a different level, since those are way more specific information.

Updated by anonymous

O16 said:
Somewhat detailed of appearance and real name are in a different level, since those are way more specific information.

As is the difference between "do you like broccoli?" versus "how old are you?" If you feel comfortable sharing that sort of information publicly with strangers, more power to you. But I'd say most people aren't comfortable sharing those sorts of details. That's the point I'm trying to get across.

Updated by anonymous

O16 said:

Approximately 1/365 of the global population was born in the same date (19 million people) and approximately 1.5 % of global population is red haired (105 million people).

Somewhat detailed of appearance and real name are in a different level, since those are way more specific information.

Hair color can also identify more things. If you have red hair, then we know a good chunk of your family history. Red hair is a recessive trait. With a date, we can look up news clippings for birth celebrations. If we know where you were born, then that narrows ut down a lot.

We're not dealing with the planet. Every fact known cuts the list down.

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
We're not dealing with the planet. Every fact known cuts the list down.

Exactly. Anyone who is determined to discover your identity isn't going to stop at one single detail. They're going to keep digging until they get you.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Exactly. Anyone who is determined to discover your identity isn't going to stop at one single detail. They're going to keep digging until they get you.

Yup. Take it from someone whose main focus in college includes having to learn social engineering. I have moral standards keeping me from abusing that. It only takes one person who doesn't.

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
Hit me up on Wikipedia.

Don't have to. The one-nut wonder who had most of his awards stripped from him for cheating. Had a brief role in the movie "Dodgeball" with Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn. Also got parodied in an Epic Rap Battle of Hitsory with Babe Ruth. And one awesome janitor. That's enough to go on.

Updated by anonymous

Please do not solicit personal information from other users.

Updated by anonymous

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