Topic: RealFurry™

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I can never tell if you're fascinated by these things as an elaborate joke, or if you're genuinely excited for the arrival of our new hybrid overlords.

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Peekaboo said:
I can never tell if you're fascinated by these things as an elaborate joke, or if you're genuinely excited for the arrival of our new hybrid overlords.

The unfathomable and relentless progress of ???kind is no joke.

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
The unfathomable and relentless progress of ???kind is no joke.

nekos pls

Updated by anonymous

I wonder how radically the world will change before I die.

There are STILL people alive since the 19th century.

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
I wonder how radically the world will change before I die.

There are STILL people alive since the 19th century.

I like to think about how they will die and we will all die and people will look back at us in 100+ years and say "Wow what freaks"

Updated by anonymous

I have high hopes for genetic engineering, as I do most sciency stuff (like graphene!).

Biology is very complex, and there is much we do not know. Here's to discovering more in the future. For science!

Updated by anonymous

Kaeetayel said:
I have high hopes for genetic engineering, as I do most sciency stuff (like graphene!).

Biology is very complex, and there is much we do not know. Here's to discovering more in the future. For furrys[/b]!

Updated by anonymous

Nothing exciting will really happen within our lifetimes concerning this.

Seriously, we'd all be long dead before people get to be anthropomorphic animals.

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
Nothing exciting will really happen within our lifetimes concerning this.

Seriously, we'd all be long dead before people get to be anthropomorphic animals.

Unless we acquire something that can extend our lifetimes.

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
only 19 total sigs, lmfao!

"Signatures: 19 of 1,325"
Nah, over a thousand.

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
I wonder how radically the world will change before I die.

There are STILL people alive since the 19th century.

Yeah, im one of them. in fact. almost everyone here is from the 19 century.

Updated by anonymous

sergal239 said:
Yeah, im one of them. in fact. almost everyone here is from the 19 century.

1k9 was actually the 20th century. 0000-0099 was the first century, after all. Anybody from the nineteenth century was born before 1900.

Updated by anonymous

sergal239 said:
Yeah, im one of them. in fact. almost everyone here is from the 19 century.

I think you're a bit confused. Unless you think most everyone is over 100 years old :P

Updated by anonymous

Huskeee said:
I think you're a bit confused. Unless you think most everyone is over 100 years old :P

Are... Are you guys not?

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
Are... Are you guys not?

No, I'm over 100 years young. I'm from the next century, bearing gifts of apathy and lethargy from the future.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
I can never tell if you're fascinated by these things as an elaborate joke, or if you're genuinely excited for the arrival of our new hybrid overlords.


Updated by anonymous

with time, patience, and a lot of R&D work, it shall happen. just need to keep waiting. :)

Actinium-89 said:
This is an ancient post, but I can't help pointing out...

Ah yes, Progress.

wth am i looking at this time?

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
with time, patience, and a lot of R&D work, it shall happen. just need to keep waiting. :)

I mean, just look at all the stuff we've already come up with. A good example brought about by this research is the skin cell gun.

Updated by anonymous

ZigguratVertigo said:
I mean, just look at all the stuff we've already come up with. A good example brought about by this research is the skin cell gun.

o.O the name of that device sounded weirder in my mind than it actually is. also, that thing actually sounds quite useful.

skin gun...still sounds weird.

Updated by anonymous

Actinium-89 said:
It's clearly Jin-Gitaxias, Core Auger. Leader and head scientist of New Phyrexia's Progress Engine and of the "Great Synthesis."

Ding, perfection's done.

ah, magic: the gathering, that explains a lot. never played the game before.

Updated by anonymous

Being in this period of human scientific progress, I'm more eager to see immortality being a thing.

I've seen couple of "sites" providing services such as long-term cryogenic sleep, brain transplant and other bullshit, most of them are probably scam sites.

So far only this has given people(like me) some hope.

Updated by anonymous

Im studingy biology and even with nowdays techonolgy creating furries would take about 50 years if we are optimistic.

Updated by anonymous

TheGreatWolfgang said:
Being in this period of human scientific progress, I'm more eager to see immortality being a thing.

Ill' work on it don't worry :D

Updated by anonymous

TheGreatWolfgang said:
Being in this period of human scientific progress, I'm more eager to see immortality being a thing.

I've seen couple of "sites" providing services such as long-term cryogenic sleep, brain transplant and other bullshit, most of them are probably scam sites.

So far only this has given people(like me) some hope.

i'd probably be good with the ageless aspect of immortality (perhaps increase cellular regeneration rates to the point where aging is almost completely halted) but that'd be all. i mean, even with that you'd still eventually face the eventual problem with immortality: boredom. eventually, when you've seen/experienced/done everything long enough/enough times you'd start getting kinda desperate to find something to liven up eternity. imo that may be worse than outliving everyone else.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
i'd probably be good with the ageless aspect of immortality (perhaps increase natural cellular regeneration rates to the point where aging is almost completely halted) but that'd be all. i mean, even with that you'd still eventually face the eventual problem with immortality: boredom. eventually, when you've seen/experienced/done everything long enough/enough times you'd start getting kinda desperate to find something to liven up eternity. imo that may be worse than outliving everyone else.

solution: wipe your memory, or parts of it

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
i'd probably be good with the ageless aspect of immortality (perhaps increase cellular regeneration rates to the point where aging is almost completely halted) but that'd be all. i mean, even with that you'd still eventually face the eventual problem with immortality: boredom. eventually, when you've seen/experienced/done everything long enough/enough times you'd start getting kinda desperate to find something to liven up eternity. imo that may be worse than outliving everyone else.

Perhaps... but there's always new things in life that one can experience till time itself cease to exist.

Updated by anonymous

TheGreatWolfgang said:
But wouldn't that leave you in an eternal loop in life?

Yes, but each version of the loop would be subtly different.

Updated by anonymous

TheGreatWolfgang said:
Perhaps... but there's always new things in life that one can experience till time itself cease to exist.

hmmm... -_- perhaps i was mistaken somewhat. perhaps theres another aspect i hadn't considered. humans have a finite memory capacity and inevitably forget things over time so perhaps it wouldn't be quite so bad.

time...time...ugh, time is annoying to think about. granted, immortality isn't near as complicated or as confusing as time travel. it's probably a miracle The Doctor can keep his own timeline straight in his mind with so many variables always changing constantly. or maybe, like the current doctor has said once, he keeps an open mind and simply never tries to understand things.

Updated by anonymous

TheGreatWolfgang said:
But wouldn't that leave you in an eternal loop in life?

Nah. As long as it's partial, not removing habits. IMO habits are the largest determinant of 'who you are". We learn things, then forget what the basis of those things was, all the time... and go on still being able to do those things.

Also less of a problem if your approach is more Zen -- "I don't need more stuff; I need the -right- stuff. I'm an unfinished sculpture that will be finished by chipping away the bits that are unhelpful.".

Which is not to say that a large memory wouldn't be awesome and helpful -- it just wouldn't be required to keep progressing IMO. Supposing that we've already been augmented to the peak of what is physically possible WRT our memory and other intellectual abilities, the obvious conclusion to me is to create searchable external storage.
If we didn't already have some form of 'knowledge share' system, then that's one obvious application; kind of like Google except for information taken directly from minds.

Though I'm sure the majority of people would rather a knowledge share system that works like this ... that still runs into information-theoretical limits on how much data can be stored in the space of a human(ish) skull. I suppose you could combine the two, with the information in your head mainly being like a cache.

Anyway, all of that stuff above is kind of like my way of saying: "We probably have no idea at all what it would mean to exist in such a society, or even if the current idea of 'person' would apply to individual beings in such a society."

The narrower areas of hybridization, by comparison is mainly only exciting in an aesthetic sense.

(BTW: what would be 'furriness' in a future containing hybrids? Only modifications that you would have to be insane to get or that are physically impossible?)

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
Also less of a problem if your approach is more Zen -- "I don't need more stuff; I need the -right- stuff. I'm an unfinished sculpture that will be finished by chipping away the bits that are unhelpful.".

Speaking of Zen and chipping away, there are people who maintain bonsai for their entire lives, and the bonsai outlives them by centuries. If you can't think of a way to occupy 10,000 years you aren't thinking hard enough... or slow enough. Like a tree.

Xesnogard said:
Im studingy biology and even with nowdays techonolgy creating furries would take about 50 years if we are optimistic.

CRISPR has emerged and improved fast and newer techniques will be better than CRISPR/Cas9. An artificial womb could simplify the process of growing embryos. Simple furrification could be done within 20 years. The hardest part is simulating the DNA edits in advance so you don't create a freak that also has terminal leukemia, mental illness, or worse.

In 50 years all of the above will be possible on the black market along with crazy stuff like 2 sets of genitals.

Updated by anonymous

Furrykitten34 said:
Heh hahah! HAHAHAHAHA!!! *Cough*. This real furry thing is closer then you think, that's all I'm gonna say

The absolute basics of it are almost entirely achievable. Simply put, you could in theory find some well-studied animal genes for minor traits, insert them into many human embryos using CRISPR, and implant a surviving embryo into a woman using IVF. The technique is not refined yet so you have to waste many embryos to get a successful edit. This is maybe a few years away from being routinely used by rich parents to enhance the intelligence, height, and appearance of their offspring in certain countries unhindered by the restrictions and limitations of Western bioethics.

We are probably decades away from this being a thing the general public is forced to think about. The initial experiments will be done in secret. Gene therapy has not hit the prime time and will result in less comprehensive changes than embryo editing.

Updated by anonymous

Furrykitten34 said:
Heh hahah! HAHAHAHAHA!!! *Cough*. This real furry thing is closer then you think, that's all I'm gonna say

Did you really just necro an entire thread for this?

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
solution: wipe your memory, or parts of it

Is that any different from dying? In my mind, it's no different than repeated bouts of Dementia.

Updated by anonymous

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