Topic: Tag Alias: コいけ -> koike

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing コいけ → koike
Link to alias


Readability/searchability... Just continuing the trend of suggesting these changes. Might be worthwhile to just gather up the ones there are in a thread or something and try and plow through some in bulk. Those of us who can read it could try and pitch in to tackle translating as appropriate.

EDIT: The tag alias コいけ -> koike (forum #232794) has been rejected by @SnowWolf.

Updated by auto moderator

notnobody said:
Aliasing コいけ → koike
Link to alias


Readability/searchability... Just continuing the trend of suggesting these changes. Might be worthwhile to just gather up the ones there are in a thread or something and try and plow through some in bulk. Those of us who can read it could try and pitch in to tackle translating as appropriate.


It's a romanization of the word.

Updated by anonymous

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