Topic: Commissions and language barriers.

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I typically "Equalibriize" my statements--Translating them back and forth until I find the point where it stops changing the words, in order to find the phrasing that should make the most sense... Of course, I have no idea what it's actually saying in the other language.

Updated by anonymous

It kinda depends on how well they understand english. If they know "enough" I just make the descriptions/wording basic enough for them to get the message, but if they're bad at it, I usually just send them a reference and let them do whatever they want with it.

Updated by anonymous

Qmannn said:
I've noticed a handful of artists, usually Japanese, that take commissions and either don't have a very strong grasp on English or use a translator application to communicate with their fans on English sites like FurAffinity.

Has anyone ever commissioned something from an artist only fluent in a language you're unable to communicate efficiently in? If so, how did you go about sharing your ideas?

Are there any people that can be paid to translate conversations back and forth?

If you or anyone need help with Spanish, yo si puedo ayudarte o ayudarlos.

Updated by anonymous

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