Topic: charging to post comments

Posted under General


Your friendly asshole here, well an asshole at least.

But I was wondering Admins, Moderators, Janitors all seem to have problems policing the comments section and it takes away from them doing other more important things. (tagging approving etc) But furries here love to make comments. They come here, they see a nice big booty and they want to comment on it. I know I do (hey..some things are important) but as the site grows larger and more popular (E621 passed 1000000 views) so do all the comments and there needs to be some way to control the number of posts without sending in overworked administrators. Always having to break up fights in the comment section can give Admins a negative view on the fandom as a whole.( this phenomena happens to police when they are constantly forced to deal with only the bad elements of society.)

This makes me wonder when E621 will implement a fee, like a couple cent toll to comment. This revenue actually would help pay for things like paying admins for their work. See furries here are not going to stop commenting, even if it comes out of their piggy bank.
E621 is to furries like candy is to kids and furries are not going to stop telling the world how much they like candy even if it cost them 5 cents.

Updated by Lance Armstrong

This would never work. period.

Also this would only put more fire to flames as only those stupid enough to spend money on commenting would get their voice out.

Updated by anonymous

While I do like the idea of getting paid, I do not like the idea of charging peeps just to post a comment (or paying for anything on this site). We are a free-to-use site and we encourage users to socialize.

Updated by anonymous

Dood, that's a terrible idea.
Sorry for the bluntness but if theres one thing that would turn people off of/against a site or thing thing in general. It's microtransactions! (Konami made this lesson very clear ~ w ~)

Even if it is for the sake of keeping the site alive, It would create a really bad image for the site. Peep will start to think of 621 is runned by a money grubbing jerks if they actually made people pay for commenting. (Youtube doesn't even do that lolz T w T) And would just create some really really REALLY bad PR all together since people would start spreading the word and stop using the site in protests.

Viewership would drop, People will start resenting the site, Just-
No man. I think they should introduce a membership system before ever considering making that a thing n_n;

Updated by anonymous

gerbilcheeks said:
a suggestion on how to make things worse instead of better.

the down vote function isn't going to be removed so the site will not be a hugbox and considering e621 is owned by Bad Dragon who makes money selling sex toys and related products, i highly doubt they'll even consider implementing this idiotic idea.

now would you and others like you please STOP trying to be thought police and making things worse? instead, try to come up with ways of improving things. all this idea would do is drive users away from the site and for good reason.

Notkastar said:
Dood, that's a terrible idea.
Sorry for the bluntness but if theres one thing that would turn people off of/against a site or thing thing in general. It's microtransactions! (Konami made this lesson very clear ~ w ~)

Even if it is for the sake of keeping the site alive, I would create a really bad image for the site. Peep will start to think of 621 is runned by a money grubbing jerks if they actually made people pay for commenting. (Youtube doesn't even do that lolz T w T) And would just create some really really REALLY bad PR all together since people would start spreading the word and stop using the site in protests.

Viewership would drop, People will start resenting the site, Just-
No man. I think they should introduce a membership system before ever considering making that a thing n_n;

considering this site is owned by Bad Dragon, it'd also likely be bad PR for them too.

Updated by anonymous

lol that would quite effectively drive me away from here

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
the down vote function isn't going to be removed so the site will not be a hugbox and considering e621 is owned by Bad Dragon who makes money selling sex toys and related products, i highly doubt they'll even consider implementing this idiotic idea.

now would you and others like you please STOP trying to be thought police and making things worse? instead, try to come up with ways of improving things. all this idea would do is drive users away from the site and for good reason.

Calm down wolverine, No need to tear into the guy so much ◠‿◠;)
(I really shouldn't be talking T w T;)
But anyway, hypocritism aside you got a strong point there.
Bad Dragon's able to make bank on a single peep alone with prices from up to 300 bucks for a single dog dong. Don't think they would need to scrape the hard at the bottom of the barrel; let lone need to even stick more then a single finger into the barrel to make a profit. I don't see keep this site afloat really isn't all that big of a deal for them.

treos said:
considering this site is owned by Bad Dragon, it'd also likely be bad PR for them too.

Yup yup and knowing how mobs like these go, their gonna take more then a hit if they went thought with something like this.

Updated by anonymous

This place gets very few comments compared to YouTube. Everyone is too busy fapping.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I wouldn't mind getting paid for what I do.

Updated by anonymous

Made a thread that was similar to this a while back ago. The difference being: My idea was similar to YouTube's YouTubeRed. What do both threads have in common? Neither won't work (mine won't at least)

Question for Admins: Is there something similar to the ten votes per hour but for making comments?

Updated by anonymous

ElctrcBoogalord said:
Question for Admins: Is there something similar to the ten votes per hour but for making comments?

  • Can post 15 comments per hour

But I'm pretty sure this as well as other limitations on regular accounts are made to prevent botting first and foremost, so that staff has full hour to respond when there's virus links spreading and there will be maximum of 15 instead of 9000.

Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
I wouldn't mind getting paid for what I do.

I don't think any of us are saying admins shouldn't be paid at all. Just that this might not be the way to do it.

Updated by anonymous

Jeez, none of you even questioned if this was a bait thread did you?

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
While I do like the idea of getting paid, I do not like the idea of charging peeps just to post a comment (or paying for anything on this site). We are a free-to-use site and we encourage users to socialize.

I don't mind the idea of monetizing e621, as long as it isn't done stupidly. A cheap ($10-20/yr?) subscription that offers a few priv+ features* and a shiny badge next to the username wouldn't be offensive and might prove popular.

*The harmless ones, like 8-tag search or color dtext. Probably not tag scripts.

Updated by anonymous

Snowy said:
I don't mind the idea of monetizing e621, as long as it isn't done stupidly. A cheap ($10-20/yr?) subscription that offers a few priv+ features* and a shiny badge next to the username wouldn't be offensive and might prove popular.

*The harmless ones, like 8-tag search or color dtext. Probably not tag scripts.

the basis of a free community is that everyone is equal and earns their way through hard work, not through how much spending money they have. i would rather have this booru remain free, rather than be divided by an artificial class system

Updated by anonymous

fewrahuxo said:
the basis of a free community is that everyone is equal and earns their way through hard work, not through how much spending money they have. i would rather have this booru remain free, rather than be divided by an artificial class system


Updated by anonymous

Doomguy666 said:
Jeez, none of you even questioned if this was a bait thread did you?

If so then Touché Mr.gerbilcheeks Dood.
You got us to stand up for what we think is right while also getting us to voice our support for the site we love. Also getting us to say how we as the peeps would love to see it imporved.

You dastardly but cunning puppet master!
*cue music*
You got us to voice our unbiased opinions on the site; Providing excellent feedback on the site for say the main peep behind it! Not only that but in such a way that we would be indirectly defending them too. It was brilliant.

With such a ploy like this, At the risk of one's 'account' (A necessary pond in the skeem) you could get the very users to give you feed back while also boosting your ego at the same time by having those peeps support you all along the way! There are no ways to describe just how much of a master piece this plan would have been. "Would have been" if it wasn't for my good dood @Doomguy666! It was because of his observation that I was able to unravel this whole entire plan at it's very seem! You see, Your 'Master Plan' has one fetal weakness; A weakness you somehow over looked and could destroy the very foundation in which this plan stands:


May I bring to your attention, Why hasn't the op responded yet? This would be to not to break the chain of great feedback from coming! If the Op where to respond it would only start an argument and that is the last thing the puppet master wants. The man behind the plan wants your feedback and support from the site at all times; It would only make since for the OP not to respond, only too keep this gravy train of info coming!

Now, I went on for long enough, It's time that i finally reveal who L! (I mean the puppet dood) really is! For you see the corporate is none other then the founder himself!


Show yourself founder, The jig is up! Your plan of user feedback and self indulgence is in complete shambles and you have no where else to run!

I beat in all your days, You never seen this coming!


Guys you really need to lighten up and stop taking things so seriously.
Plus, I'm just kidding and felt like writing something ~ w ~)

Also I love you like a best friend Notmenotyou-Dood. No meanness intended. If I get banned for playing around like this I completely understand and can't say I went out any better way ◠‿◠)
Same for you doomguy-Dood, No hard feels. Sorry if I came off as a total angle side side ╹‿╹)
Plus on the bright side if I do get banned I become a ninja ◠‿◠)
Not saying I wanna go bye bye lolz, Just that there's always a silver lining ╹‿╹)

Updated by anonymous

Doubt the mods opinion on the fandom matters much, they're here for various reasons, and their views on the fandom and it's inhabitants can't alter their performance on the site, considering they are following a pretty strict book of rules.

Paying for any function, whether necessary, or as unnecessary as commenting, would no doubt drive a lot of users from the site.

People just come here to have a spank, wank and not pay the bank.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
While I do like the idea of getting paid, I do not like the idea of charging peeps just to post a comment (or paying for anything on this site). We are a free-to-use site and we encourage users to socialize.

*Silently fully agrees*

Updated by anonymous

Absolutely not, this would kill the site faster than no man's buy(ready target I know)

If anything, not saying it is a good idea either or will be implemented, a scoring system that if a users comment scores in total(both positive and negative) to below a threshold, no more comments.
This would kill some of the comedy gold users post sometimes and make commenting a scary thing.

But as a person who chats with people with a lot more power than be and can easily punt me, I do not see either of these things in e621's future. We are a art archive, not the Louvre(meaning we not charge money to stare at Mona Lisa behind bullet proof glass).
I'd say good ol' admins and mods slapping the shit out of dumbfucks works best, if they don't change their ways then their outta here.

Updated by anonymous

I get so much flak and anger against me when I speak my mind, but thats ok. its how I roll. I have already come to the conclusion that most of you think Varka's giant dildos will save the day time and again for E621 and those giant dildos are impressive and they have come through consistently, but each month you are putting more and more pressure on those dildos to bear your ever growing weight. Last time I looked Bad dragon wasnt a Fortune 500 company and unless the Don can stop the Asian invasion, they will have to compete with the Chinese who tenaciously copy every and any Idea the west has ever had at a quarter of the price (its hard to compete with slavery)anyway I was just throwing some ideas out there that would keep this site from becoming the next Furaffinity and begging for money at every corner . I dont want to see this site beg for money, its degrading and shows a lack of mature business skills. In my mind there is nothing wrong with asking for money when you are providing a service. The feeling i get from alot of furries is that capitalism is akin hitting blind man on the back of his head with his walking cane and ass-raping him on ground with no KY. But the world doesnt owe me a living so I am content to pay my way through it

Updated by anonymous

gerbilcheeks said:
I get so much flak and anger against me when I speak my mind, but thats ok. its how I roll. I have already come to the conclusion that most of you think Varka's giant dildos will save the day time and again for E621 and those giant dildos are impressive and they have come through consistently, but each month you are putting more and more pressure on those dildos to bear your ever growing weight. Last time I looked Bad dragon wasnt a Fortune 500 company and unless the Don can stop the Asian invasion, they will have to compete with the Chinese who tenaciously copy every and any Idea the west has ever had at a quarter of the price (its hard to compete with slavery)anyway I was just throwing some ideas out there that would keep this site from becoming the next Furaffinity and begging for money at every corner . I dont want to see this site beg for money, its degrading and shows a lack of mature business skills. In my mind there is nothing wrong with asking for money when you are providing a service. The feeling i get from alot of furries is that capitalism is akin hitting blind man on the back of his head with his walking cane and ass-raping him on ground with no KY. But the world doesnt owe me a living so I am content to pay my way through it

perhaps the response would be more temperate if you put in a line break

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

gerbilcheeks said:
I get so much flak and anger against me when I speak my mind, but thats ok. its how I roll. I have already come to the conclusion that most of you think Varka's giant dildos will save the day time and again for E621 and those giant dildos are impressive and they have come through consistently, but each month you are putting more and more pressure on those dildos to bear your ever growing weight. Last time I looked Bad dragon wasnt a Fortune 500 company and unless the Don can stop the Asian invasion, they will have to compete with the Chinese who tenaciously copy every and any Idea the west has ever had at a quarter of the price (its hard to compete with slavery)anyway I was just throwing some ideas out there that would keep this site from becoming the next Furaffinity and begging for money at every corner . I dont want to see this site beg for money, its degrading and shows a lack of mature business skills. In my mind there is nothing wrong with asking for money when you are providing a service. The feeling i get from alot of furries is that capitalism is akin hitting blind man on the back of his head with his walking cane and ass-raping him on ground with no KY. But the world doesnt owe me a living so I am content to pay my way through it

Your phone has some interesting predictive text.

Updated by anonymous

In regards to the initial post, something seems so inherently wrong about the concept of having to pay to speak.

Updated by anonymous

Doomguy666 said:
Jeez, none of you even questioned if this was a bait thread did you?

This is the reason I didn't post here.

Until now that is.


Updated by anonymous

Sorrowless said:
How about commenting reserved for upgraded accounts?

I hardly comment as it is, what would be the point?

Queen_Tyr'ahnee said:
So not allowing ~95% of users to comment?

More like 99.9%

Updated by anonymous

Blind_Guardian said:
More like 99.9%

I was using the total user population and not counting banned users, and that a good portion of the unactivated accounts will never be activated.

Updated by anonymous

Queen_Tyr'ahnee said:
I was using the total user population and not counting banned users, and that a good portion of the unactivated accounts will never be activated.

User listing says there's about 24000 active-member accounts, and about 200 priv+ accounts. Closer to 99%. Just thought it was a little interesting to see what % users make up.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

This is pretty much the worst idea I've seen in the recent months.

Besides everything else that's already been mentioned, less comments also means that fewer artists would post their own art. Because artists generally like reading feedback, and it'd also mean that they'd actually have to pay to reply to questions.

Updated by anonymous

New plan: We'll offer the e621 DLC pack. It includes a coupon for a burger from me, a brand spanking new e621 pen, and a digital poof calendar from Ratte.

This is the best plan, a fantastic plan, it's wonderful, trust me, I know plans. I am the best planner out there.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
New plan: We'll offer the e621 DLC pack. It includes a coupon for a burger from me, a brand spanking new e621 pen, and a digital poof calendar from Ratte.

This is the best plan, a fantastic plan, it's wonderful, trust me, I know plans. I am the best planner out there.

Don't forget including an ad-free website experience™. Also, a gold star next to usernames!

Updated by anonymous

gerbilcheeks said:

Your friendly asshole here, well an asshole at least.

But I was wondering Admins, Moderators, Janitors all seem to have problems policing the comments section and it takes away from them doing other more important things. (tagging approving etc) But furries here love to make comments. They come here, they see a nice big booty and they want to comment on it. I know I do (hey..some things are important) but as the site grows larger and more popular (E621 passed 1000000 views) so do all the comments and there needs to be some way to control the number of posts without sending in overworked administrators. Always having to break up fights in the comment section can give Admins a negative view on the fandom as a whole.( this phenomena happens to police when they are constantly forced to deal with only the bad elements of society.)

This makes me wonder when E621 will implement a fee, like a couple cent toll to comment. This revenue actually would help pay for things like paying admins for their work. See furries here are not going to stop commenting, even if it comes out of their piggy bank.
E621 is to furries like candy is to kids and furries are not going to stop telling the world how much they like candy even if it cost them 5 cents.

I don't think that is a good idea. It would cause some people to say something to the effect of "Forget this. I'm going back to a free site". It would also complicate matters as far as uploading material. That might cause the leaving of some people who wouldn't have minded the small charges.

Updated by anonymous

even if OP is a troll, and being a gentle(person) i don't think they are, their idea has been thoroughly killed, making their original intent irrelevant and also convenient to know it's an unpopular idea

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
New plan: We'll offer the e621 DLC pack. It includes a coupon for a burger from me, a brand spanking new e621 pen, and a digital poof calendar from Ratte.

This is the best plan, a fantastic plan, it's wonderful, trust me, I know plans. I am the best planner out there.

Guys, he's a husky wearing a top hat. I think we should listen to him.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
New plan: We'll offer the e621 DLC pack. It includes a coupon for a burger from me, a brand spanking new e621 pen, and a digital poof calendar from Ratte.

This is the best plan, a fantastic plan, it's wonderful, trust me, I know plans. I am the best planner out there.

Saw the word "spanking" and thought we get to spank someone for getting the DLC :P

Updated by anonymous

I took an e-commerce class in college and basically one of the major problems with the internet is there is no easy way to spend very small amounts of money. Imagine you wanted to post a comment on this site and it was a 1 cent do you do that? You'd probably have to fill out your credit card info, billing info, etc...all just to make one comment for 1 cent? one is going to do that.

And that's not even going into the base fact that people just don't like being nickled and dimed.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
New plan: We'll offer the e621 DLC pack. It includes a coupon for a burger from me, a brand spanking new e621 pen, and a digital poof calendar from Ratte.

This is the best plan, a fantastic plan, it's wonderful, trust me, I know plans. I am the best planner out there.

not gonna lie, I'd pay for a husky burger.

Updated by anonymous

I think people should have to pay a fee of £50 or $90 per month to be furry. If you don't pay you get a visit from the furry police and they take your furriness away big time.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
New plan: We'll offer the e621 DLC pack. It includes a coupon for a burger from me, a brand spanking new e621 pen, and a digital poof calendar from Ratte.

This is the best plan, a fantastic plan, it's wonderful, trust me, I know plans. I am the best planner out there.

post #713940

Dyrone said:
I took an e-commerce class in college and basically one of the major problems with the internet is there is no easy way to spend very small amounts of money. Imagine you wanted to post a comment on this site and it was a 1 cent do you do that? You'd probably have to fill out your credit card info, billing info, etc...all just to make one comment for 1 cent? one is going to do that.

And no seller wants to do it. Credit card fees are usually 10-30 cents plus a small percentage, which turns any such sale into a loss.

Updated by anonymous

Well that's... something unique I've read in awhile.

Updated by anonymous

ElctrcBoogalord said:
Saw the word "spanking" and thought we get to spank someone for getting the DLC :P

That's the Discipline pack. Coming soon to stores near you.

Doomguy666 said:
not gonna lie, I'd pay for a husky burger.

I make the good stuff

JoeX said:
Guys, he's a husky wearing a top hat. I think we should listen to him.

I am the good stuff

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
New plan: We'll offer the e621 DLC pack. It includes a coupon for a burger from me, a brand spanking new e621 pen, and a digital poof calendar from Ratte.

This is the best plan, a fantastic plan, it's wonderful, trust me, I know plans. I am the best planner out there.

Damn, now I want that DLC... and a burger...

And is the Discipline pack available for pre-orders with special exclusive bonus content?

Snowy said:

post #713940

Seeing this made me wanna search for that meme in the tags, and only one post with the shut_up_and_take_my_money tag! Dang!

Edit: After a quick sweep of meme solo, got the tag count pushed up to 6.

Updated by anonymous

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