Topic: PSA: Femboy collection

Posted under Art Talk

Those who have been here for a while, or have a tendency to stalk me for unknown reasons. Know that I have a personal collection of furry femboy pictures.

The reasons I collect these pictures is still unknown, but I'm pretty sure we can all figure it out.

You can look forward to seeing images like this:

post #510148
post #859325
post #1149550
post #1060727

The reason I post today is for an update! Instead of the previous 750 images, the collection now hosts 1,700 images or so. Probably a little bit less.

Note, these are not just random images with the "Femboy" tag. They are specific to my tastes mostly for quality of art. Most pictures are solo, but there are plenty of duo+ pictures in there as well with a few orgy pictures.

There are also real life femboys in here, (though few), a couple of gifs/webm's. And folders hosting a few specific things. Like "Glory Holes" and "Grimdark" (Meaning violent/blood and stuff)

There is also one very small file of "dominant males" though, I'm not really sure why it's there.

So, here is your updated collection. Save the link, view it at any time.

Have fun.

[EDIT: Replacing a deleted image thumb with the update version]

Updated by Jayfiregrowlithe

i'm not sure if it was you or someone else who shared it before but i still have one of these collections on my google drive.

"google drive was unable to initialize search. please refresh and try again."

-_- that is my biggest complaint about google drive. it's nice and all but also unstable and doesn't work right all the time.

"you are offline. some functionality may be unavailable."

seriously? i. am. NOT. offline!

and...yeah, that one i have is the old collection you shared before. guess i don't need to re-add it after all since it's also the same link and everything. that's convenient.

...i'm not touching that grimdark folder as i know what kind of content gets labeled as grimdark. :/

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
i'm not sure if it was you or someone else who shared it before but i still have one of these collections on my google drive.

"google drive was unable to initialize search. please refresh and try again."

-_- that is my biggest complaint about google drive. it's nice and all but also unstable and doesn't work right all the time.

"you are offline. some functionality may be unavailable."

seriously? i. am. NOT. offline!

and...yeah, that one i have is the old collection you shared before. guess i don't need to re-add it after all since it's also the same link and everything. that's convenient.

...i'm not touching that grimdark folder as i know what kind of content gets labeled as grimdark. :/

It's actually pretty bare-bones there isn't a lot of blood/violence related content for femboys. There are 4 pictures and the worse one is this:

post #592361

Updated by anonymous

I'm surprised you haven't made a set of your favorite femboy pics on here yet.

Updated by anonymous

Queen_Tyr'ahnee said:
I'm surprised you haven't made a set of your favorite femboy pics on here yet.

Sets and pools confuse me on this site, I haven't touched them since I uploaded that comic that one time and even then I'm pretty sure Parasprite (an admin who was a janitor at that time) made it for me. I don't even have a lot of my favorite pictures favorited on this account. Most of my favorites are example pics of my favorite styles or themes.

Updated by anonymous

Cynosure said:
Sets and pools confuse me on this site, I haven't touched them since I uploaded that comic that one time and even then I'm pretty sure Parasprite (an admin who was a janitor at that time) made it for me. I don't even have a lot of my favorite pictures favorited on this account. Most of my favorites are example pics of my favorite styles or themes.

Sets are simple, and can even be set to private so that others cannot find them. Just make your set, then click "Add To Set" on the images you want to add.
"Secret Set" versus "Public Pool," if it helps.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Sets are simple, and can even be set to private so that others cannot find them. Just make your set, then click "Add To Set" on the images you want to add.
"Secret Set" versus "Public Pool," if it helps.

Yea but I can view this google drive at school or work using their wifi without them knowing exactly what I'm looking at. But I can't load up e621 on the college wifi.

Updated by anonymous

Cynosure said:
Oh I thought you guys might enjoy this.

This is a picture of me collecting the many pictures in the collection:


Note the tabs open

good gods man! and i thought i left a mess of tabs scattered everywhere (though not all are open all the time so as to reduce memory usage on firefox). you can't see anything beyond a single character on any of those tabs.

nice pics though.

Updated by anonymous

What are those tennis balls doing there.

Updated by anonymous

Cynosure said:
Oh I thought you guys might enjoy this.

This is a picture of me collecting the many pictures in the collection:

Note the tabs open

Oh hey that's one of my uploads, apparently. Totally forgot about it.

Neat. :P


Updated by anonymous

O_O Amazing. Thank you so much. You're helping a lot.

Updated by anonymous

Don't wanna self promote, but I have also been collecting this kinda art
you can check it out -->here
it is frequently updated

Updated by anonymous

Aaaaand saving that shit... for uh.... reasons, for a friend.. yeah let's go with that. >w>;
Seriously though man, as a huge lover of femboys I thank you for ALL of this!

Though the only file I'm really not touching is the grimdark one, I'm no doubt removing it from my computer when I transfer the stuff to my DB, for reasons that are pretty obvious.

But other than that, me likey a lot.

Updated by anonymous

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